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Thread: Psychosophy: Type descriptions

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    Post Psychosophy: Type descriptions

    Below is edited machine translation of type descriptions from psychosophy. The descriptions are taken from the site, where excerpts from the book of the founder of this typology were published.

    Perhaps it is worth starting with a short explanation of what psychosophy is. While socionics groups people according to their way of thinking, psychosophy classifies them according to their actions and behavior. We all have a limited amount of time and energy, so we cannot be perfect in everything. The idea behind psychosophy is quite simple: everything you can do in your life is divided into four categories: Emotion, Physics, Logic and Will.

    Now rank these categories from the one you are strongest in and the one that matters most to you, to the one with the least priority. Voila, you got your type (if you adequately evaluate yourself, of course).

    Your first function is something that you are absolutely sure of and that you do not see the point in discussing with others. For example, if you have the first Physics, then you will not discuss what color to paint the walls in the living room, you just paint them pink and no one can stop you.

    The second function is something that you are willing to share with others, it is very flexible and you enjoy using it, so you not only can, but also often want to use it for a long time. Such overuse is called a process. If you have a second Physics, then you are ready to discuss for hours whether to paint the walls pink or beige.

    The third function is your biggest problem. You extremely want to be as cool as those who have it in the first position, but do not know how, so you hate them for their hardheadedness, and really appreciate those who have this function in the second position, since they are the only ones who are willing to discuss in which color you had better paint the walls. Moreover, they do not impose their opinion on you, and the final decision will be yours. Therefore, third function is called dominating as well as the first one. Your endless suffering associated with the third function is called a super process.

    The fourth function is what you do not care about and what you are ready to just consume. Pink walls? Do we have walls? Uh, great, honey.

    It is easy to see that you will have the most comfortable interaction with a person whose functions are arranged in reverse order. This is called full agape or just agape if you help each other only in the second and third functions. The tensest relationships you will have with a person whose strongest function is your third problematic function and vice versa. Such relationships are called eros.

    Even though this typology is quite simple, there is much more that could be written about functions and their characteristics, but let us move on to type descriptions...

    Last edited by Kurt Gabin; 08-18-2024 at 01:51 PM.

  2. #2

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    First Quadra

    ELWP, Andersen

    A person with this mental type is passionate, gifted, capable and often talented.
    This person loves to create, and creativity in life is present in him literally in all activities. He is emotional, romantic, unbalanced, with a sense of the tragedy of being. The mood often changes dramatically. He knows no moderation in anything. Love, hatred, intellectual delight, disgust, anger, disbelief in one's own strength, guilt, fun - any passion absorbs completely, and at such a moment nothing can serve as a restraining force.
    Many carriers of the Andersen type are distinguished by an excessive emotional and somewhat hysterical reaction to events. Such people are very vulnerable. A running theme of their reflections is the regret that the world is getting worse. They are prone to depression and even suicide (parents, be careful about this information). All their lives they are too attentive observers and harsh judges for themselves.
    Such a person has excellent logical and at the same time literary abilities, an excellent memory for details. He is talkative and witty, ready and attentive to listen to the interlocutor. His opinion rarely depends on the opinions of others, and often he does not trust other people. He has a philosophical mindset. There are many carriers of this type in the underground (amateur creative and intellectual communities - such as, for example, science fiction clubs), where there is room for the development of their concepts - very non-standard, but those that cannot always be recognized by society as serious, scientific. Such theoretical constructions constitute one of the main pleasures of their lives.
    A person of the Andersen type is internally deeply unsure of himself. He carefully hides this basic contradiction from others. He hardly admits to himself in a certain duality of attitude, hostility towards people who, as it seems to him, do not understand him - an extraordinary and talented person. He is prone to lies. A person who is a carrier of the ELWP psychotype is more likely than others to develop an idea - a prediction about the "end of the world." He often sleeps badly at night, dreaming of career advancement, recognition and fame, but all his actions are often half-hearted, and he does not achieve his goals. This is from inner uncertainty.
    He often deceives himself and others - this is a proven tool for self-defense. He creates discomfort in communication with other people, without noticing it, and sometimes openly conflicts. He is a difficult person, it can be difficult for him, therefore he often gets annoyed, angry, offended by the whole world, including himself! In his heart, he remains a vulnerable teenager who needs a kind and wise parent. Making decisions, forcing yourself to be active is difficult for him. For example, there are cases when students of the Andersen psychotype, knowing the material well, did not dare to go to take the exam because they were not confident in their abilities to get together at the right time. This explains their pessimism, realized in the conclusion that the world is getting worse.
    Material values, money, carnal pleasures for an Andersen-type carrier are of little importance - usually due to preoccupation with philosophical reflection and creativity. Sometimes the material world is perceived not just as a burden, but as something that must either change (therefore, it cannot be of global value), or as something that can be sacrificed without much regret.
    In everyday life, "Andersen" is often not selective, content with little. The room has a chronic mess. Easily adopts a way of life, style, preferences and tastes from his life partner.
    Sexual relationships depend on hormonal surges (therefore, they are not systemic) and adapt to the sexual programs of partners.
    He tends to vegetarianism, special diets, separate meals, and oriental health practices. Many "Andersens" are fond of the culture of the East, travel to places of Power, strive to visit India, Tibet, etc.
    They are healthy, fearless and risk-averse. Outwardly, they are very attractive with the subtlety (icon-painting) of features, the harmony of the figure (if there are no hormonal disruptions in the body).
    ELWP type carriers usually believe in destiny and their special destiny in this world.
    By profession, they are often theater actors, artists, designers, writers, poets, musicians, travelers who dream of power, fame and recognition.

    EWLP, Ghazali

    A Ghazali-type person is an enthusiastic, emotional, romantic pessimist and democrat who easily goes through the life. He is a man of his word and honor, a good friend.
    His mood changes dramatically. He is amorous and responsible in relation to the object of love. He is a self-confident person, peaceful, benevolent, avoiding conflicts, doubting common truths. He has a social role of support and rescuer.
    Internal setting: freedom is a great value, beauty and love save the world, human life is priceless, people should love and respect each other, but in real life in the world everything is not easy; I need to sort things out over time; I will prove that I am not more stupid than others; truth and God exists. Freedom of choice and Faith are the main condition for the development of personality.
    Features of the manifestation of an internal attitude in behavior: bright pessimism, focus on one's own misunderstanding, silence and caution in conclusions, a permanent dispute without a result; tendency to ask clarifying questions; verbosity, pauses in conversation, use of parasitic words, interjections; complexity, originality of the thinking process.
    Many Ghazali speakers are distinguished by an emotional and sometimes somewhat hysterical reaction to the world; they are very vulnerable, a frequent internal theme of their thoughts is regret that the world is unfair. They are prone to short-term depression. They love art and need emotional nourishment through it. The creative process is visible in all types of their activities.
    The speech of a Ghazali-type speaker is verbose, and it is not easy for him to speak in public. Sometimes he is jokingly called a chatterbox (if he has the courage to speak in public). It is important for him to have people around him whose advice he can rely on.
    The material world has a secondary significance for him - usually due to its emotionality and passion for religious, less often philosophical reflections. Sometimes, and due to the fact that for him the material world is perceived not just as a burden, but as something that must change (and because of this, it cannot represent global value). It is probably the Ghazali type that is most likely to develop doomsday predictions.
    In everyday life, a person like “Ghazali” is not selective, he is content with little. Inclined to vegetarianism, raw food diet, separate nutrition, oriental health practices. He is attracted by the culture of the East, travels to places of Power, he has a dream to visit India, Tibet, etc. He is healthy, fearless and risk-averse.
    Outwardly, it is very attractive with the subtlety (iconic) features, the slenderness of the figure (if there are no hormonal disruptions in the body).
    Sexual relations depend on hormonal surges, therefore they are not systemic.
    By vocation, “ghazali” is a philosopher, musician, artist, poet, teacher, inventor, researcher, traveler, etc.

