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Thread: Jensen Huang (CEO of nvidia)

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    Default Jensen Huang (CEO of nvidia)

    Sorry if I've made a thread about his type before. Anyway, I've narrowed it down to 2 types--ILE-Ti and EIE-Fe and I'm going to say why he couldn't be EIE-Ni, LIE, or LSE.

    facts for ILE-Ti:
    he's pretty practical
    he's not real sociable
    he's definitely Ti valuing, his organizational style isn't gamma or delta, i'm pretty sure there are almost no gamma or deltas working under him
    he had that kind of anti-social lying/con-artistry that ILE-Ti before nvidia became big
    far from a perfectionist, is fine with keeping problems open forever, without any resolution for him (that's really the biggest fact pointing towards ILE-Ti over EIE-Fe IMO)

    facts for EIE-Fe:
    obviously a 3w4 in the enneagram--came from very humble beginnings, worked hard, made money in ping ball tournaments etc., etc. he was driven to succeed.
    needed to build up a huge company (ILE-Ti more likely to keep their businesses small)
    seems Ej temperament, more forceful than ILE-Ti tend to be, has more authoritarian leadership style (ILE-Ti can be somewhat authoritarian, but rarely like Jensen is reported to be; Kimberly Kane is really one of the best examples of an outwardly aggressive authoritarian ILE-Ti; my 4th grade teacher was authoritarian ILE-Ti, but she wasn't very outwardly aggressive/downright physically combative like Kimberly Kane was).
    dresses well, cares about his image
    cares a bit much about his company's image to be an ILE-Ti.
    not quirky/eccentric-seeming in the sense that ILE-Ti scientists like Freeman Dyson and Einstein were; seems more controlling and domineering like steve jobs was.
    wanted to be an alpha male (all the patents belong to him even though he didn't actually invent or engineer the things, started company with a few friends who did more engineering, but jensen did the business side)
    knows what the public wants (ILE-Ti do as well, but Jensen knows beyond what would be expected by most ILE-Ti) and will bear
    takes fewer risks, keeps things steady (ILE-Ti take way more risks)

    evidence against EIE-Ni:
    he's not very impulsive, he's more reasonable/logical like EIE-Fe tend to be.
    he doesn't get easily worn out--EIE-Fe have more physical endurance
    less sociable, more formal, more impersonal, controlled like an EIE-Fe
    keeps his emotional state under control better than an EIE-Ni would.
    has better visuo-spatial ability than would be expected for EIE-Ni... EIE-Ni aren't real likely to have degrees in electrical engineering and to pursue work in it without someone else creating structure over them, at least not as much as EIE-Fe... EIE-Fe work better with tools than EIE-Ni.

    evidence against LIE and LSE:
    engineering really isn't an LIE thing, and he started a graphics company.
    his organization suggests Ti-valuing more than Te.
    probably doesn't have Gamma and Deltas working under him
    knows well what the public wants, tries to deliver it.
    LIE are more conservative than nvidia was. While nvidia wasn't really very creative, they did utilize new technologies that they could market to the public (Merry quadra indicated), rather than being skeptical of them and as such having an individual preference for really old things like an LIE would rather than what the public would want. I have a hard time believing a Gamma or Delta could market as successfully as nvidia did.

    I wish I could V.I. him. He doesn't really auditorily identify as an ILE-Ti from what I remember hearing from him; EIE-Fe can be pretty soft-spoken (although they can be VERY loud when they're in an atmosphere they feel comfortable in) and that's how I seem to remember his voice as trying to create an intimate atmosphere in a talk he had with i think it was some stanford engineering students, grads/undergrads.

