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Thread: How the hell would a 1D Se type survive

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    Default How the hell would a 1D Se type survive

    life is dog eat dog. i cannot handle anything more than 2D Se. Even 2D Se types bully me . fuck . sociotype is fixed at birth. nothing can be done about it
    Last edited by stan; 09-02-2023 at 10:16 AM.

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    jimi$dope one's Avatar
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    Are you Se polr?

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    jimi$dope one's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stan View Post
    Are you IEI

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    I just adapt myself to the environment. People tend to help people when they get the feeling that you aren't interested in their resources.
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

  5. #5
    WARNING : DANGER ZONE !!! Biscuit's Avatar
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    While Se is important in dangerous situations , it's NOT the only tool that can help you to survive

    each type can survive using its strong functions , Ne would be good at seeing positive and negative opportunities and possibilities, Te would know how to exploit resources to its advantage, Fe would know how to motivate others to survive , Ni would be aware of the dangers along the way, and so on

    Also , functions work in pairs not individually, in other words, Se would be useless if it's not accompanied by Ni and vice versa, etc.

    Also keep in mind that no matter what functions do you have as strong/weak , your ability to make good decisions play a role when you are exposed to dangerous situations , if you are a fool, you are unlikely to survive without good fate

    Also , if God decided that your destiny is to survive , you will live even if you are a fool

    That's it
    Souls know their way back home

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    There is no weak Se only, there is weak S. Weak S have 1/2 of people. You may see how they live.
    Any of functions weaker than social average makes problems more than social average.
    You may use methods with more relying on stronger functions to improve results. Though, any practical task in its context needs all functions equally and so to live all functions are important equally too.

    If you don't like concrete skills in weak function, - you may improve them by common training. It's only harder than for stronger functions. With improving skills and hence more usage of weaker function - the function itself will become some stronger too.
    It's where duality cooperation may help especially - you may study skills in weak functions from those people. This happens in common interactions too. More intensive exchange happens in friendship relations, ideally in a pair.

    To Se relate perception of objective physical world. Many of sport kinds use linked skills. Art as painting of nature (not from your fantasy) - another example related to Se.

    > sociotype is fixed at birth

    Jung type is what info is easier to process consciously.
    It's not strictly linked with how much easier and how good skills you have. It's a predisposition factor which makes something easier and something harder compared to average abbilities of people and common skills.

    If you don't like something - you may improve it by some efforts. It's how the life happens - we need to do something all the time, to solve problems and tasks to feel better and not to feel worse. During solving tasks you become better.

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    you are still alive so you must be doing something right. Although surviving is not really the best way of living.

    Not all Se types are bad.

    Find a good one and hide behind them. That’s what I do…

    it’s very empowering
    ♓︎ 𝓅𝒾𝓈𝒸𝑒𝓈 ♓︎ 𝓅𝒾𝓈𝒸𝑒𝓈
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    Well in order to survive in a "dog eat dog" world, this dude has found a pretty simple solution...


    Thanks God, seeing the world from that perspective is just an illusion, an alternated image of reality induced by a distorted perception.

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    Life isn't always dog eat dog, that tends to be something Unhealthy Gammas in trailer parks say tbh.

    Well I'm going to turn 40 in December (if I make it to December but I think I will LOL) - and I'm 1D Se, so I must be doing something right.

    I kinda always looked at it like this- do you have 'evasion powers' or 'confrontational powers.' You can survive by either being terrifying and squashing everybody else like they were just bugs, or you can just avoid the thing that wants to kill you. Or you can manipulate it and pretend to be its friend or ally etc. There are many survival mechanisms other than pure brutality, cruelty and sadism etc. Maybe God didn't give you very good confrontational powers, but he gave you other gifts.

    And some things in life are indeed so brutal, they don't care how strong or confident or how much Se you have, they're going to kill you anyway. 4D Se types might be more prone to getting hurt or killed or not surviving because they are overconfident and actually think they can handle something that they can't etc. Like @FDG pointed out in another thread, bless his alpha male heart.

    I feel bad for you and I wish you well. Like Coeruleum Blue would say, I Have Compassion! It's important to think happier thoughts btw and not focus on your own shortcomings. If you don't love RuP- I mean yourself, how the hell are you gonna love anybody else? Can I get a Gay-Men?

