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Thread: Questions for the Alpha Quadra

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    The Darling Duck~ MissDucki's Avatar
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    Default Questions for the Alpha Quadra

    Alright, I think it is time for a new thread. It's been a bit quiet here and I want to discuss. Thought I would start a questions thread for people to ask and get clarification on anything they want. Be it about or too a specific type or about the whole quadra. I just want to get some discussion going.

    I'll start, other then the closed mouth complex, what is an essential characteristic or trait that every alpha has?

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    "Like to have conversations," maybe?

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    The Darling Duck~ MissDucki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post

    A question I just thought of... compared with other quadra, is it more likely for alpha to question established social norms and to research the origins?
    I think Alpha NT are more likely to question established social norms then Alpha SF. Once brought up, I do think Alpha's do discuss the adherence, reasoning, or views behind an established social norm more. Alpha is democratic and it more likely to be brought up when it infringes on those democratic ideals. However, doing something about is is a different story. I think Alpha is more likely to question social norms then Gamma or Delta but not Beta. I mostly base it on the natural movement of ideals through the quadrants as a lot of ideals start in Alpha move to Beta then Gamma then end with Delta and the cycle repeats.
    In regards to researching the origins, I think Alpha would only do this if they needed a personal understanding or logical understanding of the social norm for pure understanding or information sake.

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    Lack of sadism, hatefulness and cruelty. Which all tend to be negative Gamma traits- so it makes sense. Although don't get me wrong, some Alphas can definitely be 'mean' sometimes- but they usually feel guilty afterwards and don't like being this way. Even if they're not particularly nice or empathetic ((ILEs will often say 'God I know I'm a jerk!')) - I don't find them very ruthless or sadistic.

    Alpha: Nicest quadra
    Beta: Half Nice/Half Mean
    Gamma: Meanest quadra
    Delta: Half Nice/Half Mean

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    The Darling Duck~ MissDucki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    Alpha: Nicest quadra
    Beta: Half Nice/Half Mean
    Gamma: Meanest quadra
    Delta: Half Nice/Half Mean
    I find this very interesting! I do think Gamma can be 'outwardly' mean to the world. However, I have found their weakness, if your worm you way into their hearts, they are the biggest softies All of my Gamma friends and family members will go above and beyond for loved ones that don't deserve it imo. That loyalty can run deep if you are with them. It's that Alpha superego aspect me thinks

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    However, I have found their weakness, if your worm you way into their hearts, they are the biggest softies

    This is true. A LIE I knew once was kind of like the biggest asshole in groups but in private with you he was so amazingly kind and genuine. I was taken aback by it and it touched me, but I couldn't really match or keep up with his Fi valuing.

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    They are mostly welcoming. Even if they want to be left alone, they will say and do it in as polite a way as possible. For the circumstances, not actually polite, as in just please and thank you. They are big on making sure things balance out. With the NTs its their territory, and with the SFs its there's. IMHE SEI is the best at doing this.

    I think out of all the quadras, Alpha really do believe in world peace, even if they do not voice it. The future is bright, or it need not be dark. When actualized, they have the pulse on the future.

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    The NTs have spirited debate that is never boring. The SFs find ingenious ways to bore them.

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    Gammas are sooo grimdark compared to Alpha. The grimdarkiness isn't really 'bad' per se it's just what Gammas are like- I think they are like, going through the intense darkness exalts their Fi in a way- like you can only know your true Fi soul if you delve deep in the serious hatred and cruelty of the world ((and take it seriously too)), in the disgusting worldiness, in the idolatry. Well it's like SEE is the beginning baby gamma, they are doing a lot of the territorial exploring and "sniffing out" for Gamma but are still thinking of their IEI fathers a lot. The two logical types are naturally 'the darkest' - and then it's ESI job to sort of be a soft guiding light of them as things progress into Delta.

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    The Darling Duck~ MissDucki's Avatar
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    Poke Poke it has been quiet. I'll throw another question out there: What is the most interesting part or amusing part about Alpha dual relationships?