    Based on the above, my guess is that he was a very smart, driven EIE-Fe, if I had to narrow it down to one... mainly based on his 3w4ness and his exact awareness of what the public wants and will bear and not doing commercially risky things other than the GeForce FX (ILE-Ti take more risks and don't have as much foresight as EIE-Fe, e.g., Bill Gates, Steven Spielberg). ILE-Ti Bill Gates microsoft did several risky things that Bill Gates didn't worry too much about being unpopular with the public, AFAIK Bill Gates didn't really keep an eye on the products like Jensen and EIE-Fe Steve Jobs did. Another thing pointing to Jensen being EIE-Fe is that he was actually more interpersonally aggressive than Bill Gates and his conflict with Bill Gates or someone at microsoft about the NV2A in the original Xbox; if Jensen were an ILE-Ti he probably would've cooperatively come to terms, a mutually beneficial deal more easily with Bill Gates. ILE-Ti also allow the end-user more options, EIE-Fe Steve Jobs took away things, kept things closed, streamlined, nvidia has taken away options has time has gone on... that leads me to believe EIE-Fe over ILE-Ti.

    Whaddya think about this?
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

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    Lullabies, broken skies qaz00's Avatar
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    LIE or ILI-Te

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    @qaz00Thank you! Why do you think Te-valuing though?

    The only reasons I'd think LIE is because his products are not very innovative at all, he can't seem to be make a great, smooth Ti system (his organization isn't great), they use existing standards (compare to Sega of America under Tom Kalinske, he was an EIE, and he made sure all sorts of good, crazy, new ideas were tried). I can't agree with ILI-Te for Jensen though. From something he said, he does seem to have a Victim romance style though. The lack of innovation does kind of seem LIE and he took from 3dfx (who took from SGI) who were leaders and they were most likely Alpha and Beta, so it does kind of make sense that nvidia would be Gamma in quadra progression. SGI seemed alpha and 3dfx's ads were totally Beta and they kind of excluded people. I never perceived Beta in nvidia's advertising and they are patent trolls unlike EIE-Fe Steve Jobs.

    I've really always hated nvidia and hated ATi/AMD even more. I didn't love most of Apple's products, but some of them were beautiful and impressive unlike nvidia's shit. I loved 3dfx's and VideoLogic's PowerVR's products. Some Alphas, a user named Falsehope who used to post here, used to complain about Gammas running things, and nvidia has a near monopoly, so maybe Jensen is Gamma. Microsoft abused the patent system, but it wasn't their absolute lifeblood like it was with nvidia and Apple and Microsoft never actually monopolized like nvidia did, they actually used new ideas of their own (especially under Bill Gates, under Ballmer it was different, he was a lot more conservative). The corporatist Gamma Obama, for example, would've made work even easier for companies like nvidia and reduced innovation even more. Joe Biden is a Beta ST who doesn't know the difference and what's necessary. Logic, pleasure seeking, and knowledge aren't his strong points.

    Tom Kalinske was awesome, so was Michael Katz.. they contributed to the goodness of my childhood. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates actually made new things, I admire them too.
    Last edited by Disturbed; 11-26-2021 at 06:12 PM.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

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    Lullabies, broken skies qaz00's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Disturbed View Post
    @qaz00Thank you! Why do you think Te-valuing though?
    VI and speech patterns, not much to talk about.

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    the first quadra alpha is Inventor not Innovator.

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    Quadra in socionics, what is it? Values, attributes, and mission of quadras in socionics

    In socionics, a quadra is a group of four socionic types, united by common socio-psychological priorities and fulfilling a strictly defined mission in the process of social development.

    The process of evolution in society is considered by socionics as a sequence of successive stages, each of which is characterized by its own moral and psychological climate and a system of professed values. Each of these developmental areas is the responsibility of one of the four quadras (lat. quadrum — quadrilateral). The quadral groupings alternate as follows:

    The first quadra (Alpha) in socionics is the Enlighteners. The mission of the Enlightenment Quadra: create and spread fundamentally new ideas of social development to the society.

    The first quadra includes types Seeker (ILE), Analyst (LII), Enthusiast (ESE) and Mediator (SEI). The main features of this quadra — democracy (openness, pluralism, the predominance of horizontal management relations) and discursiveness (deliberativeness, the absence of a power component in decision-making).

