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Thread: Is my socionics type LII, ILI, LSI or SEI ?

  1. #1

    Default Is my socionics type LII, ILI, LSI or SEI ?

    Hello. I am an autistic person. I am from Bulgaria.
    Would you, please, type me in socionics, based on the following information? Or, would you, please, tell me specific questions to consider, in order to find my socionics type? Thank you in advance!

    • It is completely for certain, that my socionics type is one of the types LII, ILI, LSI and SEI, based on what I know about myself and about socionics. If my type is SEI, then it might might be that my autism suppresses or influences the manifestations of my creative socionics element.
    • When processing information, I prefer to do it based on a set of logical rules. I might not remember for long just one specific fact without repetition, in most cases. But I might remember a logical pattern of reaching a conclusion, and based on it, I might reach the conclusion. However, in some cases I need someone else to explain to me the pattern, in order for me to know it.
    • I am fascinated by math and by grammar, because they have strict logical rules, and it is very interesting for me to write in a foreign language or to solve math equation, because it gives me intellectual satisfaction.
    • In my childhood, I was more aware of logical information, than of ethical information. As a very young child I was able to solve on my own math riddles and to figure out whether a word is a noun, an adjective or a verb, even without having studied it at school and without having anyone else to explain it to me.
    • When playing a logical game, I like finding my own strategies to win the game or to complete the puzzle.
    • I am individualistic. I believe that rules of ethical behavior should have exceptions for loved ones. It is cute and genuine to treat people differently, based on how much the subject likes them. I have always had a burning desire to tell others the truth about whether I like them, or not.
    • The things that I seek the most in social interaction are obvious displays of love and positive emotions and recognition of my intellectual qualities and their worthiness of respect.
    • I appreciate positive emotional atmosphere. However, sometimes I am afraid that someone else might say something that would offend my feelings.
    • I prioritize information about positive mood over information about the character of the other person.
    • I choose my friends based on rules and ideas about things that if they did, they would make me feel well. Doing things also includes saying things. The rules and the criteria come from what would make me feel well.
    • I do not have practical skills. I have a sense that I can never learn to drive a car.
    • When setting a goal, I consider whether I can obtain it and whether it is worth it. I do not try to obtain the unobtainable, Neither to turn it into obtainable. A tricky part is that sometimes, I might have a Se-Ni approach to create something that will please me in Si ways.
    • I have a sense of what skills I can obtain and what I can't. I have a sense of what outcome I can obtain, as well. I trust that sense of mine. Sometimes, I need from other people information about the future flow of events.
    • My hobbies are writing in a foreign language, playing logical games and enjoying aesthetically pleasant items. In writing, I apply the grammar and vocabulary rules of the language. When I know a foreign word and I know the grammar rule, I form logical conclusions on how a certain sentence should be worded in the foreign language. When playing logical games, I analyze and strategize few moves ahead. In both cases, I am motivated by the increase of the number of pages I have written and by the number of games I have played. When enjoying beautiful items, I like doing it, because during the process I get aesthetical pleasure. By the way, this paragraph explains why I hesitate whether I value Se-Ni or Ne-Si.
    • I am very individualistic. I like staying in my internal world and doing my own things. I prefer staying in my comfort zone over having an impact on the external world.
    • I can not guess intuitively the intentions of other people. From my perspective, they have the feelings and the intentions they say that they have.
    Last edited by AutisticKyuftaf6666; 08-20-2024 at 08:01 PM.

  2. #2


    Do you, guys, have any ideas?

  3. #3

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    you can make a video where your facial mannerisms can be seen clearly

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