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Thread: Chae's Triple Assertive Thread

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    Lightbulb Chae's Triple Assertive Thread

    A creative place where I move and shake it all up!!!!! EVERYTHING IS ON FIRE post resources, musings, examples and other material about the triple assertive enneagram tritype 738/837/387/783/873/378. I will be heartfelt, fun and kinda relentless in here, and compile things for learning/ entertainment/self-improvement. I plan to get personal. Stick around and anticipate lots of action!

    The opening aesthetic is from istj-hedonist on tumblr.

    I'll be posting more material on the tritype itself later. But I'm starting out light with sharing fictional examples that I love very much. I felt connected to them during my youth and later recognized why.

    Disney's Hades.
    He has the 8's anger explosion and power drive, the 7's hedonism and never-stopping silver tongue, the 3's superiority complex confidence and claim to succeed. His energy literally manifests as raging fire. Despite being so unhealthy and directing his explosive agenda in the wrong direction ("Olympus would be that way" was foreshadowing ), he's an awesome villain whose flaws make him very entertaining. He's also someone to learn from since he delivers us truth about humans and the nature of leadership and wrath.

    Edna Mode.
    The practical-minded 3's achievement engine and fly-high attitude with acute focus on appearance, the 7's stimulated enthusiasm and rapid switch - and unwillingness to indulge in the mediocre negative, the 8's independent and straightforward boss mind. One of the healthiest manifestations of this tritype as I see it - she's over-the-top but strives to turn others into heroes, which works extremely well because she gets them going. Doesn't have much toxic masculinity, that's probably why

    Draco Malfoy.
    Has 3's high-horse bulldozing image motivation (with a tormented 4-wing, which makes his character even more interesting), 7's mischief and pain avoidance, 8's challenge-seeking and outbursts. Has had the evil of everything projected onto him - a triple assertive can easily mirror the most screwed up parts of humanity that are most feared. More about that in the next example.

    I use the character from "Constantine" as an example, but really the concept and archetype of Satan is triple assertive. As opposed to God who's around 215 imo. Yes, I just typed God because I can and his motivations are discernable. Satan, on the other hand is the playful 7 with great hellish fun to offer, who is also making you pay for stuff 8-style, all while strutting it like a 3 in charge. Was so powerful he needed to be kicked out of heaven to start his own stuff - triple assertives need their own realm, cooperation is sometimes difficult.

    Tony Stark.
    Perfect example why triple assertive can be triple egocentric - the lesson is in achieving WITH others, having fun WITH others, protecting OTHERS, "with great power comes great responsibility" style. Tony: A person with a 7 innovative vision, a strong 3 narcissistic and polished can-do streak, 8's protective but isolationist drive. If he could, he'd do it all by himself. RDJ is triple assertive as well - proving that when the actor plays their own type, the movie is a hit.

    Jordan Belfort.
    Not much an idol of mine, but I get him, and his case is beyond worthy to mention. Drug trips, dynamism, consumption, leading, violence, thrist, money, power, sex, fury, acclaim, not much more explanation needed.

    Roy Batty.
    His monologue was essential to me, I haven't watched something that resonated with me more so far. Same as RDJ, Rudger Hauer shares the tritype. The energetic 8's vengeance and limitless brutality being the strongest and most sadistic of all, the 7's eternal greed for life and enjoyment, the 3's grandeur and painful burden of being at the top. (You can't spell sadistic without sad.) The loneliness and torture of life, moving from hollowness of feeling to revelation and glory in peace. A great example of how triple assertives are not much in connection with their inner feel, and need to go inside for catharsis. Happiness cannot come from achievement, craving and control, but showing appreciation for what IS and embracing the responsibility of your fate.

    Last edited by Chae; 03-15-2017 at 10:31 AM.

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    Exclamation NSFW

    One of my favorite videos, Pursuit. It mirrors 3's levelling up and eternal "hustle" domination, 8's weak/strong dichotomy, 7's materialism.

    White supremacy, patriarchy and superficialty, DEATH and legacy, one of the focal points in this plot, are a very 387 topic.

    Attention, contains nudity (as you will see in the interpretation, this is one big key to understanding).

    I the comment section, there was a proper explanation about what is going on.

