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Thread: help type? am I esi or eii

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    Red face help type? am I esi or eii

    ( be patient pls i aint the best at socionics lol)
    i keep going between esi and eii and it drives me insane.
    i feel like i'm esi-fi or eii-ne at the same time. though esi-fi seems more tame.
    full typology rn is : evfl sp4 mel sang
    ( disclaimer i aint the best on socionics so pls work with me here )
    DCNH wise, ESI-C and EII-C are sooo relatable. and since i'm creative subtype wouldnt that mean my ne and se is increased? maybe thats why im also so confused on my socionic type.
    what my friends say about me: helpful, gives good advice, in my own head, can be impulsive/chaotic sometimes, motivating, distrusting and negative about people yet can be optimistic about scenarios ( also pessimistic too ), likes to joke around and have fun, individualistic, moralistic, protective.
    though im not like this all the time, only with my friends. with strangers i rarely speak.
    why i think im esi:
    i have a strict " my people " vs " not my people " thing.

    • its been said esi are more black and white thinking cause fi- and gamma , and i do believe i can come off as set in my ways and unwilling to change how i think about something unless given good reasoning but maybe thats just a fi base thing in general
    • can come off overly strict / uncompromising in my morals, and often cut off people in my life too easily and can label good and bad on people too quickly . ( can prob be a fi base thing too )
    • i am distrusting which is labeled a common esi trait but i think its a anyone trait .
    • though i have a delta-ish vibe in person ( maybe because of delta influence from family and friends idk ) , gamma is super relatable to me, about the judging people too quickly thing, fixation on loyalty in close relations , all that crap. i also notice the closest friends i've had were also gamma besides esi ( idk any ESIs but closest my friends were SEEs, LIEs, and ILIs ).

    why i think im eii:

    • esi are labeled time and time again as confrontational , and can be combative and super direct but i dont relate to this at all
    • esi are also described as super sensory but i see myself as not sensory as much , i feel more detached in a way. im good at thinking at ideas, the only thing i relate with ne polr is the 'set in my ways' part. i like sticking to what i know , but that doesnt mean im not open to anything, i just dont change much i guess.
    • esi are described as very serious. i feel like the opposite. i mean i still view myself as practical and stuff but i wouldn't say i'm super serious. ( younger me was def very serious )
    • i'm the one always cracking jokes, doing something weird to amuse my friends and see their reactions, wanting to hang with my friends, teasing , doing lame puns etc. usually MY friends are the ones telling ME to be serious .
    • eii are described as super fixated on others emotions in a way and cant say no to people and wanting to help them to the point its self-sacrificing in a way, which i can relate to.

    when it comes to ne creative vs se creative, i do not know.
    se creative : i am not forceful by any means, i can tell people how to do something but to be forceful is not me at all. ( though i know esi-fis can be like this too ? ) i am not a fan of confrontation, im not a confrontational person myself. i mean i can be blunt sometimes but only about how i feel about something like a show or wtv. i am only blunt about people that are morally ' bad ' to me. it says se creative doesnt look for confrontation but isnt scared of being confrontational but that is not me. i dont look for it and i dont like the idea of confrontation , especially physically. the se creative description fits my LSI friends good though. if anything my friends and family are the ones to tell ME to take action. my friends tell me " go do your work " when im getting distracted or they tell me " hang out with us more!!" when i stay home 'for too long'. i hesitate to take action alot of the time cause im second guessing myself and thinking " what if it goes bad " and all the bad scenerios play in my head. im not a " if i want it i will take it quickly " kinda person.
    for ne creative i do enjoy talking about idealized circumstances alot, i make it out so much better in my head that to others i come off positive in this way. this is why i find myself to be a kinda optimistic person yet also a person who can see many negatives , i can see both the good and bad scenerios in something but i can fixate on the bad scenarios and go with those instead since to me its more realistic (?). and yes i have very high standards , for me and the people around me. i have to tell myself to not get my hopes up because i always do have idealized viewings of stuff thats gonna happen even though its not probably gonna happen like that.
    ne polr:
    i wouldnt say highly skeptical , im not sure if i remember a specific scenerio that i can relate to for this.