    PLWE, Aristippus

    The carrier of this mental type is a rare erudite, an interesting interlocutor and lecturer, unbalanced, gifted, capable and, most likely, a talented person.
    A person of the "Aristippus" type is often called a "holiday person". Pleasures, carnal pleasures, material well-being are more important for him than spiritual values, and the most important thing is social status as an instrument of hoarding.
    The internal setting of carriers of the PLWE type: money rules the world, there is no such thing as a lot of money, happiness lies in the amount of money and material objects owned, career and position are a tool for increasing material values.
    Features of manifestation in behavior and character: a tendency to hoarding and luxury, to excesses in food, the need to satisfy carnal pleasures; propensity to receive bribes; tight-fistedness, laziness, apathy, "thick-skinned", idleness, solidity in places of permanent residence, the desire to own real estate, expensive cars, jewelry, good-quality clothes, shoes, and so on.
    In ordinary communication, an excellent interlocutor, verbose, a little emotional, but bewitching. He is characterized by a sense of humor, satire and sarcasm. He is an emotionally uninhibited person. His emotions are free and adequate to the moment of communication, and he always knows how to say what is needed. He is a good speaker and is interested in a variety of issues and problems.
    A person of the PLWE type is internally deeply unsure of himself. He carefully hides this basic contradiction from others. He himself hardly admits to a certain duality of attitude, hostility towards people. He falls asleep, dreaming of career advancement, recognition, fame and fortune. But more often he does not keep this word, his actions are half-hearted, and he does not achieve his goals. This comes from inner insecurity. In the soul "Aristippus" remains a vulnerable teenager who needs a kind and wise "parent".
    By vocation, carriers of the “Aristippus” type are lawyers, realtors, politicians, directors of shops, warehouses, various funds, centers and other organizations.

    PWLE, Goethe

    The carrier of the mental type "Goethe" - in his youth is outwardly attractive, often handsome, low-emotional person. After 40 years old, he looks older than his years, but traces of his former beauty are not difficult to see. "Goethe" is a democrat by conviction and an optimist by outlook. Freedom as a philosophical value is of decisive importance in his worldview. This word, nobility, honor, personal dignity are very significant for him in relations with other people. Carnal pleasures, a festive feast, material well-being are no less important than spiritual and social values. Often such a person is called the darling of Fortune for the beauty of the body and soul.
    Internal setting: there is no such thing as too much money. Freedom is a great value, beauty and love will save the world, human life is priceless, people should love and respect each other, but in real life everything is not easy in the world; Truth exists and is worth looking for. Freedom of choice is the main condition for the development of personality.
    Features of the manifestation of the internal attitude in character and behavior: a tendency to hoarding, collecting and luxury, over the years - to excesses in food; tight-fistedness, laziness, apathy, "thick-skinned", idleness, solidity in places of permanent residence, the desire to own real estate, expensive cars, jewelry, good-quality clothes, shoes and accessories, etc.; focus on one's own misunderstanding, silence and caution in conclusions, a permanent dispute with no result; fear of public speaking and arguments; tendency to ask clarifying questions; verbosity, pauses in conversation, use of parasitic words, interjections. Passion for mental activity and at the same time a hidden rebellion against it determine the complexity and originality of the thinking process. Such a person is not easy to speak in public. It is important for him to have people around him whose advice he can rely on. In everyday life, it manifests himself as an unemotional person, and often his mood depends on the mood of others.
    By vocation, a Goethe-type person is a teacher, realtor, lawyer, writer, manager, politician, collector, philosopher, etc.

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    Second Quadra

    EPWL, Pushkin

    A person with a mental type of "Pushkin" is cheerful, unbalanced, hardworking, gifted and capable. He loves life in all its forms. Creativity is present in literally everything he does. He is an energetic, emotional, romantic, unbalanced, explosive person with good health. The mood of "Pushkin" often changes dramatically. He knows no moderation in anything. Love, taste preferences, intellectual delight, disgust, anger, faith and disbelief in one's own strength, guilt, fun - any passion absorbs him entirely, and at such a moment nothing can serve as a restraining force in his actions and behavior.
    A person who is a carrier of the "Pushkin" psychotype has good logical, literary abilities, an excellent memory for details. He is cheerful, talkative and witty, ready to listen to the interlocutor. Usually "Pushkin" believes in Fate, in signs and his special destiny in this world. As a consumer of information, he is omnivorous and amateurishly trusting. People of the "Pushkin" type are always socially oriented. Sanguine by temperament in most cases.
    A person of the “Pushkin” psychotype is internally deeply unsure of himself, and he carefully hides this from others. He hardly admits to himself in a certain duality of attitude, hostility towards people who, as it seems to him, do not understand him - an extraordinary and talented person. He is prone to lying. He dreams of career advancement, recognition and fame. However, in reality, his actions are often half-hearted, and he does not achieve the desired goals. This comes from inner insecurity. He often deceives himself and others - this is a proven tool for self-defense. They sometimes create discomfort in communicating with other people, without noticing it, and sometimes openly go into conflict. He is a difficult person, it can be difficult for him, therefore he often gets annoyed, angry, offended by the whole world, including himself! In his heart, he remains a vulnerable teenager who needs a kind and wise parent.
    This is a healthy and physically strong, hardy person, more often a workaholic, caring, despotic leader and parent. There is always order in his house, at the workplace, in the workshop, in the kitchen. Material values, money, food, carnal pleasures are of great importance for the bearer of the "Pushkin" psychotype. He arranges his permanent and even temporary dwelling soundly and joyfully. Treats money and material values ??normally. If they are not enough, he seeks to earn in different ways. In sexual life - a predictable and systematic partner, a passionate, loving spouse.
    People of the “Pushkin” psychotype are long-livers, healthy, fresh, rarely get sick and work a lot physically. Excellent athletes, owners, parents. They feel well the physical condition of friends and relatives, selflessly take care of them.
    By profession, they are more often artists, poets, musicians, actors, cooks, drivers, salesmen, tailors, dreaming of power, fame and recognition.

    EWPL, Pasternak

    A person who is a bearer of the “Pasternak” psychotype is an unbalanced, emotional, romantic optimist and democrat who easily goes through the life. He is a man of his word and honor, a good friend and family man. He needs success in love and sexual relationships.
    His mood changes dramatically. He is amorous and responsible in relation to the object of love; therefore, he often enters into an official marriage and often gets divorced. He does not know moderation in anything: love, delight, disgust, anger, guilt, fun - any passion absorbs him completely, and at such a moment nothing can serve as a restraining force. He is a person more often self-confident, peace-loving, benevolent, avoiding conflicts. He has a social role of support and rescuer.
    The internal attitude of a person, a bearer of the Pasternak psychotype: the Universe is beautiful, freedom is a great value, beauty and love will save the world, human life is priceless, people should love and respect each other. The material world is imperfect and needs endless transformation for comfort and convenience; something is wrong with my health; family and children are the main values.
    In character, these attitudes are manifested as: the desire for permanent self-demonstration with emotional overlap; excessive release of positive and negative emotions; amorousness, a smile (as a powerful tool for interacting with other people), a superficial interest in astrology, mysticism; in general, an emotionally colored worldview through the need for music, painting, poetry, theater, cinema, etc.; cleanliness and disgust at the same time; preference for natural food, clothing made from natural fabrics, a tendency to a variety of diets, health practices, hypersexuality, fear of getting sick or fear of having to go to the doctor; the need to relax in nature, the need for long sleep and rest, exhausting work, the ability to endure overload, special sensitivity to others, super concern for significant people, an ambivalent attitude towards money and material values, life and food, constant arrangement of both temporary and permanent housing.
    Many carriers of this type are distinguished by a very emotional and sometimes somewhat hysterical reaction to the world; they are very vulnerable, a frequent internal theme of reflection is regret that the world is unfair. They are prone to short-term depression. They love art and need emotional nourishment through it. The creative process is present in them in all spheres of life.
    A person of the “parsnip” psychotype subtly feels the physical condition of friends and relatives, selflessly takes care of them. He has problems with his health, he constantly takes care of him and is prone to a healthy lifestyle. He carefully hides his external physiological defects. He feels divided and insecure in his relationship with the world of material things - everything that relates to the body, appearance, fashion, nutrition, carnal pleasures, money and things. He fears more than other physical violence and beatings, but is prone to particular cruelty in a difficult situation. He equips his permanent and even temporary home with joy and special meaning. Works to exhaustion, not knowing the measure.
    Money is very important to him. If they are not enough, he tends to a minimum (if only it is guaranteed) and is content with little, dreaming of still earning a quality life for his family. He has a difficult sex life, because he is lascivious, selective and cowardly, unpredictable in sensations, clean and squeamish at the same time, and at the same time risks changing sexual partners and preferences. He positions himself as a touchy, hypocrite.
    He is a good taciturn interlocutor and is interested in a variety of issues and problems. The speech is energetic, assertive and somewhat theatrical. Trusts other opinions on a variety of issues.
    People who carry the "Pasternak" type are always socially oriented. By vocation, they are directors, teachers, politicians with prophetic intonations, actors, poets, musicians, psychologists, priests, etc.