    "Here's the breakdown:
    the gold mechanical hand represents power. First it's shown through the power of the historic white monarchy. The boy is sworn in as a king and is part of a royal bloodline (that's why you see the family behind him). The boy represents the young males in history who became kings with a lot of power. More than they knew what to do with. The gold hand then reveals itself on a decorated military personnel. For obvious reasons these people are highly in control of everything due to their connections with politicians, corporations and the sort. The statue that is displayed afterwards shows how man PURSUES immortality. The man shown may have died ages ago but his hand lifted up represents his powerful legacy. Everyone's favorite part then comes on. The naked chick showing off the cheeks. The comments about how "I only watched for the ass", "that girls body was perfect", etc. only further credits the symbolism intertwined with her. She wears the gold mechanical hand because sex is an incredibly powerful tool. It'll get you to the top (think Kim Kardashian), sex can be so powerful it gets you in poisonous, lustful situations (the women in the car) and can also destroy a person's relationship. (the chick screaming at the camera afterwards.. implying the camera man was a cheating boyfriend.) People are so bombarded with sexual explicitly these days it's no wonder the marriage rate has decreased SUBSTANTIALLY. The placement of a fighter jet afterwards just seemed random. The symbolism behind the scientists examining kids dancing is actually pretty eerie.... these older folk just want money. They need to know what the kids are into so they can make said money. They pay professionals to observe and record the youth's activities. They observe through, for example, social media... interpreting how they can profit off their interests (think about the NSA, Facebook, Google archiving searches). The guns shown floating around afterwards symbolizes the relation between scientific breakthroughs and how the military manipulates these breakthroughs for their own benefit. The body shown covered in a sheet represents death... Afterwards the camera moves to a church-like setting where Gesaffelstein is looking into a mirror where he sees no reflection. This could be portraying the grim truth that there is no life after death... what he believes to be the world is all but an illusion. That religion is false, he is nothing, and that there is no point to anything. He wears the gold mechanical hand because a person who knows the TRUTH is more powerful then ones who are oblivious. The camera then pans through a business man with the golden hand pointing outwards at others. Every piece of elite corporate shit blames someone else for their fuck ups and they get away with it via some loop holes in the system and some mad cash to persuade lawyers, judges and politicians. Sometimes government will bail these companies out of bankruptcy and that's absolute bullshit.... At the very end we see a skeleton with monarch dress. We see that even the most powerful will meet their end. Nothing lasts forever.There's no Illuminati correlation here people.... just a lot of symbolism about our past, our nature, our society, our beliefs and our end." - User "The Anomaly"
    Last edited by Chae; 03-15-2017 at 11:02 AM.

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    Distinction between the 6 and the 7 in this tritype by Katherine Fauvre, important parts highlighted. x

    Quote Originally Posted by Katherine Fauvre Consulting
    I am regularly asked…
    Which Tritype is more aggressive and assertive, the 378 or the 368? [...]

    Quote Originally Posted by Katherine Fauvre Consulting
    It has long been thought that the 378 is the most assertive Tritype because the 3, 7 and 8 are the assertive type in the triad in which they reside. The 3 is the assertive heart type, the 7 is the assertive head type and the 8 is the assertive gut type.
    And to a large degree this is true...however... the 368 is actually more aggressive than the 378 but why....
    This is a great question because both of these Tritypes are assertive. In general terms, the definition of aggressive is usually equated with being combative, angry and quarrelsome whereas assertive is often defined as being bold or confident in behavior, manner or style.
    Both definitions fit aspects of both Tritypes. Both the 378 and the 368 are assertive and/or aggressive but in different ways.
    An important note is that any type can be aggressive just as any type can be intelligent, sad or lonely, etc. What we want to consider is why and how and emotion is over used and how it is used as a defense strategy.
    I love my analogies…in large part because I have found that people learn faster when they understand the archetypal energies of Types, Tritypes and Instinctual Types. If we compare and contrast the ‘Gestalt’ of the energies present, it is easier to see the nuances of type.
    In general terms…

    The 378s are the politicians whereas the 368s are those in the Special Forces.
    The 378s are the bombers whereas the 368s are the tanks, and torpedoes.
    The 378s are the lions whereas the 368s are the honey badgers.

    A few notes on the breakdown…
    378: The Mover and Shaker
    The 378 is a very dynamic combination of Enneagram Types. All 3 deny their emotions in favor of doing.