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    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    you survive by being bullied and ran through, by being lucky, or by entering the process of lizardification. lizardification involves exploiting others for your own benefit. the people you'd be exploiting to achieve that would likely be vulnerable so it wouldnt be fair. if you can exploit those who deserve to be exploited, who are the exploiter lizards themselevs, then it wouldnt be true lizardification since ur disempowering them. most people survive by employing variety of combinations and expressions of those methods. lizardification is often rationalized and ppl think they are not doing anything wrong. if you want to avoid lizardification as much as possible, you will have to trust the universe and get lucky or maybe its not lucky and ur protected bc u trusted, tho u might die too. or become disabled in vairous ways, and you may live in and throguh a lot of pain and restrictions. a slave used by lizards or a lizard whos a slave used by seten.
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    an example of EIE who has as developed Se skills (makes furniture)

    you may notice she's in good emotional state. while her life is not better than common

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    I have weak Se and I just barely survive. I rely on sheer luck to get through every day and I’ve somehow made it this far, though there is always a sense of uncertainty in everything I do.

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    can going to a martial arts calss help me

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    wish i was an LSI or LIE. the most balanced type . being an ILI has its perks ofcourse . but that poor Se is a nightmare
    Last edited by stan; 09-09-2023 at 02:48 AM.

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    they may use the 4D Ni and try to stay away from those pockets of the world

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    if i train some boxing , or gym , how much help would it give me ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by stan View Post
    can going to a martial arts calss help me
    Yes. I have seen ILI doing martial arts.

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    how much did it help

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    It doesn’t make sense to do something out of fear, and the road that might not even be worth it is too long you will wonder why you even tried.

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    Supposedly women are more neurotic than men (as a Big Five trait), on two of the six facets if I recall. But these scores are much reduced if they exercise more and become stronger (something like that). The implication was that a large part of the reason why women are more neurotic is because they fear men perhaps. I don't think improving strength alone would necessarily have a practical effect, more of a psychological one, but self-defence classes would probably be optimal.

    Just don't tell this plan to the Se types or they make take counter-measures.

    Paper (it was actually for the HEXACO, not the Big Five):

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    Improving strength will help with your self esteem overall, but your body will also function better in the long run. Stop giving a fuck about people who don't pay your bills life is what you make it. Just do what you want and be who you are, true authenticity and fortitude is strength. People who bully others and need approval lack high self esteem anyway and sooner or later karma will show up at their door steps. That's just life. Unpredictable

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    Intuition helps you navigate situations in a way other types can't.
    We as humans work as teams.
    Life isn't all about survival skills.
    Just think a little bit and you'll realize there's more than the eyes can see
    Sometimes you don't have motivation because you lack purpose.
    Sometimes you don't have purpose, because you lack self-knowledge
    Sometimes you don't have self-knowledge because you lack love
    Sometimes you don't have love because you lack self-love
    Sometimes you don't have self-love because you lack guess what? Ask Gulenko!!

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    The answer is that they don't. Nikola Tesla (who was LII) died homeless without a penny to his name. It's very rare and unusual for an LII to find a successful career as a scientist, and if he does it greatly decreases the probability that he's LII as opposed to the pseudoidentical ILI.
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    I say: (My name is Yon Yonson...

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    1D Se means you have strong intuition. May the force be with you lol.

    It's funny how in socionics circles Se is seen as the "need this to do anything" function. Whereas in every other type "community" intuition is some magical power. Reality is somewhere in the middle.

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    Sure theoretically life is dog eat dog, but the actual everyday world you live in is not dog eat dog or you and everyone around you would have already been eaten. Once you realize all of life is not Se you will be fine. Perhaps you would not have survived in prehistoric times, but I doubt you know many people who would.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    Sure theoretically life is dog eat dog, but the actual everyday world you live in is not dog eat dog or you and everyone around you would have already been eaten. Once you realize all of life is not Se you will be fine. Perhaps you would not have survived in prehistoric times, but I doubt you know many people who would.
    I mean the way we have lived in the last decades has been extremly different than most of human civilizations. You would have had a community in the past that takes care of you. Right now everyone is responsible for themselves but in the west we are wealthier than in any other point in human history. I suspect that Se valuing types are more prevalent though, but maybe it balances itself out with them participating in wars and so on
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    Quote Originally Posted by stan View Post
    if i train some boxing , or gym , how much help would it give me ?
    It's gonna be very challenging, and it would be beneficial but if you are doing it out of desperation all that time is better spend leveling up your strengths instead. It's best to do it out of interest, you'll last longer. Doing it out of desperation makes you expect results fast, and any martial art takes many years to get competent at.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alive View Post
    I mean the way we have lived in the last decades has been extremly different than most of human civilizations. You would have had a community in the past that takes care of you. Right now everyone is responsible for themselves but in the west we are wealthier than in any other point in human history. I suspect that Se valuing types are more prevalent though, but maybe it balances itself out with them participating in wars and so on
    You don't have to compete for food for shelter for clothing, we have resources galore as far as everyday needs, if it was dog eat dog you'd have to fight the guy next to you to get a hotdog. Most people work hard to get luxury not everyday needs.