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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    Poke Poke it has been quiet. I'll throw another question out there: What is the most interesting part or amusing part about Alpha dual relationships?
    This isn’t really interesting, but I spoke to my ILE brother on the phone yesterday. We talked about what we’re reading (he just finished some William Gibson books and is now reading Blood Meridian, I’m reading Girl with the Dragon Tattoo lol), his jujitsu class, the time we got caught smoking weed outside a museum, some gossip about a family friend, some random person he encountered at a gas station, his “short term goals” (getting in shape and getting his art portfolio together), and his tattoo gun “experiments”. We were just starting to cover incels, but then his phone died lol. Talking to him always cheers me up

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    I was thinking about my LII uncle who married an ESE. It really took me socionics to understand why they were together, he's more of an health freak and very quiet, likely Ti subtype, she is a bon vivant and very loud so probably Fe subtype.
    I was thinking about them because I watched a movie yesterday where a little nerdy girl with no manner perked up to two ESE distant relatives and became more sociable, it was cute.
    They look happy together.

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    The Darling Duck~ MissDucki's Avatar
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    I find the ESE and LII dual relationship very adorable. I have always find that rational dom relationships are most cute to me. Like, LII are really cool and very smart but I can see some of that awkwardness to express themselves sometimes. The ESE just comes in with no issues and just knows how to read them and pick up the emotion. They really know how to integrate the LII well and allow them to show off their strengths and talents. The LII really seems to put the ESE at ease in the Ti realm and just take care of it and you can see the ESE really appreciates it. I just find the ESE/LII dual relationship the most comforting relationship to observe and just that energy makes me happy.

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    I feel a bit awkward commenting on the SEI/ILE dual relationship from my perspective. I always like hearing if from other duals. The only word I can think of this pair is amusement. I get so amused from ILE and you can see the pair just poking each other for lighthearted fun and just pure amusement sake. I get a bit more bold with joking when I am around ILE's. From an emotional aspect, I think it can be like a pure melancholic hopefulness in the quiet times. Like a little kid holding their friends hand when it's sad really tight and them telling you that it's going to be okay. Even with tears they look at you with a soft but firm look and grip. I get that feeling when looking at this dual relationship. That, and just that need for adventure and freedom in the world. I may not seem it, but there is nothing I need and want more is some adventure and the freedom to live my life at the fullest. I just find it hard to get out as I assume the worst and don't know how. ILE's seem to convince me and are able to get into my comfort zone and bring that need to me. They're down for it. Just a partner in crime to live out the world in the fullest sense.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    I feel a bit awkward commenting on the SEI/ILE dual relationship from my perspective. I always like hearing if from other duals. The only word I can think of this pair is amusement. I get so amused from ILE and you can see the pair just poking each other for lighthearted fun and just pure amusement sake. I get a bit more bold with joking when I am around ILE's. From an emotional aspect, I think it can be like a pure melancholic hopefulness in the quiet times. Like a little kid holding their friends hand when it's sad really tight and them telling you that it's going to be okay. Even with tears they look at you with a soft but firm look and grip. I get that feeling when looking at this dual relationship. That, and just that need for adventure and freedom in the world. I may not seem it, but there is nothing I need and want more is some adventure and the freedom to live my life at the fullest. I just find it hard to get out as I assume the worst and don't know how. ILE's seem to convince me and are able to get into my comfort zone and bring that need to me. They're down for it. Just a partner in crime to live out the world in the fullest sense.

    Why exactly do you assume the worst & why is it you prefer another person to bring that comfort zone to you?

    Whatever that "worst" is that you assume, will probably be there or not be there regardless of whether an ILE is there for you

    I got an SEI buddy who's very adventurous & willing to be so on her own. It's your own life, obviously. Just figured I'd give a take. Enjoy & have damn good life, either way

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stray Cat View Post

    Why exactly do you assume the worst & why is it you prefer another person to bring that comfort zone to you?

    Whatever that "worst" is that you assume, will probably be there or not be there regardless of whether an ILE is there for you

    I got an SEI buddy who's very adventurous & willing to be so on her own. It's your own life, obviously. Just figured I'd give a take. Enjoy & have damn good life, either way

    Well, I just assume that things are naturally going to go wrong so why do it? Or it is going to lead me to a very undesirable feeling or sensation that I don't know will be worth it. What if it is more then I can handle?