    The 378s are confident go-getters that enjoy doing big things in a big way. The 3 loves the energy that comes from setting and achieving a goal, the 7 loves the energy that comes from what is new and exciting and the 8 loves the energy that comes from personal empowerment and overcoming obstacles.
    The 3 and 7 are both very positive... The 3 will fake it until they make it and the 7 will reframe a negative past or present with a more positive future.
    And, the 3 and 8 both are both highly competitive and want to win… The 3 wants to be seen as the best and a winner, and the 8 wants to have the power to prevail against all odds.
    The 7 and 8 are both very independent and creative types that follow their own drummers. Both do not want limitations. The 7 wants to be the leader of their groups to ensure freedom from boredom and the 8s want to be master and commander of their own life rather than conforming to the limitations of ‘group think’.
    So, when these types are combined, they have a shared world-view that is focused on being independent, positive, innovative, creative and results-oriented, winners. As such, they are ideally suited to be leaders and are the rainmakers and the captains of industry...
    368: The Justice Fighter
    The 368 is also a very dynamic combination of types. And all 3 of these types also deny emotion in favor of doing like the 378. A key difference between the 378 and the 368 is their relationship to authority.
    The 368s are fierce competitors that seek intensity. The 3 loves the energy that comes from setting and achieving a goal, the 6 loves the energy that comes from overcoming doubt and proving to themselves that they won’t be paralyzed by fear and anxiety, and the 8 loves the energy that comes from personal empowerment and overcoming obstacles.
    The 6 and 8 both focus on loyalty and justice, and are willing to publicly or privately challenge injustice… The 6 seeks an authority figure that is fair and just and the 8 sees themselves as a justice-maker.
    The 3 and 6 both adjust according to their circumstances... The 3 adapts to manage the expectations of others and to be seen as the ideal person and the 6 adjusts to their situation so as to not be targeted by others or be ‘in trouble’ with others.
    And, the 3 and 8 are both highly competitive and want to win… The 3 wants to be seen as the best and a winner, and the 8 wants to have the power to prevail against all odds.
    So, when these types are combined, they have a shared world-view that is focused on being loyal, determined, protective, security-driven and results-oriented winners that seek to ensure justice. As such, they are ideally suited to be the guardians of justice.

    Special note:
    When the 6 and 8 are combined in a Tritype the 6 becomes counter-phobic (cp).

    So when you have the assertive 3 and assertive 8 combined with the counter-phobic 6 you have the most intense, single-minded, fiercely competitive, and protective, Tritype. They often warn others of hazards or work in fields that specialize in work that requires tracking risks and developing mind over matter. Because the 6 is cp6, they do not appear to be fearful themselves and are often in careers such as the military, law enforcement or information-security.
    The 7 in the 378 Tritype brings more autonomy, vision and a lighter touch than we will see in the 368. The focused intensity of the cp6 in the 368 Tritype has a militant type of intensity. So, the 378s by comparison are more political, and as such, are natural leaders and innovators whereas the 368s are more loyal and dutiful and as such are better enforcers of justice.

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    Outlining the conflict of this tritype:

    Quote Originally Posted by Enneagram Philosophy on Tumblr
    What problems may pop up with a triple assertive?

    All three of the assertive types move in a way which avoids their own emotions as well as connecting with the feelings of others. Thus, the 378 tritype can have problems in running over people who might get in their way or stop them from reaching their goals. Even if they don’t intentionally mean to hurt someone, because the tritype doesn’t tune in to the people around them, they can inadvertently hurt feelings. Additionally, they constantly keep themselves in action and work so that they themselves do not have to stop and face their own feelings and hurt about what others have done to them. Avoiding reflection prevents the type from creating depth and understanding the meaning of their own behaviours. This type is a true extrovert in that being alone is a draining experience.

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    Explaining why 3,8,7 are extroverted (outward-focused) in the enneagram sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by PerC, User marzipan01
    Extroverted Enneatypes:
    3, 7, 8

    With extroverted enneatypes, we see that the inclination is to alter the external world with little to no regard of the internal world of self or other. These motives are extroverted in that the energy moves from internal to external. I want X, therefore, I do Y. To the utmost and unhealthiest level of extrovert, there is no intrinsic value to life. And they are as unaware of the deeper meaning of other living beings as they are unaware of their own intrinsic worth or depth. If a bully is mean to other people, it's nothing to how much he is truly suffering on the inside. On the other hand, when healthy, the extroverted enneatypes are able to take action and initiative to invite positive change in their own lives. When healthy, they are powerful, inspiring, generous, forging the paths through the external world so that the rest might feel safe to follow.