    Hell you could get rent and food for free if you break the law.

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    Quote Originally Posted by stan View Post
    life is dog eat dog. i cannot handle anything more than 2D Se. Even 2D Se types bully me . fuck . sociotype is fixed at birth. nothing can be done about it
    - already having the awareness that life is harsh and hierarchy/widespread violence exists is a more than sound step. a lot of other people are in denial or think they live outside the problem. those who know about exploitation and abuse in all its details can't be tricked so easily. even if they might be overwhelmed or depressed by their observations and personal hurts, they have the gift of seeing the signs early.

    - to act on this accordingly before shit hits the fan (prevention > combat), your ego block can outmaneuver most other types with foresight. your creative function is "the way out" which can beat your opponent before they even thought about harrassing you. you don't have to react and subject yourself to the calamity of idiots if you figured out what would go down way before and adjusted your whereabouts.

    - IxI can follow their instinct to dodge the bullet. they know whom or what to leave behind and never come back. their tormentors are suddenly without any toy to play around with and sulk like the miserable people they truly are.

    - on top of that, consider the expert demonstrative function as a secret weapon, supplementing the creative.
    -> IEI gauges and repels dangerous people with ease clocking "the bad guys" via Fi. they can use their natural people savvy ways to get out of literally anything through charm. this type is not weak: they puppeteer others to their will without even knowing. they can invoke anyone's help, pity, sympathy, solidarity (i mean look at this thread), whatever they wish, using the 'roleplaying' like an actor. IEI can always become someone else when there's conflict. completely bamboozles the opponent.
    -> ILI has a situation figured out with having the intellectual advantage, being one of the most logical types. this type isn't weak either as they have a scathing critique and dire words to take the wind out of anyone's sails. they can craft a concrete plan of action to get themselves out of trouble quickly and efficiently due to as well. they act when the situation is truly ripe unlike the rest of the socion. no other type besides IEI, xII and LIE is more right on the money with their timing. utilize it!

    - there are more people who secretly envy you for your surviving ways and toughness than you know, they just won't tell since they are just as guarded.

    - the fact that you do naturally without even trying is a massive advantage: especially in environments, the irony! SLE, SEE, those people look up to you more than you know, you got the valuable insight, attitude, knowledge, and experience that they want. it goes both ways in duality! in most cases, they will provide for you rather than against you. Se egos have a sense of respect for personalities as they could never achieve and embody what you can without even trying.

    - getting bullied is not your fault or task to fix, a broken society/environment has to step up and correct their bs.

    - when this is unlikely to happen slash unrealistic (nothing new here... you are correct that finding things to do against all this is a sisyphean task), avoidance and finding like-minded spirits goes a long way. easier said than done, but removing yourself from the equation helps. i don't mean complete, unhealthy isolation of course. hence looking for others who went through the same stuff, even if it's just on the internet.

    - clothing plays an important role how you're perceived as per other people's values, roles, status awareness. example: no matter your personal beliefs, get yourself a camo jacket and people will leave you alone. i've never been bothered when i was wearing it. doesn't matter how cheap. camo messes with everyone's minds. it tricks the people who respect or fear the military/global war machine alike. it's a physical signal and it suffices. sunglasses to conceal your expression, same thing. it creates distance to others, no matter how you look/feel like and what weaknesses and supposed shortcomings others see in you. shades: scaring someone without doing something scary you're less readable, that unsettles people who need a clear, impressionable target.

    - foster your stoicism not to feed into other people's tests, taunts, and mean-spirited words/actions. don't react to give them what they want, stay on your path and watch them painfully learn. most of these bullies are getting broken down by our awful way of life on this planet themselves sooner or later. even the top dogs. everybody loses at some point (look at elon taking one L after the other each new week, being the laughingstock of all). lean back or even help them out as a final blow that might even redeem both parties.

    - scumbags have inner crumbling esteem and troubled backgrounds, trying to transfer their insecurity to you to elevate themselves maliciously, wanting to appear invincible. the foolish strength cult doesn't have to faze you with their predictable antics. you can simply deny and reject their crap on the inside where it counts and go about your business, not throwing them another bone. i'm not talking making yourself popular or erasing yourself from any interactions to the detriment of your life, it's just better to be magnanimous and the wiser one. leading by example.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    - already having the awareness that life is harsh and hierarchy/widespread violence exists is a more than sound step. a lot of other people are in denial or think they live outside the problem. those who know about exploitation and abuse in all its details can't be tricked so easily. even if they might be overwhelmed or depressed by their observations and personal hurts, they have the gift of seeing the signs early.

