View Poll Results: what is Teal Swan's type?

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  • ILE (ENTp)

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  • SEI (ISFp)

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  • ESE (ESFj)

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  • LII (INTj)

    1 5.56%
  • SLE (ESTp)

    3 16.67%
  • IEI (INFp)

    5 27.78%
  • EIE (ENFj)

    3 16.67%
  • LSI (ISTj)

    1 5.56%
  • SEE (ESFp)

    1 5.56%
  • ILI (INTp)

    2 11.11%
  • LIE (ENTj)

    2 11.11%
  • ESI (ISFj)

    0 0%
  • IEE (ENFp)

    0 0%
  • SLI (ISTp)

    0 0%
  • LSE (ESTj)

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  • EII (INFj)

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Thread: Teal Swan the Spiritual Catalyst

  1. #41
    darya's Avatar
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    She's kinda stiff (and "hard") for an IP. Sometimes she has Angelina Jolie vibes.
    Last edited by darya; 03-22-2017 at 08:02 AM.

  2. #42
    back for the time being Chae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    Sort of emotionally restrained, stiff, self contained. She's not a brick wall but I don't get the impression that emotionally engaging with others is totally second nature to her. Maybe it's just me. I've only seen a couple of her videos. I guess my impression wouldn't necessarily be out of step with Fe creative either.
    Ah I understand, what dimensionality do you think Fe has instead?

  3. #43
    back for the time being Chae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    Sometimes she has Angelina Jolie vibes.
    Ohh, you mean ESI then?

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Ohh, you mean ESI then?
    I don't know what her type is, but she doesn't strike me as IEI for reasons stated.

  5. #45
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    I don't know what to type her as. I think whatever her type is, it might be masked by her public image. I can't tell if she's a logical type trying to sell to NFs, or an NF type trying be seen as super calm and rational. I agree with what people are saying about her being stiff, I can barely watch her without my throat hurting because she sounds like she strains just to talk and to move her jaw, her voice is very forced and boyish sounding.
    My assumption is she is just another snake oil sales woman.
    This is personal, but her eye brows are so wrong and plucked far apart.
    LSI-Se 836 Sp/Sx

  6. #46

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    I think this is more of how she naturally is:

    It seems like she had a pretty messed up childhood.
    Last edited by Singu; 03-25-2017 at 03:31 AM.

  7. #47
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    I think she's LIE

  8. #48
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Singularity View Post
    I think this is more of how she naturally is:

    It seems like she had a pretty messed up childhood.
    Edit: She has basically admitted to luring children to their deaths... Manson's followers paid for what they did even though they were under Manson's control. She is profiting instead...

    To spare you the graphic details, from age six to nineteen I was tortured physically and sexually in cult rituals. I was raped, deprived of food and forced to undergo three abortions (all fathered and aborted by Doc himself). I was photographed for sadomasochistic pornography, sold to men for sex out of outdoor gas station bathrooms, kept in basements and in a hole in the ground in Doc's back yard [sic]. I was exposed to electro-shock programming, forced to undergo isolation torture and left overnight tied up in lava caves in southern Idaho. I was drugged chronically by Doc with anesthetics (all of which he had unlimited access to due to being a vet by trade). I was chased through the Idaho and Utah wilderness by Doc "playing" tracking games in which he would hunt me, and I would undergo consequences (like having my rib cage cut or being raped) if I was caught. And I was used as a lure to other children that ended up being hurt and on occasion killed. (This bio is reprinted virtually word-for-word in chapters two and three of Teal’s second book, Shadows Before Dawn.)
    I think I may have defended her once, or more likely her right to say what she wanted. There is nothing original about what she is teaching since I read a lot of what she has said is in various books, and on metaphysical mailing lists, way before she came on the scene. She was probably on them too. I read that she was a follower of Abraham-Hicks teachings and it seems plausible. Her trashing those teachings is not new either.

    Anyway, I was mostly indifferent until I saw she has claimed to be sewn into a corpse for like 12 hours when she was 8 years old. It would be physically impossible to sew a child that size into a corpse according to a mortician. I have no doubt she was a troubled child/teen and probably a troubled adult based on what I have read so far.