    Type 3: To the type 3 (at unhealthy levels) it isn't about who you are on the inside, your thoughts, your hidden talents, all that matters is the amount of money in the bank, your physical appearance, your success, your achievements, the plaque on the wall, the degrees you've earned from Ivy League institutions. You are what you do, you are what you look like. This creates tremendous pressure on them to succeed and to be the best to the point that they are willing to destroy themselves and others to deserve love. Type 3's grow by realizing that they are worthy of being loved and that there is more to themselves than their achievements and success. They are worthy of being loved (and so is everyone else) even if they were complete and total "failures".

    Type 8: To the type 8 (at unhealthy levels) the world must be altered to fit the needs of the 8. The world must submit to the 8's vision. All the libidic energy is channeled into the external world where all internal psychological issues are worked out directly in the external world. If the 8 is suffering from issues of self-worth or powerlessness, the 8 is likely to take out his/her feelings of worthlessness out on the external world via bullying and open aggression/hostility towards others. The 8 in this situation has little to no idea of the pain they're inflicting on others because to them (in unhealthy states) other people are merely ideas in their head and, in so being, the 8 has every right to push them around, alter them, kill them, etc. in an effort to regain control of the 8's "mind" (the external world confused with internal world means the 8 has little to no idea that other humans exist independently of the 8's presence). 8's grow by looking within, recognizing the internal world and the inner sensitivity that they repress. They grow by recognizing and incorporating love for self and others into their psychic repertoire. This is like an extra step of awareness in their minds before acting.

    Type 7: To the type 7 (at unhealthy levels) the world exists to give the 7 pleasure and happiness. The 7's unwillingness to self-reflect or go within and face the storm cloud of fear and possible deprivation leads the type 7 to be insensitive to the darker realities that exist around them. If someone is unhappy around the unhealthy 7, the 7 is likely to be disgusted and look away. Thus we see that the unhealthy 7 can be a fair weather friend, only there when you're happy and likely to jump ships when you're sad. Of course, the 7 has no idea that they're doing this because the 7 denies that they have ever felt the same thing. So the 7 is really just being as fair weather friendly to everyone else as the 7 is to him/herself. The 7 is disloyal to his/her own needs and as he/she plummets into unhealthy levels, plummets into the the depths of self-destructive tendencies. 7's grow by recognizing the the joy in embracing the painful elements of reality. There is immense joy and bliss that comes from accepting the good and the bad. The bad/painful parts of life make the good parts even better and when the 7 learns to "suffer" through the painful bits, they will find more joy in the pleasant aspects of life.

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    As a Choleric-Sanguine Chaotic Good 873 I love the thread, really Very concise information about the 3/7/8 tritypes in one place is a great idea.

    I also found this very useful:
    378 – The Mover & Shaker Archetype

    The 837 is the slick, expansive, powerhouse, 'can do' person that sees the big picture but avoids feelings, seeing them as speed bumps that get in the way of manifesting and making things happen.

    *Most assertive tritype-378, 873, 783

    378,837,738 If you are the 378, you are ambitious, innovative and protective. You want to be efficient, happy and straight-forward. You are a dynamic go-getter, focused on the prize. An expansive powerhouse, you see the big picture and a positive future with the will to make it happen. Seeking success, obstacles are seen as competitive challenges. Your life mission is to see what is possible and find innovative ways to achieve your goals. A true mover and shaker, you are happiest when you are in a position of power to manifest your vision and make things happen. You need to be doing to feel alive. You can be so expeditious, assertive and results oriented that you miss your impact on others and the deeper meaning and significance of why you are doing what you are doing.