    i do try to understand multiple view points, i try my best to be neutral and not judgy when it comes to people's opinions. i only seem to do this when trying to figure out why someone would think that way, and even if i do understand how they got to that thinking , its not gonna change my own opinion. I do concentrate on developing my own perspective . and with the idea thing in the last sentence, my friends take my ideas most of the time. other times theyre like " ehh are you sure?"
    but it is easy for me to see the bad scenerios of something which can make me paranoid. which is why i confuse my fixation on different scenerios on NE polr or NE creative . But I can see positive scenarios too which is why I can hesitate on my choice on something or when giving advice to a friend . My mentality is “ anything can happen , good or bad.”
    se polr: i hateeee aggressive or confrontational behavior, freaks me out and im there thinking " what should i do now? ". my LSI-Se friend when in a bad mood would lash out and i did not know how to react in the slightest.
    and yes i HATE intruding on others space . when i go to a friend's house i do my best to be polite especially. i feel like if im at friend's house i can't touch or do anything without their permission cause i do not want to come off as rude, to the point my dumbass could just sit there still sometimes unless theyre like " yk you can do ____ , right?". and i dont think im coercive at all , i dont force anyone to do anything unless its my siblings and their schoolwork. and yes i try my hardest to handle things myself but find myself relying on my friends time to time for things.
    NI MOBILIZING ( esi ): i hate waiting, i want something to just happen already i guess. " get it over with " is my motto. like if theres a big test coming up, i would study for it alot and then quickly get it done, just to not stress about it anymore. i worry alot and often worry something can go bad but also because i just have bad anxiety too lol
    SI MOBILIZING ( eii ) :
    this is true , i dont really know how to relax per say. like the best i'll do is take shower, clean, and then eat yummy food while watching something but thats it. i need someone to help me with this crap. and yes i can deprive or indulge in it . like i can overwork myself to being completely lazy , or eating alot to dieting for a long time. i can be super paranoid seeming because of this. i can overfixate on my health, anything to improve it will indeed catch my attention . anything a little off i can see a threat to my safety or health. like when my dad drives way faster than he usually does, i get paranoid and ask him to drive back to his normal speed.
    SI DEMOSTRATIVE ( esi ): no , i do not relate to this. i dont think i recognize and can evaluate peoples physical condition and well being well, thats not really something i notice . ehh not really relatable

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    Answering this questions from SSS questionnaire might be more relevant and helpful:

    1. Do you know how to put pressure on others? What methods do you use? If so, how does it work?

    2. What are the attack strategies? Can you apply them? When is an attack justified? Do you think it's possible to occupy someone else's territory, and when?

    3. How do you protect yourself and your interests?

    4. Tell us how you behave in confrontational situations, in situations where you have to show strength?

    5. Are you considered a strong person? Do you consider yourself a strong person?

    1. Do you think there is a meaning to life, and what is it? Is this meaning the same for everyone?

    2. When you meet a stranger, what can you immediately tell about them? How can you understand what a person looks like? How long does it take to understand a person's qualities?

    3. What is fantasy? Does everyone have imagination? What's your fantasy?

    4. How do you feel about someone (you) standing out from the crowd and being different in some way? What is the measure of such an allowance, in what ways is it possible, in what ways is it not?

    5. Ideas don't have to be right to be right (Ideas don't have to be right to be right). What is your opinion on this question?

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    Quote Originally Posted by virtualization View Post
    for ne creative i do enjoy talking about idealized circumstances alot, i make it out so much better in my head that to others i come off positive in this way. this is why i find myself to be a kinda optimistic person yet also a person who can see many negatives , i can see both the good and bad scenerios in something but i can fixate on the bad scenarios and go with those instead since to me its more realistic (?). and yes i have very high standards , for me and the people around me. i have to tell myself to not get my hopes up because i always do have idealized viewings of stuff thats gonna happen even though its not probably gonna happen like that.
    What you described is Ni - subjective view on the way things should happen. As an extroverted aspect, Ne is about objective, factual (and btw static) current state of the world. For Ne type, his own ideas about various scenarios are secondary - if circumstances do not allow the scenario to be realized, then he does not think about it. Ne polr is when you go all in with Ni and have strong and unshakable vision of how events should develop, but you often don’t compare your vision with reality - you simply forget to do this (and, honestly, often don't want).

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