Hello Guys,

as we all know Supervision is an assymmetrical relation between types, that is often derided for that reason, since allegedly the supervisor has the upper hand, and is constantly fed up with the supervisee.
Yet my mom who is an EII treats me really well, and I get along quite fine with her, she even is able to cheer me up when I am in bad mood some of the time. In fact because of this I was questioning myself last year, whether or not she might just have been an SEI all along. Yet seeing her behave, seeing her talk, analyzing what she values, everything confirmed what I have known since I got more seriously into typology. She is an EII, therefore my supervisor. And I also know other EIIs whom I cannot interact with this well. So how come?
Well, there a several explanations, not all of which might be related to subtype.
They are as follows:
1) Parenthood is naturally an assymetrical relation
2) I obviously know my Mom longer than anybody else(I mean duh), meaning we could just have gotten very accustomed to each other
3) Some EII are just angels, I mean they are really ethical and soft and willing to suffer for their loved ones, right?
4) I misstyped her or myself. Yet under utmost scrutiny, I still arrive at my type ILE-Ti and her type EII-Fi
5) So what is going with the subtypes?

She is base aka inert subtype and I am creative aka contact. But how could this fact mend the assymetry in the relation?
Simple - The supervisor wants the supervisees demonstrative as dual seeking. But the supervisee craves the supervisors mobilizing and ignoring functions. What subtypes emphasize these? The base subtype of the supervisor, and the creative subtype of the supervisee. So in effect, I supply my mom by going into my Te demonstrative, which is boosted alongside my Ti(of course she doesn't care or want my Ti), and my mom just makes everything Si and cozy for me, and has learned to tap on her Fe ignoring when I am in need of it, because she values it for the Fi-purpose of making special-person me happy(yay!). An example for me giving her Te, is when she has corrected the exams(german class) of her HS-students, and I check her correction, because she is very nervous, and doesn't trust her own judgement. She also sometimes asks me, whether she spelled this or that correctly, and shows me her email, she is about to send.

So yea moral of this wholesome story, if you are base-subtype you are "good" supervisor, and if you are creative-sub, you make for a "good" supervisee.
Of course, me and my mom had alot of conflict in my childhood, and I don't live with her anymore, but I visit her every week, so that's that.