    You have all three Expansive Solution Enneacards (3, 7 & 8)
    Naturally forward and expansive, you see yourself as assertive, self-motivated, expeditious and results oriented. Focused on action, you resist being controlled and letting your feelings get in the way of achieving your goals. When opposed, you react immediately and when necessary are not afraid to move against others to manage problems.

    the sexual 378 is triple assertive and has the added jolt of the high intensity sexual energy. 378 is self assured, innovative and bold, there will be more of a focus on being strong and attractive compared to other instincts. The 379 is a bit softer and more adept at softening their presentation. We always refer to the 379 is the "cool guy" or "cool girl" tritype as they want to be trendy and cool but also blend. The 378 may be more outlandish so pays less attention to being cool and more attention to being the trailblazer.
    Well if you lead with the 7 instead of 3 you will be less concerned with image and be less likely to track what others want you to be as the 7 is more concerned with following their own muse. However with the sexual subtype in charge both the 378 and the 738 will want to be alluring to potential intimates and mates and have a desire to find a mate who can handle their triple assertive energy.

    a 379 would be a more reflective and considerate but also more indecisive and chameleon-like (and somewhat more withdrawn, at times) version of a 378.

    And 379/793 would differ from the 378 in that 379 would be more diplomatic and conflict-avoidant than the 378.

    3-7-8 - The Extrovert

    This type is very outward focused. They must keep themselves involved with the external world in order to be relieve of stress and tension. Being alone and inactive causes anxiety.

    eight with a three fix: the notably success oriented, prominence seeking eight. utilizes
    image and manipulation to advance their career or enterprise.
    business achievement can lead to political aspirations.

    783: Direct and focused 7. Most assertive 7. Are usually movers and shakers and rainbow makers. Professional 7.

    837: Focused and innovative. Most assertive 8. Mover and shaker, especially if extroverted and/or soc. subtype. Entrepreneurs.

    87?: Focused, intuitive, and innovative. Most assertive and noncomforming 8. Moody, intense, eccentric, entrepreneurial 8 especially if sx.

    Both Tritypes are Movers and Shakers. They both want to win and have power but in a different way. The 387 is focused on achieving success, especially success in the eyes of others. The attention goes to identifying the role needed to make the achievements that are viewed as successful. With success comes power. The 837 is more focused on overcoming obstacles and succeeding in spite of the obstacles...they never give up. The 837 is less focused on the role and more focused on the position of power. With power comes success. The 837 wants to be seen as successful but wants autonomy more and are not dependent on other's view of them.
    With the 738 the focus moves to the heat and the creative, vision, future ideal, what is possible and entertaining ways to succeed in a big way. They imagine, produce and manifest.
    Some celebratory gifs to illustrate the Mover & shaker Archetype:

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    A huge gender double standard manifests acutely in this tritype.

    Perfect example:
    Here's female triple assertive Nicki Minaj about obstacles connected to her motivation. She even uses the key word and draws a comparison to Donald Trump who shares this tritype!

    "When I'm assertive, I'm a bitch! When a man is assertive, he's a boss. He bossed up! No negative connotation behind bossed up. But lots of negative connotation behind being a bitch."

    What I find even more outrageous about this: she revokes her statement for the very same reasons that she pointed out to receive no backlash. Both society and she herself put limitations on her assertive potential. What I learned from this is to be more proud and steadfast concerning this ability, no matter what the repercussion is. They should get used to it, not me accepting that they step on my will and consent which is just, granted and unassailable.

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    More quotes by her. She's tending towards 3w4 competition/value/distinguishment and 8 charge-challenge, 7 is not so visible verbal-wise unless she talks about regrets - but look at the background of the quotes It's work and play with this combination. Although play in the industry also means conforming to body standards, which Nicki flips around making it bold and fun through blatant exaggeration.

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    Is that Trump's type? 8-3-7 or 8-6-3...

    Man, my tritype (4-5-9) is really boring... the fact that I'm sx-last makes it even more boring. I didn't actually think that I would become this boring...

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    the energy of triple assertives really calms me down. i feel more peaceful. lol.
    Last edited by lynn; 01-26-2019 at 01:28 AM.

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    The average woman doesn't really care about success tho, they just want a Chad to protect them while living a cozy suburban life. I think Hollywood women have higher than average testosterone levels that's why they are able to make it in the world better.