    LPWE, Plato

    A person of the type “Plato” is a thoughtful, little emotional, hardworking, economic, gifted, easily trained person. In ordinary communication, he is an erudite, laconic interlocutor, dry, unemotional, slightly monologue. He is characterized by a sense of humor, satire and sarcasm at the same time.
    The character of "Plato" is difficult, at first glance, unfriendly. In childhood and adolescence, he had conflicts with relatives and teachers. The desire for knowledge through a logical understanding of the world and conservatism in views are the predominant features. The people around consider a person of the “Plato” type to be hardworking, smart and assiduous, a little boring.
    The internal setting of "Plato" is as follows: the world is systemic and not perfect at the same time; thought can explain a lot, and the world is open to exploration; everything is predetermined and not accidental; in everything there is a deep meaning, mediated by cause-and-effect relationships. I work a lot, and I need to understand this and declare myself, because many do not understand me, and my abilities have not yet been sufficiently appreciated by others! With age, "Plato" tends to a materialistic worldview.
    In the case of the formed high intellectual level of development and the available educational baggage, "Plato" feels comfortable in science, both theoretical and practical. He has an excellent memory, ingenuity, excellent erudition, original knowledge on certain issues, acquired, among other things, in the process of self-education.
    Its complex nature is manifested in duality, a hidden aggressive form of communication, resentment, embellishment of oneself, a critical analysis of the surrounding reality, based on one's own ideas; prone to argument, dogmatism and fanaticism; peremptory and excessive self-confidence in his rightness; promoting their ideas and views, in pursuit of a career and professional growth. He dreams of career advancement, of fame, but all his real actions are often half-hearted, and more often he does not achieve his goals. This is from inner uncertainty. “Plato” looks like a person dissatisfied with what has been achieved. He emphasizes his originality, feeling like a "black sheep" among people.
    He is prone to lying. In disputes and discussions, his hidden, sometimes powerful intellectual cynicism, global and systematic thinking, accuracy as a quality of his mindset make themselves felt. In his heart, he remains a vulnerable teenager who needs a kind and wise parent.
    He is more than others interested in promoting his ideas and views and dreams of meeting a like-minded person with pronounced strong-willed character traits, whom he could lead.
    The carrier of the "Plato" psychotype is a healthy and physically strong, hardy person, a good owner. In sexual life - a predictable and systematic partner, a passionate, loving spouse. Material values, money, food, carnal pleasures are of great importance to him. By vocation - an inventor, researcher, athlete who dreams of power, respect and recognition.
    People of the “Plato” psychotype are long-lived, healthy, fresh, rarely get sick and work hard physically. Excellent scientists, athletes, owners, inventors, caring and at the same time despotic parents.

    LWPE, Laozi

    A person of the “Laozi” type is thoughtful, balanced, delicate, reasonable, prone to logical and philosophical understanding of the world around. The thirst for intellectual knowledge is one of the main features of his character, and he pays special attention to the knowledge of everything new and unusual. Trusts himself more than others. On important issues, he has his own strong opinion, and it is difficult to convince him. He is a democrat by conviction and an optimist by outlook. Freedom as a philosophical value is of decisive importance in his worldview. This word and honor are very important in relationships, especially in love and friendship, so more often he is a good friend and family man.
    His inner attitude is approximately the following: the world is systemic, thought can explain a lot, the world is open for research, everything is predetermined and not accidental, everything has a deep meaning mediated by cause-and-effect relationships. Freedom is a great value. Freedom of choice is a condition for human development. The material world is imperfect and needs endless transformation for comfort and convenience, and I know how to make it perfect; something is wrong with my health and appearance; the health of the family and children are the main values.
    A person who is a carrier of the Laozi type is always interested in various philosophical and mathematical models of the world order, mythology, philosophy, and psychology in all its diversity. Perhaps he leans towards asceticism, pacifism, socialism. In the case of a high intellectual level of development of his personality and the presence of educational baggage, he feels comfortable in science, primarily theoretical. He has an excellent memory, excellent erudition, deep, solid knowledge on certain issues, acquired in the process of self-education.
    His character is manifested in a flexible form of communication, a critical analysis of the surrounding reality, based on his own ideas; propensity to dispute, dogmatism; peremptory and unconditional confidence in his rightness, promotion of his ideas and views.
    A person of the “Laozi” type is self-confident in everyday life, peaceful, benevolent, avoiding conflicts in all areas of life, except for intellectual disputes and addictions. In disputes and discussions, hidden, sometimes powerful intellectual cynicism, global and systematic thinking, accuracy as a quality of his mindset make themselves felt.
    He is interested in promoting his ideas and views, dreams of meeting like-minded people, creating a team of active, intelligent and decent people working on the principles of intrapreneurship.
    In ordinary communication, “Laozi” is an excellent interlocutor, a little emotional and a little boring, outwardly, as if absent-minded. He is characterized by a great sense of humor, an original sense of beauty, an interest in complex and unusual art, cinema, graphics, folklore, oriental dances, some spiritual practices. In the company he is emotionally relaxed, and always knows how to say what is needed. Sometimes sadness visits him due to the periodic feeling of his ordinary human weakness in front of the objective difficulties generated by the surrounding material world (partially changing which is part of his plans), and also due to the feeling of being a "black sheep" among people.
    A person of the “Laozi” type subtly feels the physical condition of friends and relatives and selflessly takes care of them. He has problems with his health, he is suspicious, but he constantly takes care of him and tends to a healthy lifestyle. He carefully hides his external physiological defects. Feels split and insecure in relations with the world of material things - everything that relates to the body, appearance, fashion, nutrition, carnal pleasures. He fears more than other physical violence and beatings, but he is cruel in a difficult or extreme situation. He equips his permanent and even temporary home with joy and special meaning. Money is very important to him. If they are clearly not enough, strives to a minimum (if only it was guaranteed) and being content with little, dreaming of still earning a quality life for his family. He has a difficult sex life, because he is selective, cowardly and unpredictable in physiological sensations, clean and squeamish at the same time, and at the same time taking risks in changing sexual partners and preferences. He needs success in love and sex.
    In everyday life, "Laozi" manifests itself as an unemotional person, and often his mood depends on the mood of those around him. By vocation, a person of the “Laozi” type is an inventor, researcher, lawyer, traveler, defender of nature, children and the elderly, a sage and an aesthete. He suits the social role of support, rescuer, consultant, guru.
    In an extreme situation, "Laozi" acts decisively and is able to surprise everyone (including himself) with the adequacy of actions, heroism, courage, physical and mental endurance, and intellectual power. In an extreme situation or sports activity, he will be able to achieve records and win.

