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Thread: African Americans, Police, and several other things tied into this.

  1. #41

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    Harvard psychologists took a look at how black children adopted by well off upper-middle class white families at a very young age perform on IQ tests once they grow up in white families with good socioeconomic conditions. Black children adopted by white parents average 89 on IQ tests at age 17 (slightly better than the 85 average for blacks nationally). White children who grew up in the same households and had white biological parents on average scored 109. Even with the same socioeconomic upbringing, the racial IQ gap remains.
    Last edited by Averroes; 01-01-2017 at 09:19 PM.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Averroes View Post
    This study has been considered questionable for various reasons by various people. But more importantly, what point are you trying to make? You are white, therefore likely to be more intelligent? YAY YOU!! #whitefragility
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  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    It's cute how much white people love their perceived superiority while appearing so utterly stupid in their attempts at trying to prove it.
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
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  5. #45
    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    I don't really know any white people like this. I guess I'd just shy away from such a person. I have been in situations of cultural diversity and then in others that were not at all. Sometimes people separate themselves on purpose into groups of people that are culturally familiar to them and you can feel unwelcome when you try to mix. At least at first. You have to let people have time to get used to you when you are different. You have to allow them that first natural reaction (like, a suspicious: "What is that person of this different race/culture doing here with us?") and sometimes just give people time to know you and then that first reaction fades. Sometimes people purposely mix outside their culture for various reasons, sometimes just a principled reason, like that's what people should do. I am not saying this to minimize the prejudice and unfairness that blacks and other people of difference have experienced, though. This should be acknowledged, remembered, realized - always, and never minimalized.

    Only one example - I could think of many - is from the past. In my son's tiny Catholic school in 4th grade there was only one black student who did come in with different cultural habits and customs in this otherwise mostly one-culture school [In that one-culture there were several sub-cultures, and my son and I were not the top of that pile at all, as questionable newbies in a tightly formed group. Maybe that's why my son and this boy got along - when they weren't scrapping, that is, because that happened too). My son was invited to this boys birthday party at a bowling area in a different part of the city than I had ever been in; parents welcome to stay, so I did, since it was far. Well, we were the only white people there in this sea of dark faces. It was a very relaxed comfortable place but I stuck out like a stranger. I thought, well, now I know exactly what they experience so many times in their life when they go somewhere where they are the only black. So I felt a solidarity there. The large group of kids and adults for the party was very organized - when I asked someone if do something to help - I think it was get a pitcher of water from the bowling alley staff for those of our party with nothing to drink (they had cups). She looked alarmed and said I should ask this person over there (of the party) who was "in charge". I did, and this woman, too, looked sort of alarmed by my question (probably because I am this new element in their usual routine) and after clarification she said okay.. so I took over that job, filling peoples water cups and the pitcher, and when I sat I just got to know this one person from a conversation we got in because she also was a newly single mom, too, so we talked about that, and other people got in our conversation, and it soon seemed all-normal to everyone. So I enjoyed getting to know them because the normal "shock-response" faded and people were themselves. I liked their warmth and the realness; and it was a nice time. I had seen this boys mother at school before, but we had never conversed like we had now at the party. Later that year my son got involved in the CYO basketball team at the church down the block, and when I went to one of his games in yet another strange unfamiliar church's crowded gym, I saw this boy's mom there (for her son's game, just previous), and I will always remember how she surprised me by greeting me with such friendly, familiar warmth. It was a memorable unexpected blessing in a lonely time of my life...

    The point is most people most of the time are just normal about racial differences. Just because they may be mistrustful before they know you doesn't mean they don't get over it in due time. They normally do, in everyday life, I think.

    I think one of the horrible agendas of the media - don't ask me why, but I am convinced of this - is to divide people, to cause the masses to be at odds with each other. So exaggerating racial tensions, exaggerating political differences and religious differences, and telling people what they should believe and think and who is horribly bad and awful because they don't agree with the correct opinion on things -- all these tactics have the same end - related to a "divide and conquer" . Yes, its us they are trying to divide and set against each other, and they are trying to instill fear of all things in us, and we all ought to have nothing to do with the program. And I would not be like them and perpetuate their agenda in any way. There will always be freaks with freaky ways. I would rather ignore them.
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    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
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