    Second quadra (Beta) in socionics is the Implementers. The mission of the Implementer Quadra: turn the original concept into a complete ideology and implement new orders by creating appropriate organizational structures.

    The second quadra includes the Mentor (EIE), Marshal (SLE), Inspector (LSI), and Lyricist (IEI) types. The main features of this rigid quadra are aristocracy (closeness, predominance of vertical, hierarchical, managerial ties) and resoluteness (determination, great weight of strong-willed methods).

    The third quadra (Gamma) in socionics is the Reformers. The mission of the Reformers' quadra is to remove the contradictions accumulated at the previous stage by criticizing the mistakes made and to reform outdated rigid structures.

    The third quadra includes the types of Politician (SEE), Entrepreneur (LIE), Critic (ILI), and Guardian (ESI). The main features of this quadra are democracy (openness, decentralization, multiculturalism) and resoluteness (priority of forceful methods and decisive actions).

    Fourth quadra (Delta) in socionics is the Perfecters. The mission of the Quadra of Perfecters: bring the original but reformed idea to the point of exhaustion by improving it.

    The fourth quadra consists of the types Administrator (LSE), Craftsman (SLI), Advisor (IEE), and Humanist (EII). The main features of this quadra — aristocracy (closeness, elitism, quality of life) and discursiveness (deliberativeness, decision-making by non-violent methods).

    A Quadra provides ease of communication and the restoration of people's physical and moral strength. However, it does not solve the problem of creating a work tension; it leads to a gradual attenuation, since it does not generate the contradictions necessary for the upward development. Each quadra is specialized for its own environment and its own time. In general terms, this specialization is as follows:

    1. The Alpha quadra ideology is effective in small, cozy family-type groups (focusing on eternity).

    2. Quadra Beta ideologically wins in large centralized groups, united by a single goal of fighting for a national, class, or religious ideal (orientation to the future).

    3. The value of norms of the Gamma quadra will inevitably prevail when acting alone on the basis of temporary agreements for the sake of material interest (orientation to the present).

    4. The ideology of the Delta quadra is optimal in medium-sized corporate-type groups, where the overall result is equally dependent on the success of each of its participants (orientation to the past).

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    tom kalinske seemed to me like an lsi-se.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

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    Ny first thought of him was LII

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    Se PolR being head of a gigantic cooperation? I don't think so

    he's an IEI
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    @Adam Strange , if you have about twenty minutes (that's a lot I know !) could you please give us your opinion on 17:47 to 36:38 segments of the video. I found it particularly interesting.

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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post

    @Adam Strange , if you have about twenty minutes (that's a lot I know !) could you please give us your opinion on 17:47 to 36:38 segments of the video. I found it particularly interesting.
    Hi, godslave.

    My opinion on 17:47 to 36:38 segments of the video is that I agree 100% with everything he said, and I put about 95% of that into operation every day.
    Where he and I differ is that he's willing to bet harder on the future (Ni) and is less moved by profitability (Te) than I am.

    Huang is either LIE-0 or LIE-Ni, and if you want to know more about how an LIE will run a company (in addition to what he said), read Up the Organization by Robert Townsend. The book is out of print, but it's available on eBay. In my opinion, it's the best book ever written on running a business.
    It was written in the '60's and it does show some assumptions about drinking and women which were normal for that time, but which are not normal now.

    Townsend's book adds to what Huang said, but then, his book is longer that that interview. Undoubtedly, Huang would agree with everything in Townsend's book, because that book describes the way that smart, experienced LIEs think about organizations.

