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Thread: Ooh na-na, what's my type?

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    Banana Bread's Avatar
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    Wink Ooh na-na, what's my type?

    What is beauty? What is love?
    Beauty is that of which is pleasurable to the senses, or to the mind. While there’s a certain subjectivity to it, the existence in itself of standards already show that we can agree on it many times.

    Love is a very powerful force, but it cannot be objectively described besides “a very deep affection for something/someone”.

    What are your most important values?
    Freedom, truth, honesty, excellence, beauty.

    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I believe in God 100% (though not really in the biblical way) and that has a big impact in my life,. I have many other beliefs that range from African religions to the shamanism we practice in my country. I also believe and practice arithmancy, tarot...there’s no religion that’s “correct”. None of them ave the whole truth, therefore I take what I find to be true and valuable in several of them.
    I believe in what I believe based on my personal experiences and observations. It’s not about what sounds good, it’s about what I can testify to be real.

    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    War is the most profitable business man has ever cime up with. It has nothing to do with idealogies, they just use them to rile people up. It’s all about Money and control of the masses.
    Real power is personable and cannot be taken from you. It’s the ability to make things happen, or stopping them from. It’s control, I’m very intimate with this concept, as I’m an Enneagram 8.

    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    Many diferente topics: the universe and humanity, analysis and criticismo about basically everything, from showbizz to the editorial world and sports. Sharing my analysis and opinions about books I read or movies/series I’ve watched, it can last for whole nights.
    I love music and everything involved with it; its writing and production, concepts and the performances itself, dance, wardrobe, camera work, photography, marketing. I’m an avid researcher of what people commonly call “conspiracy theories”. Basically I don’t buy what the media is selling and go after information on my own to then form my opinions. I also really enjoy watching cooking, modeling and fashion design competitions. Ando f course, I’m super interested in typology and psychology in general.

    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    Yes, though not too extetially or deeply. Mostly in relation to something I’ve already experienced and tehrefore am mindful of and can help other people.
    I care about my health and how I look, but I don’t construct my whole identity around it like many people I know.

    What do you think of daily chores?
    Hate them, avoid them as much as possible.

    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    I have too many, but I’ll make a short lists:
    Books- American Gods
    The Picture of Dorian Grey
    I, Robot
    Bag of Bones
    The Tommynkockers
    The Harry Potter Series
    His Dark Materials Series
    The Sandman Series
    The Lemony Sniket’s A Serie’s of Unfortunate Events Series

    Films- 2001 A Space Odyssey
    The Network
    They Live
    The Godfather
    All ABout Eve

    TV- Westworld
    How to Get Away With Murder
    Stranger Things

    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    Sometimes I’ll see or hear somethings o beautiful I cry, like a reminder of life’s and humanities beauty. I smile at dogs and baby animals in general, also endearing old people, these two always raise up my spirits.

    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    Whenever I work at things that make me happy, or the outdoors when the scenery and whether fit my tastes. Also in company of people I really like.

    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    Others: too demanding in terms of standards, impatient and sometimes too aggressive. A bit too independent or stand offish (hard to read). Not compromising.
    Me:lack of ability to just grind my teeth and do things I really hate on a daily basis for a (supposed) future reward (like chores).

    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    My intellect and assertiveness, being perspicacious and decisive.

    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    Someone to do all the work I hate to so I can focus on what I’m actually good at and give some pleasure. I’d love to be able to just rewire my brain so I can keep consistency When it comes to these routines, I always abandon them in a few days. Basically, I suck at discipline in everything but my work.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    Not really. I mean when I do feel like it’s described I quit whatever it’s making me feel that way.

    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    Can’t stand people who are willfully ignorant and crass, dishonest and abusive in any way. Arrogance and cockiness are instant turn offs, I can’t really get over it. Also detest whiny self victimizing people, and entitled people too.

    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    I like both a lot, but romance is not a main focus or necessity. I like sweet, soft, considerate and dedicated men. Consistency is key. I need to feel like I rank really high in his priorities, and like what he does for me is not a chore but natural. I enjoy feeling special in relation to other people to him, like I can make them feel like no one else can.

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    I’m not raising any child, so I’m not gonna waste too much time on this question. They would be raised to be well informed and independent, capable of defending themselves and not be fooled or taken advantage by. Also obviously things like manners, decency and ethics.

    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    That is way too vague. Is it a problematic belief? In that case bye bye and good riddance. But if it’s just na opinion thing that’s not hurting anyone then I may either discuss or not depending on the context, or my mood.

    Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    Society is rotten, but we live in it so we deal and I play the game, my way. I’m exicited for the near future, When everything goes into flames and it all has to change.
    Genral stupidity is the source of all other issues. People these days are just dumb and lazy, like superficial zombies who only care about eating junk, fucking like animals and wasting money in ridiculously overpriced items to show off on social media. It’s pretty patetic.
    Again I can’t wait until the selection is done and only real humans remian.