    Also socially there is no bad consequence for a woman either being confident or not confident, but men are expected to be confident at all times. So women are allowed to be both insecure and confident, men just one thing. So telling a woman to know her worth is kind of pointless, as it doesn't really matter if she does or doesn't. Society will swoop in to cater to her every whim if she is insecure. (I mean assuming she's not so insecure that she's suicidal... but we all know more men kill themselves.) And if she's not, she will get record deals like Ms. Minaj.

    I like her though. I often have 'you a stupid hoe' in my head.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bullets View Post
    The average woman doesn't really care about success tho, they just want a Chad to protect them while living a cozy suburban life. I think Hollywood women have higher than average testosterone levels that's why they are able to make it in the world better.

    Also socially there is no bad consequence for a woman either being confident or not confident, but men are expected to be confident at all times. So women are allowed to be both insecure and confident, men just one thing. So telling a woman to know her worth is kind of pointless, as it doesn't really matter if she does or doesn't. Society will swoop in to cater to her every whim if she is insecure. (I mean assuming she's not so insecure that she's suicidal... but we all know more men kill themselves.) And if she's not, she will get record deals like Ms. Minaj.

    I like her though. I often have 'you a stupid hoe' in my head.
    @Bullets, your comments reminded me of this comic:


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    Quote Originally Posted by Singularity View Post
    Is that Trump's type? 8-3-7 or 8-6-3...

    Man, my tritype (4-5-9) is really boring... the fact that I'm sx-last makes it even more boring. I didn't actually think that I would become this boring...
    837, he's not counterphobic but more out for the fun and vision of it.

    You're at the right place, I can show you the world about what is interesting.

    4 --> the depth and idiosyncrasy, this type is by definition and actuality the most exceptional, no matter their health level.
    5 --> the insight and detached understanding and synthesis of everything conceivable
    9 --> the gentle harmony and satisfaction of peace!

    459 has the richest and most intricate fantasy among all tritypes *^*

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bullets View Post
    The average woman doesn't really care about success tho, they just want a Chad to protect them while living a cozy suburban life. I think Hollywood women have higher than average testosterone levels that's why they are able to make it in the world better.

    Also socially there is no bad consequence for a woman either being confident or not confident, but men are expected to be confident at all times. So women are allowed to be both insecure and confident, men just one thing. So telling a woman to know her worth is kind of pointless, as it doesn't really matter if she does or doesn't. Society will swoop in to cater to her every whim if she is insecure. (I mean assuming she's not so insecure that she's suicidal... but we all know more men kill themselves.) And if she's not, she will get record deals like Ms. Minaj.

    I like her though. I often have 'you a stupid hoe' in my head.
    @Bullets, your comments reminded me of this comic:


    Which is why, most of the time, I'm like this penguin:

    What is the caption.jpg

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    Quote Originally Posted by lynn View Post
    the energy of triple assertives really calms me down. i feel more peaceful. lol. it's like .. at least someone is living life how you are supposed to.
    Aweh <333 We try to
    What is "supposed to be" is far behind us though, we do our own stuff. Triple assertives are least people-oriented or at least inclined.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bullets View Post
    The average woman doesn't really care about success tho, they just want a Chad to protect them while living a cozy suburban life. I think Hollywood women have higher than average testosterone levels that's why they are able to make it in the world better.

    Also socially there is no bad consequence for a woman either being confident or not confident, but men are expected to be confident at all times. So women are allowed to be both insecure and confident, men just one thing. So telling a woman to know her worth is kind of pointless, as it doesn't really matter if she does or doesn't. Society will swoop in to cater to her every whim if she is insecure. (I mean assuming she's not so insecure that she's suicidal... but we all know more men kill themselves.) And if she's not, she will get record deals like Ms. Minaj.

    I like her though. I often have 'you a stupid hoe' in my head.
    Stop mansplaining. Women don't want that, they were conditioned into it and given no other choice.

    Are you a woman trying to be confident? You don't know how it's like! Do you think having half of humanity praised for insecurity is good? Do you even know what that implies? Of course men are more suicidal, first they were weak at the power of women, subjugated them, and that backfired onto their own "one thing"! And now we're all stuck

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    Bullshit Chae. I know lots of women who had really good jobs but couldn't really take the heat of a career, and they instead gave it all up and pursued a confident and dominant male to provide for them. There was no conditioning of that, it was their choice and preference. (and also their natural biology and how they didn't have the testosterone or willpower to succeed) And well ... of course for a lot of women they like both and the work/home life balance thing.