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    Third Quadra

    ELPW, Rousseau

    A person with a mental type of " Rousseau " is unbalanced, emotional, and romantic with elements of tragedy. His mood changes dramatically. He knows no measure in anything: love, intellectual delight, disgust, anger, disbelief in his own strength, guilt, fun - any passion absorbs him entirely, and at such a moment nothing can serve as a restraining force.
    Many carriers of the Rousseau psychotype are distinguished by an emotional and sometimes somewhat hysterical reaction to the world, they are often vulnerable, the inner theme of their thoughts is regret that the world is getting worse. They are prone to depression. They love and are drawn to art, and the creative process in life is present in all areas of their activity.
    A person with the Rousseau psychotype has excellent logical, scientific, literary abilities, an excellent memory for details. He is talkative and witty, and knows how to listen to the interlocutor. Often listening to other people's opinions trusts others. He has a romantic mindset. In ordinary communication, “Rousseau” is an excellent conversationalist, quite emotional and pleasant. He has a subtle sense of humor, an original sense of beauty, an interest in complex art, for example, cinema, graphics, folklore, oriental dances, some spiritual practices. Sometimes sadness visits him due to the periodic feeling of his ordinary human weakness in front of objective difficulties, generated by the surrounding material world, to change which is not included in his plans.
    A person with the Rousseau mental type subtly feels the physical state of friends and relatives, selflessly takes care of them. He has problems with his health, he is suspicious, constantly worries about himself, and tends to a healthy lifestyle. He carefully hides his external physiological defects. He feels a split and uncertainty in relations with the world of material things - everything that relates to the body, appearance, fashion, nutrition, carnal pleasures. He fears more than other physical violence and beatings, but is prone to particular cruelty in a difficult situation. He equips his permanent and even temporary home with joy and special meaning. Money is very important to him. If they are not enough, he strives to a minimum (if only it is guaranteed) and being content with little, still dreaming of earning a quality life for his family. He has a difficult sex life, because in his actions he is lascivious, selective and cowardly, unpredictable in sensations, clean and squeamish at the same time, and at the same time risks changing sexual partners and preferences.
    A person with a Rousseau mental type is not self-confident in everyday life, peaceful, benevolent, avoiding conflicts in all areas of life, except for intellectual disputes and emotional addictions. In rare disputes or discussions, hidden, sometimes powerful intellectual cynicism, global and systematic thinking, accuracy as a quality of his mindset are revealed.
    He is interested in promoting his ideas and views and dreams of meeting a like-minded person with pronounced strong-willed character traits and trusting his leadership abilities.
    It is more convenient for him to be led, subordinate, sacrificial in everyday affairs and events. He believes in the fate and special destiny of man.
    But in a difficult and extreme situation, "Rousseau" acts decisively and is able to surprise everyone (including himself) with the adequacy of actions, heroism, courage, physical and mental endurance, and intellectual power. In an extreme situation, he is able to achieve records and win.

    EPLW, Bukharin

    A person of this type is enthusiastic, romantic, good-natured, hardworking. His mood changes frequently. He does not know moderation in anything: love, hatred, anger, disbelief in his own strength, guilt, fun - such states absorb him entirely.
    Many speakers of the "Bukharin" type are distinguished by an emotional reaction to events; they are vulnerable, a frequent internal theme of their thoughts is regret that the world is getting worse, nothing can be done about it. But in the moment they are optimistic and cheerful despite such reasoning. They love to learn and are drawn to knowledge, and the cognitive process in life is present in all areas of their activity.
    A person of the “Bukharin” type has paradoxical logical and literary abilities, an excellent memory for details, he is very talkative and witty, capable of being an attentive person. He listens to the opinions of others and trusts others. He has a romantic mindset. He has a developed sense of humor, an original sense of beauty, an interest in simple art, for example, in folklore. Sometimes sadness visits him due to the feeling of being an ordinary person among others.
    This is a healthy and physically strong, hardy person, a caring owner. He always has order in his house, at his workplace, in his workshop. Material values, money, food, carnal pleasures are of great importance to him.
    People like "Bukharin" are healthy, fresh, rarely get sick and work a lot physically. Excellent athletes, owners, parents. They equip their permanent and even temporary dwellings soundly and joyfully. Treats money and material values ??normally. If they are not enough, they strive to earn in different ways.
    He believes in Fate and is often religious. In a difficult or extreme situation, he acts decisively and is able to surprise with the adequacy of actions, will, heroism, courage, physical and mental endurance, and intellectual power.

    WLPE, Lenin

    A person like "Lenin" is a born leader and, as a rule, strives to fulfill the decisions made by 100%. He is ambitious, dreams of a good career, of his party or organization, goes ahead, he can handle the career of a tough and at the same time caring leader.
    Internal setting: claim to primacy and power, dominance and total control. The material world is imperfect and needs endless transformation for comfort and convenience, and I know how to make it perfect; something is wrong with my health and appearance; the health of the family and children are the main values.
    Features of the manifestation of the internal attitude: self-confidence, jealousy, ambition, selfishness, stubbornness, high self-esteem, arrogant behavior, deviation from social norms, hypocrisy, suspiciousness, cleanliness and disgust, cruelty and over-concern for loved ones.
    In ordinary communication, a carrier of the type "Lenin" is an excellent interlocutor, a little emotional and at the same time bewitching. He is a good speaker and is interested in a variety of knowledge. He is very talkative. The speech is florid, of little content, ambiguous, with elements of a magical effect on the audience due to a powerful will and uncritical self-confidence. It is characterized by a subtle sense of humor, an original sense of beauty, an interest in complex and unusual art, folklore, oriental dances, and some spiritual practices.
    A carrier of the “Lenin” type subtly feels the physical condition of friends and relatives and, as a rule, selflessly takes care of them. He himself has problems with his health, but he constantly takes care not only of himself, but also of those close to him, therefore he more often tends to a healthy lifestyle. He carefully hides his external physiological defects. He feels a split and uncertainty in relations with the world of material things - everything that relates to the body, appearance, fashion, nutrition, carnal pleasures. He fears more than other physical violence and beatings, but is prone to particular cruelty in a difficult situation. He equips his permanent and even temporary dwelling with joy and special meaning; he works in this connection to exhaustion, not knowing the measure.
    Money is very important to him. If they are not enough, he tends to a minimum (if only it is guaranteed) and is content with little, dreaming of still earning a quality life for his family.
    A bearer of the “Lenin” type positions himself as hard-to-reach, a hypocrite. He has a difficult sex life, because he can be both lascivious and selective and cowardly at the same time, unpredictable in physiological sensations, and at the same time risks changing sexual partners and preferences.
    A person of the “Lenin” type is more often an emotionally relaxed person. His emotions are free and adequate to the moment of communication, and he always says what is needed. Sadness very rarely visits him, usually in moments of feeling his ordinary human weakness in front of objective difficulties generated by the surrounding material world (which is part of his plans to change), and also due to the feeling of being a “black sheep” among people.

    WPLE, Napoleon

    A Napoleon-type person is a born leader, a purposeful fighter in life style and performs his tasks to the fullest. He is energetic, hardworking, ambitious, dreams of a good career, goes ahead, he can handle the career of a leader. Needs consultants and advisers.
    Internal setting: claim to primacy and power, dominance and total control, concern for subordinates and loved ones, fear of public speaking.
    Features of the manifestation of the internal attitude: self-confidence, jealousy, ambition, selfishness, stubbornness, aggressiveness, high self-esteem, arrogant behavior, demand for admiration, focus on one's own misunderstanding, silence, caution in conclusions, permanent dispute without result; tendency to ask clarifying questions; verbosity and pauses in conversation, the use of words - parasites, interjections; a slowpoke in a class or training group; passion for mental activity and hidden rebellion against it; the complexity of the thought process.
    A person of the "Napoleon" type is a healthy and physically strong, hardy person, perhaps a workaholic, a good caring leader and parent. He always has order in his house, at his workplace, in his workshop. Material values, money, food, carnal pleasures are of great importance for a Napoleon type carrier.
    People like "Napoleon" - centenarians, healthy, fresh, rarely get sick and work hard physically. Excellent athletes, owners, parents, spouses. It is very difficult for them to get divorced in a marriage.
    In ordinary communication, a person of the "Napoleon" type is a normal person, a little emotional and verbose. He has a sense of humor. He is emotionally relaxed, his emotions are free and adequate to the moment of communication, but he does not always know how to say what is needed. It is not easy for him to speak in public. Sometimes he is jokingly called a chatterbox. He feels insecure in the logical realm, in interviews, discussions, laconic formulations, in choosing one solution from several possible ones. It is important for him to have in his environment consultants, experts, on whose advice one can rely.
    The Napoleon type is usually healthy, fearless and risk-averse. Outwardly, in most cases - stocky, rounded in shape with a short neck and a round, bony face.
    A person of the "Napoleon" type is more common among builders, drivers, athletes, military personnel and business executives.