    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    I have really high standards for frienship. You have to a good, trustable person for me to let you in. I cut out anyone that does something unforgivable or doesn’t treat me the way I desserve to be treated. I love and respect myself a lot.
    The behavior thing is really weird, how am I supposed to answer? I don’t think about how I act with people in such general terms, you gotta be more specific. Give a scenario or something.

    How do you behave around strangers?
    How am I supposed to know? That’s for others to say, I don’t focus on how I’m behaving most of the time unless it’s a serious situation, that’s weird.

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    Banana Bread's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post

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    > Love is a very powerful force, but it cannot be objectively described besides “a very deep affection for something/someone”.

    as an affection - Fe valued
    as powerful force - Se valued

    beta, possible

    > What do you think of daily chores?
    Hate them, avoid them as much as possible.

    emotional - F type
    seems P types relation to routine needs

    mb IEI

  5. #5
    Chakram's Avatar
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    I want to say Gamma SF, definitely Fi>Fe, and you seem more Se-Ni than Ne-Si. You also seem to like Victim types.

  6. #6
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    I'm thinking somewhere between an ISFj and ESFp. Not really e8 vibes so much as counter-phobic e6 vibes, but I'm open to more data here.

    e8: Fuck you, world. I'm coming for you.
    CP e6: The world is rotten and I'm going to actively defend myself against it.

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    > treat me the way I desserve to be treated

    objective Fe

    > People these days are just dumb and lazy, like superficial zombies who only care about eating junk, fucking like animals and wasting money in ridiculously overpriced items to show off on social media.

    Fi talk softer. Also we see more Fe value - the need to be objectively decent. We see nothing about personal relations and subjective feelings.

  8. #8
    Xaiviay's Avatar
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    Well you seem to be pretty obviously ethical. Most likely extraverted.

    There's a lot of both sensing hobies and intuitive hobbies in your many interests. However you seem most moved by beauty and what you see, your work is mostly physical, so that + the general assertiveness you exude seems to suggest some kind of sensor.

    I get why a lot of people here think you are Se/Ni valuing, but I think you seem clearly focused on Ne/Si theories and pleasures in most of your post. Take this for instance:
    Many diferente topics: the universe and humanity, analysis and criticismo about basically everything, from showbizz to the editorial world and sports. Sharing my analysis and opinions about books I read or movies/series I’ve watched, it can last for whole nights.
    I love music and everything involved with it; its writing and production, concepts and the performances itself, dance, wardrobe, camera work, photography, marketing. I’m an avid researcher of what people commonly call “conspiracy theories”. Basically I don’t buy what the media is selling and go after information on my own to then form my opinions. I also really enjoy watching cooking, modeling and fashion design competitions. Ando f course, I’m super interested in typology and psychology in general.
    Reading your lists of interests makes me think you copied off of mine. lol. I'm thinking that you have a power-and/or-saftey-conscious enneagram type, and people are mistaking that for Se-valuing.

    So just from this post, ESE (ESFj) is the type I feel fits you best. You'd have to post a video for us to get a really good idea, however. So, just take this for what it's worth.

  9. #9
    Banana Bread's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I'm thinking somewhere between an ISFj and ESFp. Not really e8 vibes so much as counter-phobic e6 vibes, but I'm open to more data here.

    e8: Fuck you, world. I'm coming for you.
    CP e6: The world is rotten and I'm going to actively defend myself against it.
    You have 8 and 6 (and not counter phobic at that) completely mixed up, so I can't take anything you say about Enneagram seriously.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xaiviay View Post
    Well you seem to be pretty obviously ethical. Most likely extraverted.

    There's a lot of both sensing hobies and intuitive hobbies in your many interests. However you seem most moved by beauty and what you see, your work is mostly physical, so that + the general assertiveness you exude seems to suggest some kind of sensor.

    I get why a lot of people here think you are Se/Ni valuing, but I think you seem clearly focused on Ne/Si theories and pleasures in most of your post. Take this for instance:

    Reading your lists of interests makes me think you copied off of mine. lol. I'm thinking that you have a power-and/or-saftey-conscious enneagram type, and people are mistaking that for Se-valuing.

    So just from this post, ESE (ESFj) is the type I feel fits you best. You'd have to post a video for us to get a really good idea, however. So, just take this for what it's worth.
    Thanks for stopping by and giving me your input, I really appreciate it. Yep I'm an 8, and I have wondered many times whether I myself mistake it for Se. Others mostly type me as Se heavy types, you're right about that.

    I'll post more later today. let's see if it'll help.

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