    I'm obviously not a woman smartass - but you don't have to be to understand their nature.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bullets View Post
    Bullshit Chae. I know lots of women who had really good jobs but couldn't really take the heat of a career, and they instead gave it all up and pursued a confident and dominant male to provide for them. There was no conditioning of that, it was their choice and preference. (and also their natural biology and how they didn't have the testosterone or willpower to succeed) And well ... of course for a lot of women they like both and the work/home life balance thing.

    I'm obviously not a woman smartass - but you don't have to be to understand their nature.
    No. Lies. Biology is the hardware, conditioning the software. Testosterone is not needed for leadership unless it's a violent one. Willpower is a trait. Otherwise female SxEs and 8s would not exist, for instance. It was not their choice, they've been told that it was their path from the age of 2. The opposite lifestyle is socially sanctioned for a female, I experience it every day.

    Stay the hell out of the discourse, you know nothing. The fact that you won't even consider my opinion shows that you don't give a shit about what women think and are. Get out of my thread.

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    ^^^ Case in point.

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    The fact that you won't even consider my opinion shows that you don't give a shit about what women think and are. Get out of my thread.
    You're projecting. It is you that is not listening.

    I won't care about a woman or anybody else unless they also care about me. You're really self absorbed. You may view it as confidence- but it's just self-absorption. You've yet to really counter my claims, instead they just emotionally triggered you and your egoic concept of feminism.

    Just something to make you feel better about yourself I guess, but it doesn't have any impact on society like y'all want it to.

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    My purpose as a man isn't just to feed the narcissism of women.

    Sorry but not sorry.

    This is why y'all ain't winning anything any more- cuz people can see through the narcissism and self-absorption. But I'll leave you alone for now.

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    Same pattern for another 387, Madonna.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bullets View Post
    My purpose as a man isn't just to feed the narcissism of women.

    Sorry but not sorry.

    This is why y'all ain't winning anything any more- cuz people can see through the narcissism and self-absorption. But I'll leave you alone for now.
    That exact attitude leaves it exactly as it is. Confer your quote in the life hacks thread. You're the one projecting narcissism. You don't "leave me alone", you fuck off entirely and educate yourself. I have all right to be egoic to protect myself. If I don't, take a look in the mirror. And look beyond, it's even more ugly in there.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bullets View Post
    My purpose as a man isn't just to feed the narcissism of women.
    Then why do you show up here? You did nothing but solidify the point.

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    ... and making me more ambitious

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    LoL. Clearly you still want to engage....

    You just have to get over yourself and accept that if you preach about feminism or a SJW thing it's naturally gonna cause people to talk about issues that men deal with for balance. The world isn't just gonna entirely bow down to everything you say and feed your narcissism. Please don't confuse narcissism with what healthy self confidence is like.

    Please check your female privilege and your toxic femininity!

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    In accordance to Trump's tritype, Alec Baldwin is also triple assertive and core 8. Hence the perfect imitation

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bullets View Post
    LoL. Clearly you still want to engage....

    You just have to get over yourself and accept that if you preach about feminism or a SJW thing it's naturally gonna cause people to talk about issues that men deal with for balance. The world isn't just gonna entirely bow down to everything you say and feed your narcissism.

    Please check your female privilege and your toxic femininity!
    Of course, to install justice. Between you and me: You're ignorant - but your life already makes you pay for it. I can watch your pathetic suffering all over the forum and get off

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    I will not be silenced. I will not 'fuck off' when it's clear that you're not really upset - you're just trying to be manipulative.

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    Okay wow so now you're being emotionally abusive. I really hit a nerve didn't I? I really poked through your feminist narcissistic bullshit haha.

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    Remember Chae, everybody knows that charmers secretly feel like they are frauds.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bullets View Post
    I will not be silenced. I will not 'fuck off' when it's clear that you're not really upset - you're just trying to be manipulative.
    I get from this that you want to make me upset. Then for sure I will keep pushing so you get a lesson, up to you my little masochist volunteer. Keep going with the abuse and I will degrade you more, it's fun for me and adequate payback for you. I can mirror and escalate your vibration eternally until you stop.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bullets View Post
    Remember Chae, everybody knows that charmers secretly feel like they are frauds.