  5. #5

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    Fourth Quadra

    LEPW, Augustine

    A person, a carrier of this type, is thoughtful, balanced, delicate, peaceful, and reasonable, inclined to the logical and philosophical understanding of the world. The thirst for intellectual knowledge is one of the main features of his character, and he pays special attention to the knowledge of everything new.
    His inner attitude: the world is systemic, thought can explain a lot, the world is open for research, everything is predetermined and not accidental, everything has a deep meaning, mediated by cause-and-effect relationships. The material world is imperfect and needs endless transformation for comfort and convenience, and I know how to make it perfect; something is wrong with my health and appearance; the well-being of the family and offspring are my main values.
    As they get older, Augustine type people tend to have a religious outlook (“everything, including toothache, is God’s will!”)
    Interest in various philosophical and mathematical models of the world order, psychology, mythology, religion, philosophy in all its diversity implies the presence of one's own firm opinion, and it is difficult to convince such a person. In the case of a high intellectual level of development of his personality and the presence of educational baggage, he feels comfortable in science, primarily theoretical. He has an excellent memory, excellent erudition, deep, solid knowledge on certain issues, acquired in the process of self-education.
    His character is manifested in a flexible form of communication, a critical analysis of the surrounding reality, based on his own ideas; inclination to dogmatism, peremptory and unconditional confidence in one's own rightness; promoting their ideas and views.
    In everyday communication, such person is an excellent interlocutor, quite emotional and pleasant. He is characterized by a subtle sense of humor, an original sense of beauty, an interest in complex and unusual art, such as cinema, graphics, folklore, oriental dances, and some spiritual practices. He is artistic, emotionally relaxed, his emotions are free and adequate to the moment communication, and he always knows how to say what is needed. Sometimes sadness visits him due to the feeling of his ordinary human weakness in front of the objective difficulties generated by the surrounding material world, and due to the feeling of being a “black sheep” among people.
    A person of the “Augustine” type subtly feels the physical condition of friends and relatives and selflessly takes care of them. He himself has health problems, chronic diseases. However, despite his suspiciousness, he is engaged in prevention and tends to a healthy lifestyle. It is very difficult for him to eradicate bad habits (if any): the strong-willed qualities of character are poorly expressed. He carefully hides his external physiological defects. He feels a split and uncertainty in relations with the world of material things - everything that relates to the body, appearance, fashion, nutrition, and carnal pleasures. He fears more than other physical violence and beatings. He equips his permanent and even temporary home with joy and special meaning. Works to exhaustion, not knowing the measure.
    Money is extremely important to him. If they are not enough, he tends to a minimum (if only he was guaranteed) and is content with little, dreaming of still earning a quality life for his family. He has a difficult sex life, because he is selective, cowardly, unpredictable in sensations, clean and squeamish at the same time, and at the same time risks changing sexual partners and preferences.
    He is a person who is not self-confident in everyday life, peaceful, benevolent, avoiding conflicts in all areas of life, except for intellectual disputes. In rare disputes and discussions, hidden, sometimes powerful intellectual cynicism, global and systematic thinking, accuracy as a quality of his mindset make themselves felt.

    He is interested in promoting his ideas, would like to meet a like-minded person with pronounced strong-willed character traits.
    It is more convenient for "Augustine" to be led, subordinate, sacrificial in everyday affairs and events. He believes in Destiny.
    In an extreme situation, he can act decisively and surprise everyone (including himself) with heroism, courage, physical and mental endurance, and intellectual power. Capable of records and victory in sports.

    LPEW, Berthier

    A person of this type is thoughtful, hardworking, unemotional, delicate, peaceful, reasonable, and prone to logical and philosophical understanding of the world. The thirst for intellectual knowledge is one of the main features of his character, and he pays special attention to the knowledge of everything new and systemic. He is a good consultant and strategist, craftsman and host.
    His inner attitude is as follows: the world is systemic, thought can explain a lot, the world is open for research, everything is predetermined and not accidental, everything has a deep meaning mediated by cause-and-effect relationships. Dispassion and stability in the manifestation of emotions is a way of life; the manifestation of strong feelings and emotions, open demonstration in public of deeply seething spiritual states (love, hatred, delight, disappointment, etc.) is unacceptable.
    Features of manifestation in behavior and character: emotional dryness (shackled laugh, nervous tears); inadequacy in emotional manifestations, the presence of a single (as a rule) object of passion and love, a “glassy” look, debilitating control of the emotional state of a significant environment; very deeply hidden feelings; craving for art, secret pursuits and trying oneself in poetry, literature, music, painting, theater, etc.
    A Berthier-type carrier is also interested in various philosophical and mathematical models of the world order, typology, psychology, and philosophy in all its diversity. On many issues, he has his own strong opinion. In the case of a high intellectual level of personality development and the presence of educational baggage, a Berthier-type carrier feels comfortable in science, primarily theoretical. He has an excellent memory, excellent erudition.
    The Berthier character is manifested in a flexible form of communication, a critical analysis of the surrounding reality, based on one's own ideas. It is more convenient for him to obey than to take responsibility.
    He is healthy and physically strong, a hardy person and a workaholic. He always has order in his house, at his workplace, in his workshop. Material values, money, food, carnal pleasures are of great importance for the carrier of this type. He constantly and easily takes care of the household. He has few problems with his own health. He equips his permanent and even temporary dwelling soundly and joyfully, thoroughly preparing for the repair of housing. Treats money and material values ??normally. If they are not enough, he seeks to earn extra money in different ways. In sexual life - a predictable and systemic partner.
    He is a gentle person in everyday life, peaceful, benevolent, avoiding conflicts in all areas of life, except for intellectual disputes and emotional addictions. In rare disputes or discussions, hidden, sometimes powerful intellectual cynicism, global and systematic thinking, accuracy as a quality of his mindset make themselves felt.
    A Berthier type person is interested in promoting his ideas and views and dreams of meeting a like-minded person with pronounced strong-willed character traits and trusting his leadership abilities.
    In a difficult or extreme situation, he acts decisively and is able to surprise with the adequacy of actions, will, heroism, courage, physical and mental endurance, and intellectual power. In sports activities, he is able to achieve records and win.
    Berthier-type people are long-lived, as they say "healthy people", "fresh", rarely get sick and work a lot physically. Excellent athletes, owners, parents.
    By vocation - inventors, researchers, doctors, lawyers, consultants, artisans, travelers, environmentalists, the elderly and children.

    WEPL, Tolstoy

    A person with a mental type of "Tolstoy" is a born leader and fulfills the decisions made by 100%. He is ambitious, dreams of fame, a successful career, his party or organization, school or club. To achieve the goal, he goes ahead, he can handle the career of a leader with a dictatorial management style.
    Internal setting: claim to primacy and power, dominance and total control, prophecy (often religious-mystical). The material and spiritual world is not perfect and needs endless transformation, and I know how to make it perfect; something is wrong with my health; the health of the family and children are the main values.
    Character traits of a person who is a bearer of the “Tolstoy” mental type: self-confidence, activity, jealousy, ingratitude, ambition, selfishness, stubbornness, aggressiveness, disdain for other people, high self-esteem, arrogant behavior, deviation from social norms, hypocrisy, suspiciousness, cleanliness and disgust , super-concern for loved ones, love for children.
    In ordinary communication, a person with a “Tolstoy” mental type is an energetic interlocutor, quite emotional and pleasant. The speech is assertive and somewhat theatrical. "Tolstoy" has a subtle sense of humor, an original sense of beauty. He is artistic, emotionally relaxed, his emotions are free and adequate to the moment of communication, and he always knows how to say what is needed. Interested in other people's opinions and trusts other views on a variety of issues. Sometimes sadness visits him due to the periodic feeling of his ordinary human weakness in front of the objective difficulties generated by the surrounding material world (which is part of his plans to change), and also due to the feeling of being a “black sheep” among people.
    He subtly feels the physical condition of friends and relatives, selflessly takes care of them. He has problems with his health, but he constantly takes care of it and tends to a healthy lifestyle. He carefully hides his external physiological defects. He feels a split and uncertainty in relations with the world of material things - everything that relates to the body, appearance, fashion, nutrition, carnal pleasures. He fears more than other physical violence and beatings, but is prone to particular cruelty in a difficult situation. He equips his permanent and even temporary home with joy and special meaning. Money is very important to him. If they are not enough, he tends to a minimum (if only he was guaranteed), but still he is not content with small things, dreaming of earning a quality life for his family. Ready to work to the point of exhaustion, not knowing the measure, if there is a motivation for fame or a good financial reward.
    The “Tolstoy” has a difficult sex life, because he is lascivious, selective and cowardly, unpredictable in sensations, clean and squeamish at the same time, and at the same time risks changing sexual partners and preferences. He positions himself as a touchy, hypocrite.
    A person with “Tolstoy” mental type is interested in various fields of knowledge and philosophical problems, demonstrates interest in complex and unusual art, for example, modern art, folklore, bardic art, oriental dances, some spiritual practices.
    People who are carriers of the "Tolstoy" type are always socially oriented. By vocation, they are directors, conductors, film actors, realtors, heads of foundations, organizations, teachers, politicians with prophetic intonations, teachers, priests, etc.

