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Thread: Help me determine type

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  1. #7
    kingslayer's Avatar
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    SLE Sx/So
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    This is Se "letting them feel my presence" (Se is more about presence, energy, etc)

    You are definitely SLE

    You have that protective nature and your words have a lot of values behind them.
    I think so too, I just tend to doubt it at times because I can become withdrawn and I get very timid and afraid of failure in those states. Which is foreign to my usual daring and confident nature, but sometimes it happens so often it makes me think the confidence could have been a front. Hence the confusion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    Here’s a good definition of Se “Introduction to Se

    Extroverted sensing is an extroverted, irrational, and static information element. It is also called Se, F, volitional sensing, or black sensing. Se includes the ability to attain high level of awareness of the physical aspects of one's reality, to know how much physical force or power is latent or required, to be able to accurately estimate properties of material sort. Types that strongly value Se are much more comfortable taking concrete actions to change their physical surroundings. This may at times be perceived as disruptive and abrasive, particularly by Ne-types who feel that abrupt changes in their physical surrounding ruins their balance. In Se-quadras, interaction takes a more blunt and direct forms, resulting in a much strongly impacting physical atmosphere than Si-valuing types prefer. Se-types enjoy discussing possibilities but only if there is concrete gain from it, or it holds the potential to impact the "the real world". Unlike Si, which is about one's subjective sensory experience (how intense or enjoyable it is), Se is about achieving an object of desire. It gives one the ability to influence, bend, and push concrete situations and people in order to achieve such an object, rather than to subjectively assess the situation one is in.”

    Yes when you travel if you are indeed and Se base you would be trying to gain awareness of your surroundings (you can see how that involves little talking and much observation giving way to confusion about one’s type). As far as pushing and bending that also comes with the degree knowledge that they feel comfortable in. My SLE friend is quite strongly assertive in the areas which she has a lot of knowledge otherwise she’s watching and learning and usually not in a combative mode.
    Hmm.. I do sound a lot like the description there. I don't like to push people for no reason though. However, if I were in a leadership position at work, I would have no issue and would find it easy to get people to do their work. I am all about having fun too though. I'm not constantly pursuing objects of desire, though I tend to do this as well. Such as my dream of moving to California. I entertain the shit out of my co-workers everyday with funny stories/jokes and I love to joke and laugh with people I enjoy being around and to smoke pot and watch funny or interesting things (I also enjoy dark television and movies a lot) can that be related to Si or this common for Se types as well? I guess I have an incorrect predetermined image of an Se ego and that's why I made this thread haha.

    Quote Originally Posted by Luminous Lynx View Post
    Clearly, You're not new here, but You're new to me, so welcome, mate!

    I'd have to get to know You more to hand out a typing confidently, but I can certainly double down on Your being an Enneagram 8 primary, and a very 2 Integrated one at that (A healthy 8). I've not seen a more explicitly justice championing 8 before--justice not in the abstract, but in the immediate sense of using Your own strength to come to the aid of others, putting cowards in their place for the greater good, etc--so Your OP was a very refreshing read. I think it's easier to infer Your Enneagram placement moreso than Your type, as You speak much of motivations, which Enneagram largely governs; there is of course pretty strong correlations between the two systems, but Your Socionics type isn't as clear to me as Your Enneagram. Your discipline and assertiveness is clear, the latter reflected in no small part by Your Enneagram.

    At a cursory glance SLE-Se and LSI-Se seem the most likely to me. It may also be worthwhile to read on SEE and ESI, for deduction's sake, if nothing else. Eliminating possibilities is important so we can focus on the probable. At the very least, Your being an Se valuer seems clear, and Se ego seems highly probable.

    For Reference:
    SLE Overview - SLE Subtypes
    LSI Overview - LSI Subtypes
    SEE Overview - SEE Subtypes
    ESI Overview - ESI Subtypes

    If You could do us all a favor - this is a test I often recommend peers. Be sure to leave it set to the "Extended Socionics Test" , and pay mind to and be as precise as You can with the sliders. I have studied this test a good deal, and even small differences are reflected in the results. The test is broken into three parts, each dynamically changing contingent upon Your answers, to pinpoint Your valued IEs. No test is perfect, but it can point many in the right direction at the least, and my own results have been very consistent. Post Your results in the thread when You're able.

    This might also be fun to evaluate

    You seem like a great man, Kingslayer. I hope this is of some assistance, and I'm lookin' forward to how this shakes out. Best of luck, lad.
    Haha you give me too much credit, but thank you! That's good to hear about my health. I use to be rather unhealthy and have been working hard through my life to become a mentally healthier and stronger person everyday. You seem like a cool guy too.. Is this kind of nice behavior another poster asked if I fall for ? Cuz I like this guy judging from this post haha. As for the subtypes you have sent. In no particular order I relate a lot to ESTp-Se, ISTj- Se and even ISFj Se. However I do not relate much at all to either ESFp subtype description or the Ji subtypes. Maybe I am ESTp, becausee that would make you my dual and I'm really enjoying the way your post is written. I love abstract things, but don't understand them as well I'd like and always appreciate someone who can help me with that. I've taken this test before and scored ESTp, but I'm retaking it now for the sake of sharing the specific results.

    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    You do sound roughly like an Se leading type, or possibly Se mobilizing. Some things might actually point more to SEE, like the idea of cutting jerks down to size. But if you're really having trouble I'd suggest doing the questionnaire in my signature.
    That's interesting.. I can be ESFp, I don't know. I don't always cut jerks down to size. I would love to do it to all the ones I meet but that can become dangerous and exhausting. If they try to manipulate me or push me around I shut that shit down fast though, in fact I usually just let them think they are manipulating me while mentally taking notes on their behavior and thought process and in turn manipulate them myself without ever verbalizing any of the information or distaste I truly have for them. I definitely enjoy to my assert myself in an environment though. I don't think Ti-polr is me though. I have been complemented many times in my life on my logical reasoning skills by people. Math was also the only subject I was ever good at without trying. I could study for history and get a B or study for science to not fail (wasn't my strong suit other than environmental science), but math I would just show up to class, space out or talk with the person next to me then get an A on most tests. I was never in advanced math courses, just the regular ones but I always coasted through them without trying. Is that normal for ESFp? I read ti-polr are not good at algebra and that was my bread and butter. I'm not saying I'm a trig or calc wiz but I was always able to grasp arithmatic and algebra very quickly and easily. I've also been told to be an attorney by many people close to me due to my "ability to play games with people" and "twist and spin arguments before the opponent has a chance to analyze it" Also very guilty of overanalyzing to a fault at times. I will answer the questionnaire shortly and post it with my test results from the other link.

    A good example of how I think is, I remember in College our geology teacher taught us about the 3 types of rock, so he took us out around campus to observe different rocks we have. I don't remember the terms for it, but they were BIG rocks rooted in the ground. Much larger than people.. The first rock was one kind, the next rock was one of the others. At each rock he asked us which one we think it is and no one guessed the first two right including myself. So we get to the third and he asked which rock we think it is, and I mentioned the only one we haven't seen yet. He asked very good how do you know? and I respond because its the only one you haven't showed us yet. and he laughed along with the class and said that's good that you think with logic to determine that but we need to actually figure out how to determine it. So that's basically the kind of logical reasoning I use. I think that's more Ti > Te? I didn't remember any facts, I just figured well he showed us Rock type #1 and #2 and this is the third rock and there's 3 types sooo... this is rock #3.
    Last edited by kingslayer; 01-11-2019 at 09:50 PM.

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