    The article mentioned here was published and can be read in the link above.

    Satanic ritual abuse story by spiritual teacher, Teal Swan, turns out to be all lies.
    Orlando, Florida, Teal Swan, known as: “The Giggling God”' and “The Spiritual Catalyst” ’ and self-proclaimed “Spiritual Leader of the New Age,” has enjoyed a meteoric rise to fame. She has a movie in production about her life story. She has published books, offers seminars and workshops throughout the country and Europe, and sells merchandise through her web-shop. She has hundreds of thousands of followers throughout social media.

    Recently, she has been debunked by a group of local cult researchers and exposed as a fraud.

    Teal Swan's teachings focus around her claims of overcoming 13 years of satanic ritual abuse during which she was allegedly raped, drugged, mentally programmed, tortured, regularly abducted at night while her parents and brother were sleeping, and even sewn into a corpse being left for 12 hours. She also allegedly witnessed the murder of numerous immigrant children who were abducted by a satanic cult. She even claims she was instrumental in abducting some of them. The ringleader of the cult, according to Teal, was a local man living a double life as a sociopathic, mormon/satanist, with multiple personalities. He was a friend of her family, and a local veterinarian, whom Teal refers to publicly as “Doc”.

    A group of cult investigators who publish a magazine called 'Ethics and The Modern Guru' became suspicious of her claims when Cameron Clark, one of Teal's ex-followers, came forward and told her story of living in Teal's 'House of Horrors'. She lived in Teal’s “intentional community” for six months, and was harassed by many of Teal's fans and household members for many months after leaving Teal’s group..

    Teal Swan's claim that she was “sewn in a dead body” as an eight-year-old child aroused the curiosity and suspicion of the investigating journalists. Several calls to morticians proved this was an impossibility, unless she was 'the size of a football,' according to one of the morticians.

    The cult awareness team decided to contact the man accused of these heinous crimes in order to get to the bottom of Teal's gruesome stories.

    “Doc” is being accused of torturing Teal between the ages of six and nineteen, in horrific ways. The team interviewed Doc several times. He was severely shocked when he was approached for a statement. Doc is a retired veterinarian who lives a quiet life with his wife of 35 years. He offers workshops and is an author. He is currently considering his legal options in regards to Teal Swan’s allegations. Doc produced a handwritten letter, from Teal that was sent to him almost a year after she claims to have “escaped” from his clutches, at the age of 19. . Teal writes to him like you would to an old and dear friend. She shows not fear, but respect and admiration. She says she misses him,and wants him to contact her. Very contradictory to her public tales of the man who abused and tortured her.

    The magazine, which is due to be launched late September-October of this year through Kindle and softcover, includes many pages of documentation and research on Teal Swan's allegations.
    I considered IEE, EIE and ESE for her. ESE because she claims to be a medical intuitive that instinctively knows where the physical issues stem from in other people's bodies, and how to fix them, on her FB and elsewhere.

    She could just be a good con-artist who may or may not have had some of the experiences she claims to. She could also be mentally ill. I might like a lot of spiritual/metaphysical concepts but I maintain a healthy skepticism. I feel something is off about her and it probably has to do with her motivations to manipulate rather than share her "wisdom". After reading the article I can see sx/so > sx/sp.
    Last edited by Aylen; 03-25-2017 at 08:51 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  9. #49

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    Yeah, I wouldn't recommend people to listen to her.

  10. #50
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    I want to punch her in the face tbh (she should even be in prison if all the things about her past are true, which i doubt. oh well..! internet..)

  11. #51
    both sides, now wacey's Avatar
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    I had a acquaintance from highschool who went to a Abraham Hicks Cruise ship convention. Next thing I hear he's saying he will have a million dollars in 5 years because "you are what you are wanting, you are attracting what you are needing you are blah blah blah blah the SECRET pow pow"

    5 years later I saw him, he was busking table at Boston Pizza restaurant.

    I mean nothing wrong with that, just, yeah....

    Be careful who you give your money to.

  12. #52
    both sides, now wacey's Avatar
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    Major sociopathy vibes. Whatever her type there's a woman you should be cautious of.