    WPEL, Tvardovsky

    A person who is a bearer of the mental type "Tvardovsky" is a born fighter and leader, a purposeful person who in most cases realizes his plans to the maximum. He is energetic especially in the morning, hardworking, ambitious, dreams of a good career, goes ahead, he can handle the post of leader.
    Internal setting: claim to primacy and power, dominance and total control without compromise, caring for subordinates and loved ones; dispassion and stability in the manifestation of emotions as a style of communication; inadmissibility due to fear to experience in public the manifestation of strong feelings and emotions, deeply seething inside mental states (love, hatred, delight, disappointment, etc.)
    Features of the manifestation of an internal attitude in character and behavior: self-confidence, jealousy, ambition, selfishness, stubbornness, aggressiveness, high self-esteem, arrogant behavior, demand for worship, emotional dryness (fettered laughter, nervous tears); inadequacy in emotional manifestations and the presence of a single (as a rule) object of passion (love); "glassy" look, debilitating control of the emotional state of people from a significant environment; very deeply hidden feelings; more often a secret craving for art, secret pursuits and trying oneself in poetry, literature, music, painting, theater, etc.
    A person with a mental type of "Tvardovsky" is a healthy and physically strong, hardy person, as a rule, a workaholic, a caring leader and parent. In his house, at his workplace, in his workshop - there is always order. Material values, real estate, money, food, carnal pleasures are of great importance to him.
    In ordinary communication, "Tvardovsky" is an ordinary energetic person, a little emotional and laconic. Interested in a variety of, often economic, sports, military topics. The speech is energetic, assertive. They love the feast and family traditions.
    Outwardly, people of the WPEL type are more often stocky, rounded men and women, with a short neck and high cheekbones. For the most part, they are long-livers, as they say "healthy people", fresh, rarely get sick and work a lot physically. Excellent sportsmen, hosts, family men and parents.
    People with the mental type "Tvardovsky" can often be found among builders, drivers, athletes, and military personnel. At retirement age, they actively work in summer cottages and in the subsidiary plots. They like to grow flowers, make food preparations for the winter. By vocation, they are caring and powerful business executives, athletes, warriors.

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    Fifth Quadra

    PELW, Borgia

    The bearer of the mental type "Borgia" is an interesting interlocutor and actor, peaceful, charming and conducive to communication, outwardly attractive and often in his youth a very handsome person.
    In his youth and in the first half of his life, he is called a "holiday man", an artist, a charming handsome man or a charming beauty (some vulgarity is noted). Pleasures, a feast, material well-being are more important for him than spiritual and social values.
    The internal setting of carriers of the "Borgia" type: money, carnal pleasures rule the world. There is no such thing as too much of money; happiness is the amount of money and material objects owned. With all you can agree with the help of cunning and charm.
    Features of manifestation in character and behavior: mercantilism, a tendency to hoarding and luxury, to excesses in food, the need to satisfy carnal pleasures; propensity to receive bribes, stinginess, laziness, apathy, "thick-skinned", idleness, solidity in places of permanent residence, the desire to own real estate, expensive cars, jewelry, good-quality clothes, shoes, accessories, etc.; focus on one's own misunderstanding, and caution in conclusions, a permanent dispute with no result; fear of public speaking and arguments; tendency to ask clarifying questions; verbosity, pauses in conversation, use of parasitic words, interjections. Teachers call a student, a carrier of the “Borgia” type, a slowpoke in a class or training group. Instead of a simple solution, he offers several complex ones. Passion for mental activity and at the same time a hidden rebellion against it determine the complexity and originality of the thinking process. Such a person is not easy to speak in public. Sometimes he is jokingly called a chatterbox (if he has the courage to speak in public). He feels insecure in the logical realm, in interviews, discussions, concise formulations, in choosing one solution from several possible ones. It is important for him to have people around him whose advice he can rely on.
    In ordinary communication, a person of the “Borgia” type is an excellent conversationalist, verbose, artistic, emotional. He has a simple sense of humor. He is an emotionally uninhibited person. His emotions are free and adequate to the moment of communication. He is a good actor, easy to trust and interested in a variety of issues and problems.
    A person of the “Borgia” type is not confident in himself and does not hide it. It is more convenient for him to be led, subordinate, sacrificial in everyday affairs and events.
    By vocation, carriers of the “Borgia” type are show business artists, theater and film actors, generous lovers, sellers, realtors, and promoters. They are practically non-existent in the scientific community.

    PLEW, Epicurus

    The carrier of the mental type "Epicurus", in most cases, is outwardly attractive, often beautiful, peaceful and friendly interlocutor, balanced and unemotional, subject to influence and weak character. By temperament - more often phlegmatic.
    A person of the "Epicurus" type is often called a holiday person, compared with a big plush and warm bear. A feast in a warm company is the most important pleasure; carnal pleasures, material well-being is more important for him than spiritual and social values.
    The internal attitude of “Epicurus” type carriers: money rules the world and there is never too much of money, happiness lies in owning one's own material things. It is wiser to live an inconspicuous, even, calm life, to be prudent, loyal and cautious. Dispassion and stability in the manifestation of emotions - a style of communication; the manifestation of strong feelings and emotions is unacceptable, it is very difficult to experience deep spiritual states seething inside in public (love, hatred, delight, disappointment, etc.)
    Features of manifestation in the character and behavior of people, carriers of the mental type "Epicurus": mercantilism, a tendency to hoarding and luxury, to alcohol and excesses in food, the need to satisfy carnal pleasures; propensity to receive gifts and bribes; tight-fistedness, laziness, apathy, "thick-skinnedness", idleness as a style of behavior; solidity in places of permanent residence; the desire to own real estate, expensive spectacular cars, jewelry, clothes, shoes, accessories. Emotional dryness (shackled laugh, nervous tears); inadequacy in emotional manifestations, a “glassy” look, debilitating control of the emotional state of people from a significant environment; very deep feelings.
    In ordinary communication, "Epicurus" in most cases is an ordinary interlocutor, verbose, little emotional and pleasant. Voice - smooth, quiet. Friendly conversations (without beautiful speeches), friendly support is an insatiable delight of life for a PLEW type carrier. He has a good sense of humor. He is an emotionally dry person, but under the influence of alcohol, his emotions are free and adequate to the moment of communication, and he always knows how to say what is needed. In the company of friends he is a darling!
    A person of the "Epicurus" type in everyday life manifests itself as an insecure person, and does not hide it.
    It is more convenient for him to be led, subordinate, sacrificial in everyday affairs and events. He tries not to take responsibility in big and small matters.
    In a difficult or extreme situation, "Epicurus" acts decisively and is able to surprise everyone (including himself) with the adequacy of actions, heroism, courage, physical and mental endurance, and intellectual power. In an extreme situation, sports activities, he is able to achieve records and win.
    By vocation, people, carriers of the “Epicurus” type are politicians (without leadership ambitions), lawyers, consultants, realtors, sellers, security guards, cooks, waiters, travelers, dentists, etc.