    Post Script
    I read some previous posts which said Huang couldn't be LIE. And yet, I agree completely with everything he said.
    If you believe in VI, he looks a lot like my ILI-Te investment counselor, but Huang runs a company. He's boyish and he said he used to look like an introvert. I did, too, until I was thirty. He wears all black, and I do, too. I mean, my ESI-Se interior decorator said that black T's are my uniform.
    That black leather jacket is Se-HA. I have one almost exactly like it, but mine is dark brown.
    He said that he believes in a flat hierarchy. I do, too. It's more democratic.
    He said that he constantly takes time to train the people he works with. What he's really doing is getting them on-board with his own vision, which is absolutely necessary if you want the company to both prosper and go in the direction you want it to go in.
    He said that no job is beneath him. I will sweep the floors and clean grease off the machines if that needs to be done.
    He said that every day is the same, whether the stock price is up or down, because he's not living in the present. He's living in Future (Ni) Profits (Te).
    And he's constantly looking for ways to help society, although, as an LIE-Te, I don't place the same emphasis on that as I do on making a profit.
    He's LIE and not ILI because he's extroverted and he keeps the big picture always in front of him, and resists doing deep, deep dives into the details.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 06-17-2024 at 02:14 AM.

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    Hakuna Matata and the cycle of Samsara godslave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Hi, godslave.

    My opinion on 17:47 to 36:38 segments of the video is that I agree 100% with everything he said, and I put about 95% of that into operation every day.
    Where he and I differ is that he's willing to bet harder on the future (Ni) and is less moved by profitability (Te) than I am.

    Huang is either LIE-0 or LIE-Ni, and if you want to know more about how an LIE will run a company (in addition to what he said), read Up the Organization by Robert Townsend. The book is out of print, but it's available on eBay. In my opinion, it's the best book ever written on running a business.
    It was written in the '60's and it does show some assumptions about drinking and women which were normal for that time, but which are not normal now.

    Townsend's book adds to what Huang said, but then, his book is longer that that interview. Undoubtedly, Huang would agree with everything in Townsend's book, because that book describes the way that smart, experienced LIEs think about organizations.

    Post Script
    I read some previous posts which said Huang couldn't be LIE. And yet, I agree completely with everything he said.
    If you believe in VI, he looks a lot like my ILI-Te investment counselor, but Huang runs a company. He's boyish and he said he used to look like an introvert. I did, too, until I was thirty. He wears all black, and I do, too. I mean, my ESI-Se interior decorator said that black T's are my uniform.
    That black leather jacket is Se-HA. I have one almost exactly like it, but mine is dark brown.
    He said that he believes in a flat hierarchy. I do, too. It's more democratic.
    He said that he constantly takes time to train the people he works with. What he's really doing is getting them on-board with his own vision, which is absolutely necessary if you want the company to both prosper and go in the direction you want it to go in.
    He said that no job is beneath him. I will sweep the floors and clean grease off the machines if that needs to be done.
    He said that every day is the same, whether the stock price is up or down, because he's not living in the present. He's living in Future (Ni) Profits (Te).
    And he's constantly looking for ways to help society, although, as an LIE-Te, I don't place the same emphasis on that as I do on making a profit.
    He's LIE and not ILI because he's extroverted and he keeps the big picture always in front of him, and resists doing deep, deep dives into the details.
    Thank you very much for your time and your insights. You gave more that I was expecting ! I also thought LIE for him. I think I like that kind of persons very much. I will try to read that book, although I know that I 'll probably never run a company. I am nonetheless curious about it. I mean I worked in my father's small grocery stores (or that of his friends) when I was young, I even ran one of my father's grocery for a short time (around mid 2012-13 (?)) but that's peanuts compared to running a big company. Anyways, thanks again Adam.

    Post Script reply

    Very informative indeed !
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    LIE-Ni he is. @Adam Strange has a lot of good typings. I agree he's the Ni subtype since he's generally quite comfortable with how he feels, and since he acts more Beta than Delta.

    I always admired and liked him for his ability to get things done and for his intellect, but I've never liked nvidia's products, especially their drivers; he's pretty upfront that he's not a perfectionist, whereas I like everything perfect. Unfortunately, AMD's (and ATi before then) graphics processors and drivers are even worse. I think he's a caring person though.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

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    LIE Ni perhaps but also reptilian perhaps
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    Well to me it's clear, NVIDIA kept innovating even when there was no competition, unlike intel

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