    - to act on this accordingly before shit hits the fan (prevention > combat), your ego block can outmaneuver most other types with foresight. your creative function is "the way out" which can beat your opponent before they even thought about harrassing you. you don't have to react and subject yourself to the calamity of idiots if you figured out what would go down way before and adjusted your whereabouts.

    - IxI can follow their instinct to dodge the bullet. they know whom or what to leave behind and never come back. their tormentors are suddenly without any toy to play around with and sulk like the miserable people they truly are.

    - on top of that, consider the expert demonstrative function as a secret weapon, supplementing the creative.
    -> IEI gauges and repels dangerous people with ease clocking "the bad guys" via Fi. they can use their natural people savvy ways to get out of literally anything through charm. this type is not weak: they puppeteer others to their will without even knowing. they can invoke anyone's help, pity, sympathy, solidarity (i mean look at this thread), whatever they wish, using the 'roleplaying' like an actor. IEI can always become someone else when there's conflict. completely bamboozles the opponent.
    -> ILI has a situation figured out with having the intellectual advantage, being one of the most logical types. this type isn't weak either as they have a scathing critique and dire words to take the wind out of anyone's sails. they can craft a concrete plan of action to get themselves out of trouble quickly and efficiently due to as well. they act when the situation is truly ripe unlike the rest of the socion. no other type besides IEI, xII and LIE is more right on the money with their timing. utilize it!

    - there are more people who secretly envy you for your surviving ways and toughness than you know, they just won't tell since they are just as guarded.

    - the fact that you do naturally without even trying is a massive advantage: especially in environments, the irony! SLE, SEE, those people look up to you more than you know, you got the valuable insight, attitude, knowledge, and experience that they want. it goes both ways in duality! in most cases, they will provide for you rather than against you. Se egos have a sense of respect for personalities as they could never achieve and embody what you can without even trying.

    - getting bullied is not your fault or task to fix, a broken society/environment has to step up and correct their bs.

    - when this is unlikely to happen slash unrealistic (nothing new here... you are correct that finding things to do against all this is a sisyphean task), avoidance and finding like-minded spirits goes a long way. easier said than done, but removing yourself from the equation helps. i don't mean complete, unhealthy isolation of course. hence looking for others who went through the same stuff, even if it's just on the internet.

    - clothing plays an important role how you're perceived as per other people's values, roles, status awareness. example: no matter your personal beliefs, get yourself a camo jacket and people will leave you alone. i've never been bothered when i was wearing it. doesn't matter how cheap. camo messes with everyone's minds. it tricks the people who respect or fear the military/global war machine alike. it's a physical signal and it suffices. sunglasses to conceal your expression, same thing. it creates distance to others, no matter how you look/feel like and what weaknesses and supposed shortcomings others see in you. shades: scaring someone without doing something scary you're less readable, that unsettles people who need a clear, impressionable target.

    - foster your stoicism not to feed into other people's tests, taunts, and mean-spirited words/actions. don't react to give them what they want, stay on your path and watch them painfully learn. most of these bullies are getting broken down by our awful way of life on this planet themselves sooner or later. even the top dogs. everybody loses at some point (look at elon taking one L after the other each new week, being the laughingstock of all). lean back or even help them out as a final blow that might even redeem both parties.

    - scumbags have inner crumbling esteem and troubled backgrounds, trying to transfer their insecurity to you to elevate themselves maliciously, wanting to appear invincible. the foolish strength cult doesn't have to faze you with their predictable antics. you can simply deny and reject their crap on the inside where it counts and go about your business, not throwing them another bone. i'm not talking making yourself popular or erasing yourself from any interactions to the detriment of your life, it's just better to be magnanimous and the wiser one. leading by example.
    What if you got punched in the face

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    mind over matter i tell ya

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    May look like an LxI, but -Te Metaphor's Avatar
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    Simple answer: They wouldn't.
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    ahh shit. i can relate . i was once in a similar situation. i had to work really hard to befriend an SLI and an ESI . or else i was done .

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    Sometimes I thought I was gonna die like while driving because I couldn't see the next light at one point or which directions. I've always thought that maybe either se or fe are the worst polrs to have tbh. EII is probably the type most unfit for the real world though, because I can't do well in anything face-paced or that would involve a lot of constant interaction. I've also gotten to a point where I don't want to leave the house which is bad ,and well I could never provide for myself anyway. I actually did think I was gonna die several times and I wonder if I will live like over 25 at least. Well I at least have my brother maybe he may live long.
    I guess some stereotypes of se polr being weak and unprepared is generally accurate, it can be akin to weak te too but se polr may have more issues with being afraid or stressed out easily

    but fmo women tend to have strong se

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