    WELP, Akhmatova

    A person of this type is a born leader and carries out the decisions made by 90 - 100%. He is ambitious, dreams of a good career, goes ahead; he can handle the career of a tough leader.
    Internal setting: claim to primacy and power, dominance and total control, fear of public speaking, acting as a tool for influencing and influencing the crowd.
    Features of the manifestation of an internal attitude in behavior and character: purposefulness, jealousy, ingratitude, callousness, ambition, selfishness, disregard for competitors, high self-esteem, arrogance, demand for admiration, deviation from social norms, focus on one's own misunderstanding, caution in conclusions, permanent dispute without result; a tendency to ask clarifying questions, verbosity, pauses in conversation, the use of parasitic words, interjections; a slowpoke in a class or training group; instead of a simple solution, offers several complex ones, a passion for mental activity and a hidden rebellion against it; the complexity of the thought process.
    In ordinary communication, a person, a carrier of the “Akhmatova” type, is an original interlocutor, quite emotional and verbose. His speech is bright, interesting, and incendiary. He has a sense of humor. He is artistic, emotionally relaxed, his emotions are free and adequate to the moment of communication, but he does not always know how to say what is needed. It is not easy for him to speak in public. Sometimes he is jokingly called a chatterbox. He feels insecure in the logical realm, in interviews, discussions, laconic formulations, in choosing one solution from several possible ones. It is important for him to have in his environment consultants, experts, on whose advice one can rely.
    Material values, money, carnal pleasures for a carrier of the WELP type are of little (as if secondary) importance. Sometimes the material world is perceived not just as a burden, but as something that must either change (therefore, it cannot be of global value), or as something that can be sacrificed without much regret.
    In everyday life, he is more often not selective, content with little. There is a chronic disorder in the place of residence. Easily adopts a way of life, style, preferences and tastes from his life partner.
    Sexual needs depend on hormonal surges and more often adjust to the sexual programs of partners.
    Tends to vegetarianism, special diets, and separate meals. Many "Akhmatovas" are fond of the culture of the East, travel to places of Power, become hermits. Carriers like "Akhmatova" usually believe in Fate and their special destiny in this world.
    They are healthy, fearless and risk-averse. Outwardly, they are attracted by the subtlety (icon-painting) of features, the harmony of the figure (if there are no hormonal disruptions in the body).
    By profession, as a rule - politicians, directors, actors, writers, poets, travelers, athletes who dream of power, fame and recognition.

    WLEP, Socrates

    A person with a mental type of "Socrates" is a born leader and fulfills the decisions made as much as possible. He is ambitious, dreams of a successful career, of his party or organization, club or school. On the way to the goals goes ahead. He is up to the career of a leader with a dictatorial leadership style.
    His character is manifested in an inflexible form of communication, a critical analysis of the surrounding reality, based on his own ideas; propensity to dispute, dogmatism; peremptory and unconditional confidence in their rightness, promotion of their ideas and views.
    The internal setting of a person, a bearer of the mental type "Socrates": a claim to primacy and power, dominance and total control. Dispassion and dryness in the manifestation of emotions is a lifestyle: it is unacceptable to show strong feelings and openly experience in people deeply seething spiritual states (love, hatred, delight, disappointment, etc.)
    The following character traits are manifested in behavior: self-confidence, vanity, jealousy, ingratitude, ambition, selfishness, stubbornness, aggressiveness, high self-esteem, arrogance, deviation from social norms, emotional dryness (fettered laugh, nervous tears); inadequacy in emotional manifestations, the presence of a single (as a rule) object of passion and love, a "glassy" look, debilitating control of the emotional state of one's environment; deeply hidden feelings; craving for art, secret pursuits and trying oneself in poetry, literature, music, painting, theater, etc.
    In ordinary communication, a carrier of the “Socrates” mental type is a confident and energetic interlocutor, a little emotional and bewitching. He is characterized by a subtle sense of humor, an original sense of beauty, an interest in complex art, such as cinema, graphics, oriental dances, some spiritual practices, and contemporary art.
    A person with a mental type of "Socrates" is a good speaker, interested in various fields of knowledge and problems. His speech is florid, devoid of content, ambiguous, with elements of a magical effect on the audience due to his mighty will and uncritical self-confidence. In the case of a high intellectual level of personality development and the presence of educational baggage, he feels comfortable in science, primarily theoretical. The "Socrates" has an excellent memory, excellent erudition, deep, solid knowledge on certain issues, acquired in the process of self-education.
    The material world for a person, a carrier of the mental type "Socrates", is of secondary importance due to the preoccupation with philosophical reflections. In everyday life, he is not selective, content with little. In his room, wardrobe, on the table - a working mess. He easily adopts the everyday life option, style, preferences and tastes of a life partner.
    Inclined to vegetarianism, raw food diet, separate nutrition, oriental health practices. He is attracted by the culture of the East. Perhaps he leans towards asceticism, pacifism.
    He is naturally healthy, fearless and risk-averse. Outwardly, he is very attractive with the subtlety (icon-painting) of features, the slenderness of the figure. Sexual relations depend on hormonal surges, therefore they are not systemic. In an extreme situation, he acts decisively, is able to achieve records and win.

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    Sixth Quadra

    LEWP, Pascal

    A person with a mental type of "Pascal" is thoughtful, gifted, capable and, most likely, talented.
    It would be nice to recognize these virtues from childhood and give them the green light in later life.
    The character of a person of the "Pascal" psychotype is difficult, artistic, and prone to logical and philosophical understanding of the world around. The desire for intellectual knowledge is one of the main features of his personality, and he pays special attention to the knowledge of everything new and unusual. People around him do not consider him hardworking, he is prone to laziness, and it may very well be that there is a mess in his wardrobe and room. In childhood and adolescence, he often conflicts with relatives and teachers.
    His inner attitude is as follows: the world is systemic and not perfect at the same time; thoughts and ideas can explain a lot, and the world is open for research; everything is predetermined and not accidental; in everything there is a deep meaning, mediated by cause-and-effect relationships; I need to understand this and declare myself, because they do not understand me, and my abilities have not yet been sufficiently appreciated by others! “People hate each other - such is their nature” (Blaise Pascal “Thoughts”).
    It is possible that the bearer of the mental type "Pascal" is a misanthrope (enjoys misanthropy). He is tormented by human imperfection, including his own. He makes ethical claims to the world, and it seems to him that the world offends him. He is a vindictive person, but most likely denies it. A person with a mental type of "Pascal" with age tends more often to a religious worldview (there is God's Will for everything!).
    He is often interested in various philosophical and mathematical models of the world order, mythology, psychosophy, history in all its diversity. On many issues, he has his own strong opinion, and it is very difficult to convince him.
    In the case of the formed high intellectual level of development of his personality and the available educational background, he feels comfortable in science, primarily theoretical. He has an excellent memory, excellent erudition, original knowledge on certain issues, acquired in the process of self-education.
    The complex nature of a person of a carrier of the mental type "Pascal" is manifested in duality, a hidden aggressive form of communication, resentment, embellishment of oneself, a critical analysis of the surrounding reality, based on one's own ideas; prone to argument, dogmatism and fanaticism; peremptory and excessive self-confidence in their rightness; promoting their ideas and views; in the pursuit of career and professional growth. He sometimes sleeps badly at night, dreaming of career advancement, fame and glory, but all his actions are often half-hearted, and he does not achieve his goals. This is from inner uncertainty. He is prone to depression and even suicide (parents, pay attention!).
    In ordinary communication, a person, a carrier of the mental type "Pascal", is an original interlocutor, quite emotional and erudite, slightly monologue. His speech is bright, interesting, and incendiary. He is characterized by a good sense of humor, satire and sarcasm at the same time. The original sense of beauty, interest in complex and unusual art, his own talent and extraordinary appearance, charisma are conducive to communication. He is artistic, emotionally relaxed, his emotions are free and adequate to the moment of communication, and he always knows how to say what is needed. Sadness often visits such people due to the periodic feeling of self-doubt, ordinary human weakness in front of the objective difficulties generated by the surrounding world order (which is included in his plans to transform), and also due to the feeling of being a “black sheep” among people.
    A person who is a bearer of the mental type "Pascal" is internally deeply insecure, contradictory in his actions. He carefully hides this duality from others. He hardly admits to himself in a certain duality of attitude, hostility towards people who, as it seems to him, do not understand him as an extraordinary and talented person. He is prone to lying. In disputes and discussions, his hidden, sometimes powerful intellectual cynicism, global and systematic thinking, accuracy as a quality of his mindset make themselves felt. In his heart, he remains a vulnerable teenager who needs a kind and wise parent. Pascal wrote in his “Thoughts”: “A person is by nature trusting, distrustful, timid, courageous ... dependent and longing for independence in a state of inconstancy, longing, anxiety.”
    He is more than others interested in promoting his ideas, views and dreams of meeting a like-minded person with pronounced strong-willed character traits, whom he could ... lead.
    He believes in destiny and his special destiny in this world.
    The material world (money, things) for a person, the carrier of the mental type "Pascal", is of secondary importance - usually due to its absorption by philosophical reflections, and sometimes due to the fact that the material world is perceived not just as a burden, but as something that it must either change (and, by virtue of its global value, it cannot get), or as something that can be sacrificed without much regret (probably, people of this type are most inclined to develop predictions of the "end of the world"). In everyday life, "Pascal" is not selective, content with little. Easily adopts the household version of life, sexual style, preferences and tastes of a life partner. He himself is inclined to asceticism.
    In nutrition, he easily joins vegetarianism, a raw food diet, and a separate diet. He is fond of oriental health practices, could be attracted by the culture of the East, traveling to places of Power; sometimes travel in India, Tibet, etc.
    He is healthy, fearless and risk-averse. Cruel and merciless in an emergency. Outwardly, it is very attractive with the subtlety (icon-painting) of features, the harmony of the figure (if there are no hormonal disruptions in the focus).
    Sexual relationships grow from hormonal surges, therefore they are not systemic and adapt to the sexual programs of partners.
    By vocation - an inventor, researcher, traveler, dreaming of power, fame and recognition.