    EDIT: she is definitely a powerful person no doubt about that and I in no way want to say she is insincere AT ALL. Whenever you feel kinda confused inside your chest about a person, just be wary. Big time caution flags, and then you WATCH. Watch what happens.

    I'm with aylen on her typings except strike ESE. Sol said ESTp and I wouldn't throw that out just because of the esoteric"ness"

  13. #53
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    Teal is dangerous, she has no idea how to sit with another person and lovingly facilitate a session. Mark my words, she will burn like Osho did, Andrew Cohen as well. Teal is very smart, but there is not a trace of a loving heart, not a drop of authentic compassion. Just a smart mind is not enough to be a spiritual teacher. sorry.
    Interesting the comments on her videos. I wouldn't go to her for spiritual teaching, not my personal style. She is to "loaded" as a person, no matter how correct the message.

  14. #54

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    I like some of what she says. I think she has good advice for people who were kinda raised in overly repressed middle class homes without a lot of outlets for personal freedom or something, which if we are going to be honest- is a lot of us. Her cheesy pc images of things while she speaks is kinda lol though. Like it's too academic textbook psych 101 ish.

    Even though she gives good counsel at times and I can't bring myself to hate her as much as some others- she does seem to have this very business-y/cruel/slutty side IRL beyond the role of spiritual guru. It's like some BS she's saying to make it sound real. It's so manipulative lol.

    Also the stuff she claims that she went through, I feel like she's exaggerating too much for emotional effect. It feels so manipulative and I don't trust most of what she says because of it.... like it lacks so much concrete proof. I never really cared that much to investigate further though. And she's like too secretly/not-so-secretly giddy that all these horrible things happened to her, like begging for attention. I think she might be IEI because tbh, IEIs do like to play victims like this kind of. And it would fit the role of Beta victim quite nicely.

    It was also kinda funny in one of the shadow house episodes she told this gay kid named Justin who talks too much on the program, she told him to 'not be so nice' and to really tear into her when he was called upon to be insightful about her shadow qualities. I loled at that- but you can just tell she's one of those very typical feminine IEI females that want men to be rough with her or something. And I basically think she is using this 'shadow work' bs as some sort of professional excuse to be cruel and manipulative with vulnerable people. I guess it is pretty sick when you think about it that way....

    She does have a punchable narcissistic face. Haha.
    Last edited by powerrainbowcrystal; 01-14-2018 at 02:54 AM.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
    Major sociopathy vibes. Whatever her type there's a woman you should be cautious of.

    EDIT: she is definitely a powerful person no doubt about that and I in no way want to say she is insincere AT ALL. Whenever you feel kinda confused inside your chest about a person, just be wary. Big time caution flags, and then you WATCH. Watch what happens.

    I'm with aylen on her typings except strike ESE. Sol said ESTp and I wouldn't throw that out just because of the esoteric"ness"
    My first impression was that she resembles my LII sister, but I can’t tell if I’m seeing LII or sociopathy.