    It's not that I am not adventurous our go outside my comfort zone. I have always done what I wanted to do and I chase after my dreams no matter what. Just sometimes I need some extra time of passion to push me to try is all. I lived abroad and traveled abroad so, I do take risks. I just assume the worst first despite my cheeriness sometimes. It's nice if I had someone who can show me the good and good probable possibilities without shaming me for being scared. I feel like I cant see past the clouds often, the only way to motivate myself is when I am sick of the clouds and I don't care about the consequences. Ne doms seem to clear the clouds a bit easier for me and show the ray of sunshine. Like offering a hand into my comfort zone into the big bad world and I feel better cause I know they can see the sun and things will be okay.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    Well, I just assume that things are naturally going to go wrong so why do it? Or it is going to lead me to a very undesirable feeling or sensation that I don't know will be worth it. What if it is more then I can handle?

    It's not that I am not adventurous our go outside my comfort zone. I have always done what I wanted to do and I chase after my dreams no matter what. Just sometimes I need some extra time of passion to push me to try is all. I lived abroad and traveled abroad so, I do take risks. I just assume the worst first despite my cheeriness sometimes. It's nice if I had someone who can show me the good and good probable possibilities without shaming me for being scared. I feel like I cant see past the clouds often, the only way to motivate myself is when I am sick of the clouds and I don't care about the consequences. Ne doms seem to clear the clouds a bit easier for me and show the ray of sunshine. Like offering a hand into my comfort zone into the big bad world and I feel better cause I know they can see the sun and things will be okay.
    Interesting. Thanks

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    Alpha dualities seem the chillest and least problematic.

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    Alphas are the kind of people who can just not give af about anything personal. I tend to think why I find real life so freaking demotivational. I'm in no hurry. I choose what makes me least disruptive so I don't have to deal with regular life crap because it is boring af.
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    get so amused from ILE and you can see the pair just poking each other for lighthearted fun and just pure amusement sake
    yeah, this is a bit of a difference between the LII-ESE and ILE-SEI relation, the ILE-SEI will be more clownish to each other.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    ......other then the closed mouth complex, what is an essential characteristic or trait that every alpha has?
    Have you met a closed-mouth ESE? All Alphas seem to put different spins on information, much of which, if voiced, is often deemed naive or weird. However, it occasionally sparks insight.

    a.k.a. I/O

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    What good would an idea be if Alphas didn't absolutely insist that "creativity" would make better?

    I'd say innovation of ideas is what Alphas pretty much do

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    What is it like being an ILE or LII?

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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    What is it like being an ILE or LII?
    Formation of stuff. In the head. No pause.
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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    What is it like being an ILE or LII?
    Wishing to god that your brain would stop for 2 seconds so that you can finish something or have patience for someone finishing their thought before skipping ahead. Maybe just me. Sounds like add when written down

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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    What is it like being an ILE or LII?
    There's obvious things that I feel that are ILE, though ofc I'd argue there's always some very interesting things I feel that you can attach to type but also don't really have to do alot with it. Stuff like trust and attachment issues, trauma, just the general "role" that you filed as a child that carries through. I know I was also the villain of all my friend groups when i was a kid, so it's also felt a bit off with other people, generally expecting people to start disliking me the closer we'd get, which is probably linked with the Fi polr.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Baqer View Post
    There's obvious things that I feel that are ILE, though ofc I'd argue there's always some very interesting things I feel that you can attach to type but also don't really have to do alot with it. Stuff like trust and attachment issues, trauma, just the general "role" that you filed as a child that carries through. I know I was also the villain of all my friend groups when i was a kid, so it's also felt a bit off with other people, generally expecting people to start disliking me the closer we'd get, which is probably linked with the Fi polr.
    Could you go into your Fi PoLR and explain it from your perspective if you don’t mind? Fi PoLR in ILE is a Little bit different then the SLE one. I have had a lot of experience with SLE in this instance so it doesn’t bug me. The ILE one is something I do wish to understand more because it is a little bit different. I find it interesting that a lot of ILE feel that they feel they will be disliked the closer they get. It is something I would like to understand more in depth and why that is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    Could you go into your Fi PoLR and explain it from your perspective if you don’t mind? Fi PoLR in ILE is a Little bit different then the SLE one. I have had a lot of experience with SLE in this instance so it doesn’t bug me. The ILE one is something I do wish to understand more because it is a little bit different. I find it interesting that a lot of ILE feel that they feel they will be disliked the closer they get. It is something I would like to understand more in depth and why that is.