    LWEP, Einstein

    A person, a carrier of the mental type "Einstein", is thoughtful, balanced, unemotional, delicate, reasonable, and prone to logical and philosophical understanding of the world. The thirst for intellectual knowledge is one of the main features of his nature, and he pays special attention to the knowledge of everything new and unusual. When making decisions, he trusts himself more than others.
    "Einstein" is a democrat by conviction. Freedom, as a philosophical value, is of decisive importance in his worldview. This word and honor are very important for him in relationships, especially in love and friendship, therefore, "Einstein" is a good friend and family man, more often a monogamous.
    The internal setting is as follows: the world is systemic, thought can explain a lot, the world is open for research, everything is predetermined and not accidental, and everything has a deep meaning mediated by cause-and-effect relationships. Freedom is a great value. Dispassion and stability in the manifestation of emotions is a way of life; the manifestation of strong feelings and emotions, the open public manifestation of deeply seething spiritual states (love, hatred, delight, disappointment, etc.) is unacceptable.
    Features of the manifestation of attitudes in behavior: emotional dryness (shackled laugh, nervous tears); inadequacy in emotional manifestations, the presence of a single (as a rule) object of passion and love, a “glassy” look, debilitating control of the emotional state of a significant environment; very deeply hidden feelings; craving for art, secret pursuits and trying oneself in poetry, literature, music, painting, theater, etc. An Einstein type carrier is also interested in various philosophical and mathematical models of the world order, mathematics, physics, biology, mythology, philosophy in all its diversity. On many issues, he has his own strong opinion, and it is difficult to convince him. Perhaps he leans towards asceticism, pacifism. In the case of a high intellectual level of personality development and the presence of educational baggage, the carrier of the "Einstein" type feels comfortable in science, primarily theoretical. He has an excellent memory, excellent erudition, deep, solid knowledge on certain issues, acquired in the process of education and self-education.
    His character is manifested in a flexible form of communication, a critical analysis of the surrounding reality, based on his own ideas; propensity to dispute, dogmatism; peremptory and unconditional confidence in his rightness, promotion of own ideas and views.
    "Einstein" is a person, in most cases, self-sufficient, self-confident in everyday life, peaceful, benevolent, avoiding conflicts in all areas of life, except for intellectual disputes and addictions. In disputes or discussions, hidden, sometimes powerful intellectual cynicism, global and systematic thinking, accuracy and intellectual dominance as a quality of his mindset make themselves felt.
    A person with the mental type "Einstein" is interested in promoting his ideas and views, dreams of meeting like-minded people and creating an effective team.
    He is characterized by a subtle sense of humor, an original sense of beauty, an interest in complex and unusual art, for example, cinema, graphics, folklore, oriental dances, some spiritual practices. He is emotionally constrained. Sometimes he is sad because of the periodic feeling of his ordinary human weakness in front of the objective difficulties generated by the surrounding material world, and because of the feeling of being a “black sheep” among people.
    The material world for people like "Einstein" is of secondary importance. Usually due to their preoccupation with philosophical reflections, and sometimes also due to the fact that for them the material world is perceived not just as a burden, but as something that must either change (and because of this it cannot represent global value), or as something than can be sacrificed without much regret. In everyday life, they are not selective, as a rule, they are content with little. In the room, wardrobe, on the desk they have a working mess. To the surprise of those around them, they sometimes adopt the everyday version of life, the style, preferences and tastes of their life partner.
    Inclined to vegetarianism, raw food diet, separate nutrition, oriental health practices. They are attracted by the culture of the East and travel to places of Power, they strive to visit India, Tibet, etc.
    They are fearless and risk-averse. Outwardly, the "Einsteins" in most cases, are very attractive with the subtlety (iconic) features, harmony and grace of the figure, they look younger than their years.
    Sexual relations depend on hormonal surges, therefore they are not systemic. By vocation, people of the Einstein psychotype are scientists, inventors, researchers, travelers, designers, programmers, artists, writers, etc.

    PEWL, Dumas

    The bearer of the Dumas mental type is an interesting interlocutor and actor, charming and conducive to communication, outwardly attractive and handsome person. He is a gifted, capable and always talented person in some way.
    Friends often call a person of the Dumas psychotype a “handsome” or charming beauty (they note a certain vulgarity), a holiday person, and an artist. Pleasures, a feast, material well-being, position in society are more important for him than spiritual and social values.
    The internal attitude of carriers of the “Dumas” type: money, carnal pleasures rule the world, there is no such thing as too much money, happiness lies in the amount of money and material objects owned. You can agree with anyone with the help of personal charm.
    Sensual and sensitive, he is hypnotically attractive in his sexuality and knows it.
    In ordinary communication, "Dumas" is an excellent conversationalist, an artistic, emotional and easy person. He has a healthy sense of humor. He is an emotionally uninhibited person. His emotions are free and adequate to the moment of communication, and he always knows how to say what is needed. He is a good actor, easy to trust and interested in a variety of issues and problems.
    A person of the Dumas type is internally unsure of himself. He carefully conceals this basic contradiction and duality from those around him. He hardly admits to himself this duality of attitude, self-interest, and hostility towards people who, as it seems to him, do not understand him - an extraordinary and talented person. He is prone to lying - a proven tool for self-defense. He sleeps badly at night, dreaming of career advancement, recognition and fame. However, in reality, his actions are often half-hearted, and he often does not achieve his career goals. This comes from the inner uncertainty of the problematic third will. He is a complex person with a difficult character, it is not easy for him, therefore he often gets annoyed, takes revenge, gets angry, offended by the whole world, including himself! In his heart, he remains a vulnerable teenager who needs a kind and wise parent.
    By vocation, the carriers of the Dumas psychotype are often politicians, lawyers, show business artists, theater and film actors, writers, sellers and directors of trade structures, realtors, scammers (for example, a marriage scam is a universal and safe hobby of this psychotype).

    PWEL, Chekhov

    The bearer of the mental type of "Chekhov" is an outwardly attractive, often handsome, unemotional, benevolent person. He is a democrat by conviction and more of an optimist than a pessimist in attitude. Freedom as a philosophical value is of decisive importance in his worldview. This word, nobility, honor, personal dignity are very significant for him in relations with other people. Carnal pleasures, a festive feast, material well-being are no less important than spiritual and social values. Often such a person is called a darling of fate, a favorite of women (handsome in body and soul!)
    Internal setting: money, carnal pleasures rule the world. There cannot be too much money. Freedom is a great value, beauty and love will save the world, human life is priceless, people should love and respect each other. Dispassion and stability in the manifestation of emotions - a style of communication; the manifestation of strong feelings and emotions is unacceptable; it is scary to experience deep spiritual states seething inside in public.
    Features of the manifestation of an internal attitude in the character and behavior of a person, a carrier of the “Chekhov” type: a tendency to hoarding, to collecting and luxury, to excesses in food, a clear need to satisfy carnal pleasures; tight-fistedness, "thick-skinnedness", idleness, solidity in places of permanent residence, the desire to own real estate, expensive cars, jewelry, good-quality clothes, shoes, accessories, etc.; emotional dryness (fettered laughter, nervous tears), inadequacy in emotional manifestations, the presence of a single (as a rule) object of passion and love, a “glassy” look, debilitating control of the emotional state of people from a significant environment; very deeply hidden feelings; craving for art, secret pursuits and trying oneself in poetry, literature, music, painting, theater, etc.
    By vocation, a person of the “Chekhov” type is a teacher, realtor, lawyer, writer, manager, politician, collector, philosopher, manager in the tourism business, chef, film actor, artist, designer, etc.

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