    Try harder

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bullets View Post
    Okay wow so now you're being emotionally abusive. I really hit a nerve didn't I? I really poked through your feminist narcissistic bullshit haha.
    Would you consider someone constantly telling you that you're naturally weak & masochistic and designed to serve and get spit on emotionally abusive or

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    Damn! @niffer needs to join this thread.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Damn! @niffer needs to join this thread.
    For more gaslighting to antagonize and devalue me?

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    Good, let's resume business.
    Found more on 8 tritypes in this forum, about the mover/shaker in specific, with focus on 8's position within the combination:

    The Mover Eight – (873)
    Archetype, The Mover & The Shaker – Tritype (3.7.8)

    *Most assertive Tritype

    The Mover & The Shaker Archetype: (378 ,738, 873). If you are Tritype 378, you are ambitious, innovative and protective. You want to be efficient, happy and straight-forward. You are a dynamic go-getter, focused on the prize. An expansive powerhouse, you see the big picture and a positive future with the will to make it happen. Seeking success, obstacles are seen as competitive challenges. Your life mission is to see what is possible and find innovative ways to achieve your goals. A true mover and shaker, you are happiest when you are in a position of power to manifest your vision and make things happen. You need to be doing to feel alive. You can be so expeditious, assertive and results oriented that you miss your impact on others and the deeper meaning and significance of why you are doing what you are doing.

    You have all three Expansive Solution Enneacards (3, 7 & 8).
    Naturally forward and expansive, you see yourself as assertive, self-motivated, expeditious and results oriented. Focused on action, you resist being controlled and letting your feelings get in the way of achieving your goals. When opposed, you react immediately and when necessary are not afraid to move against others to manage problems.

    The Tritype 378 is triple assertive and has the added jolt of the high intensity sexual energy if SX. 378 is self-assured, innovative and bold, there will be more of a focus on being strong and attractive compared to other instincts. The 379 is a bit softer and more adept at softening their presentation. The 378 may be more outlandish so pays less attention to being cool and more attention to being the trailblazer.

    If you lead with 7 instead of 3 you will be less concerned with image and be less likely to track what others want you to be, as the 7 is more concerned with following their own muse. However, with the sexual subtype in charge both the 378 and the 738 will want to be alluring to potential intimates and mates and have a desire to find a mate who can handle their triple assertive energy.

    Type 8 in this Archetype:

    Eight/Seven fix: Focused, intuitive, and innovative. Most assertive and nonconforming 8. Moody, intense, eccentric, and entrepreneurial especially if SX.

    Eight/Three fix: The notably success oriented, prominence seeking eight. Utilizes
    image and manipulation to advance their career or enterprise. Business achievement can lead to political aspirations.

    The 873 is more focused on overcoming obstacles and succeeding in spite of the obstacles...they never give up. The 873 is less focused on the role and more focused on the position of power. With power comes success. The 873 wants to be seen as successful but wants autonomy more and are not dependent on other's view of them.

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    On the triple assertive celebrity list - 837 - is also:

    Bianca Del Rio, drag queen and winner of the 6th season of RuPaul's drag race.
    Most known for her invulnerable attitude and stabs at things trying to control her ("Baloney" or "Not today Satan" - her famous call-out), 3's ambition ("I'm here to win this") and rapid-fire 7 wit that she uses in standup comedy. I thought she could be a 836 as well, but she doesn't cover 6's trust/security theme. Bianca's comedy is based on lifting the mood and navigating through the negative superficially with both snark and humor instead of throwing herself right into it. She attacks injustice but not like a cp 6, the latter would do it for integrity matters. 8 attacks injustice to protect and seize power from those who mishandle it.

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    Personally I deem 863 to be more energetically coherent than triple assertives. 7 goes away from pain, but 8 wants to burst and take the challenge. As 8 is stronger (independent of fix position), 7 must adapt. That happens in coming to enjoy power. Because well, the reverse is fearing (7) disempowerment (8) of oneself or another, which 3 wants to avoid as well to remain on top. A cp6 in the tritype matches better with the 3 since it is it's integration point, and 8 because it cooperates with 8's feeling of responsibility.

    TL;DR: It's the 7's task in the tritype to make it all work together in a way that doesn't tear your motivations apart.

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    Talk by a triple assertive ILE, core 7.

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