    There's alot of things associated with Fi ofc, but I can at the least tell my own experience and interpretation of what I experience that I believe has to do with Fi polr. I think the biggest thing to describe it as is probably just having lots of problems when dealing with individual relationships with people. It's a blindspot really, one I know is there but can't really figure out how to fix it. I'm able to appeal to people fine, generally portraying a true version of myself seems to get a somewhat positive response, but I don't keep track of people. I talk if I can at the moment, and basically forget about them unless there was something truly interesting for me to keep my mind on them. Fundamentally, people are just another thing that I can mess with for fun. The problem is that as I talk more and more to people, the very small part of me that keeps me from telling my life story to strangers falls apart and I just say anything that comes from my head out loud. This doesn't go well with a pretty large portion of people, because of the fact that usually whatever random stuff I'm saying is either uninteresting, not understandable, or in the case of the EII's I have met too pyschopathic for them. Thing is though is that I know I can appeal and become good friends with people, I just have very bad luck in it. I'm never gonna give a shit about keeping friendships up, so I'm stuck mostly with the people who keep them with me, which happens to be Fi doms or Fi demonstratives, and I've draw 3 different EII's and only 1 IEI as close friends. So now my best option is to try to befriend more people, which is such a comparatively hard process that makes me having to interact with people more than I want. I'm a sx/so, so in general I'm basically just waiting to find someone who I can just stick with and treat as an extension of myself, but that makes all my friendships now just seem like pointless distractions.

    TLDR, Idk what i'm doing with my social life to the point where i'd consider cutting myself off from everyone I ever knew so that I could be a purely public figure a good idea. Or maybe i'm just unlucky

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    Quote Originally Posted by Baqer View Post
    There's alot of things associated with Fi ofc, but I can at the least tell my own experience and interpretation of what I experience that I believe has to do with Fi polr. I think the biggest thing to describe it as is probably just having lots of problems when dealing with individual relationships with people. It's a blindspot really, one I know is there but can't really figure out how to fix it. I'm able to appeal to people fine, generally portraying a true version of myself seems to get a somewhat positive response, but I don't keep track of people. I talk if I can at the moment, and basically forget about them unless there was something truly interesting for me to keep my mind on them. Fundamentally, people are just another thing that I can mess with for fun. The problem is that as I talk more and more to people, the very small part of me that keeps me from telling my life story to strangers falls apart and I just say anything that comes from my head out loud. This doesn't go well with a pretty large portion of people, because of the fact that usually whatever random stuff I'm saying is either uninteresting, not understandable, or in the case of the EII's I have met too pyschopathic for them. Thing is though is that I know I can appeal and become good friends with people, I just have very bad luck in it. I'm never gonna give a shit about keeping friendships up, so I'm stuck mostly with the people who keep them with me, which happens to be Fi doms or Fi demonstratives, and I've draw 3 different EII's and only 1 IEI as close friends. So now my best option is to try to befriend more people, which is such a comparatively hard process that makes me having to interact with people more than I want. I'm a sx/so, so in general I'm basically just waiting to find someone who I can just stick with and treat as an extension of myself, but that makes all my friendships now just seem like pointless distractions.

    TLDR, Idk what i'm doing with my social life to the point where i'd consider cutting myself off from everyone I ever knew so that I could be a purely public figure a good idea. Or maybe i'm just unlucky
    Thank you for sharing!
    Honestly, what you have described is how I witness on the other side with one and it reminds me how other ILE‘s have described that experience that I have seen online. It‘s bittersweet for me to think at least.
    I hope you can find more of your people then. Be it a partner or a friend. Even with what you described I think it’s really special to find people that we enjoy their relations with. I think everyone deserves to find their people.

    I would be a little careful about viewing your partner as an extension of yourself as I have seen that backfire. From a close Sx/so friend nonetheless. Or at least make sure they are Sx/so.

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