  16. #56
    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    You can listen to her life story. As improbable events gets piled on and on with less likely outcomes it becomes clear that she is doing major BS.
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
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  17. #57
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    Audience reactions, highest rated comments:
    To me, here, her energy seems very miserable/ irritated. I wonder what is up.
    She is narcissistic, needy, and is obsessed with perfection. Highly emotionally unstable, and seems to be always the victim, which would lead me to believe she has BPD along with PTSD. She is a constantly evolving struggle. Yes she had Trauma when she was young but why doesn't she just get over it and move on and stop worrying about what everyone else thinks. I have PTSD and BPD, and have recovered mostly and are "normal" It just takes a little tough love and just dealing with things and not running away from it. You have to face it head on, and it hurts, its painful and you want to die to be honest. BUT you get through it. Also it must be very nice not to have to work and be that privileged. Most people have to work regular jobs to LIVE. And I think she likes to give and use it as a tool for leverage and power. As for her core being, I can't tell you whether or not its good. She always seems to have this evil and dark presence, and doesn't seem very happy at all. It would be nice if she would work on her personality and not expect everyone else to conform. I think too many people put her on a pedestal..HOWEVER its not all completely bad, I have found most of her videos beneficial.its kind of a love hate thing with her. I love the information but her general personality is horrible. She seems like 2 different people at the same time. If anyone can understand that, at least to me it seems that way
    I'm sorry for being blunt but Teal looks almost bored and trying to restrain herself from rolling her eyes when Ale struggles to articulate his views in a favourable way. The chemistry she shared with Sarbdeep was very different (obviously) but here it seems like a vaccuum of emotions. Maybe they will warm up later when they get married or whatever but yeah this is hard to watch.
    never thought I would feel this way, but something isn't right about Teal. Her earlier teachings were amazing but as time goes on I sense something is deeply amiss. She certainly didn't fix anything by giving this interview.
    I'm amazed that so many people can't see through this woman...she is so obviously inauthentic ...feel ill watching how she interacts with her partner ... so condescending , cold and undermining
    My gut's not healthy.
    The cringe is real.
    Biggest charlatan I have watched. She is not spiritual. She is full of deceit
    Woooooow!!! they re way more fucked up than i thought!!!!!!!!!!!
    amm that guy seems like a weasel , why teal is dating him instead of some cool guy only goes to show how messed up she is hahaha. I see no love in their eyes, just ego, The guy is infatuated that is not love but some weird stuff. And teal likes it. Because teal loves teal more than anyone! They probably have some weird sado masochistic sex. that is not spirituality but ego validation behaviour. Just look into her eyes and see how messed they are.
    She is a dangerous speaker. She can easily manipulate people, and many fall in her trap, but sooner or later people will realize she is not authentic.
    Total narcissist. The attention of two men she must be in heaven. The over top background with that bed come on. Players for money. I believe in the law of attraction but I don't believe in this woman.
    if you are supporting this women you are supporting the false ego..she is taking everyone for a ride..on herchanel and she probably knows it....she has no right to call her self a spirtual teacher when she is not self realized...she is a false light worker...if you want to help people do not support false light workers like teal swan...she is slowing the evolution down on this planet..and she says her parents are buddists? you are telling me this women does not know..that she is not awake..what true enlightened master has appointed this fraudulent women to trick peoplelike thisTara Grace...
    she looks like she can't wait for him to shut up lol
    you can tell this dude is her punching bag
    I don't get it...Teal and her followers talk about been authentic yet she is marrying a man she clearly doesn't love and is blatantly irritated by. why? And everyone who claims to energetically read so much love and joy and divine union in all of this is deluded or been influenced by some kind of energetic/psychic manipulation eg black magic. mark my words this will not end well. the whole sorry saga is heading for major hurt and disaster. I don't usually comment but feel compeled to in this instance.
    she is giving me bad vibes, theres smth off about her..
    Teal's narcissism is very concerning, especially as she is considered to be a spiritual teacher and speaks about authenticity. She has a reptile look in her eyes, like she is emotionally detached from people, including her partner. In fact, her partner seems to disregard her behavior a lot, like he isn't willing to see how unstable she is which is a typical symptom of someone in an abusive relationship. From what I've observed from Teal, I'd say that she has the most issues out of anyone I've ever come across, there isn't just one personality disorder here...she has at least a couple as well as many other things including being a pathological liar. What caused this, I'm not sure but I don't think it was ritual torture. Spiritual teachers aren't expected to be perfect but the reason why they are given that title is because they should of reached a place of balance where they are then able to pass wisdom onto others. She has too many people around her enabling her behavior, which indicates to me that they aren't balanced people themselves. It seems like more people are figuring her out though, which is hopeful.
    u can totally feel her illegitimate vibe dude
    she is dangerous, ppl have died bc of her advice and gone craz
    her body language speaks loudl
    Total narcissist. The attention of two men she must be in heaven. The over top background with that bed come on. Players for money. I believe in the law of attraction but I don't believe in this woman.
    this aint to be mean..but she isnt in love..HE is...not.her...
    She is a dangerous speaker. She can easily manipulate people, and many fall in her trap, but sooner or later people will realize she is not authentic.
    You aren't seeking wisdom.....with someone like Teal. It's just entertainment. No wisdom or true spirituality to be found there, but it's an interesting ride.
    "exquisitely beautiful" NOT just beautiful...."exquisitely" Who says that about themselves? It sounds so shallow. She claims to be this "spiritual catalyst"... Where do looks come into play when trying to help humanity? She's on her 3rd or 4th marriage now?.. She was married while involving herself with this new conquest...who just happened to be married himself! Most of her teachings are recycled jargon she's swiped off of others. In addition, her timeline regarding the years she's was abducted & sold for sex along with witnessing sacrificial acts involving children & babies doesn't match up to what she presents to the world. What, she was traveling the world, modeling on the side during all of that..& found enough time to train for the olympics?It's truly disappointing to me because I found her to be helpful & informative at one point., early on. Clearly it's coming from a unauthentic place. The narcissism is one thing but the blatant lies make me question all of her claims.
    Lucie outshines EVERYBODY easily although she hardly says anything. She is the true authentic being in this interview. Nice to see that these people still exist. Sb should interview HER so that we all learn from HER.
    I don't get it...Teal and her followers talk about been authentic yet she is marrying a man she clearly doesn't love and is blatantly irritated by. why? And everyone who claims to energetically read so much love and joy and divine union in all of this is deluded or been influenced by some kind of energetic/psychic manipulation eg black magic. mark my words this will not end well. the whole sorry saga is heading for major hurt and disaster. I don't usually comment but feel compeled to in this instance.
    she for he's money and look at that rich looking bed frame lo
    think her companion looks kind and real, why bash him? so sad really and hurtful
    Sooo... it's of great value to witness this as for me it tends to confirm a key insight: unless you become blissful and welcome positive energy through proper meditation, which essentially is teaching your brain not to take your thoughts and emotions as truth, you're just stuck as a psychological case like everybody else. You're controlled by your traumas/thoughts and you excrete this "creatively" or "spiritually". While Teal does have beautiful insights into being human and on how society is basically making us live barbarically, listening to her and her partner about their life is actually showing me how deeply troubled they are, perhaps more than the average person. This couple is trying to use one another to sublimate their traumas in a dysfunctional codependent relationship. You can put fancy words on it, doesn't change the fundamental situation. They remind me of my parents always thinking they need to be better than others, recognized and admired by society. And if it doesn't work they argue it's because people are too stupid to recognize greatness. This is all very narcissistic, sorry. I've been there myself. Hell, I'm not completely cured. All of this shouldn't be a surprise given Teal's extremely traumatic early life and I have empathy for both of them as they struggle with their minds.
    There is very damning evidence on Teal's character and her intentions, yet her followers are ignoring all of that. They are the definition of brainwashed cult followers.
    Teal's narcissism is very concerning, especially as she is considered to be a spiritual teacher and speaks about authenticity. She has a reptile look in her eyes, like she is emotionally detached from people, including her partner. In fact, her partner seems to disregard her behavior a lot, like he isn't willing to see how unstable she is which is a typical symptom of someone in an abusive relationship. From what I've observed from Teal, I'd say that she has the most issues out of anyone I've ever come across, there isn't just one personality disorder here...she has at least a couple as well as many other things including being a pathological liar. What caused this, I'm not sure but I don't think it was ritual torture. Spiritual teachers aren't expected to be perfect but the reason why they are given that title is because they should of reached a place of balance where they are then able to pass wisdom onto others. She has too many people around her enabling her behavior, which indicates to me that they aren't balanced people themselves. It seems like more people are figuring her out though, which is hopeful.
    u can totally feel her illegitimate vibe dude
    She talks about having so much power, I believe Teal herself even said one time that people only have power when you give it to them... hmmm.... Way I see it the only power anyone has is over them self. If someone claims to have power, to me they may as well be saying they have taken power from others, or others have forfeit power to them.
    If she was ugly she would have no "career". You can find her "teachings" ANYWHERE. She did not "create" the telescope theory of dissociation within the moment of suffering to return to the observer within. This teaching is ancient and can be easily picked up within the teachings of "The Tao". She gives herself too much credit & if billionaires are looking to sweep her off her feet on a whim I'm sure she will always be protected from the truth of her "selfhood". As any and most men will come to her defense..whether she is truthful or not. Deleting comments doesn't prevent any of this delusional nonsense from being exposed. The truth sets us free. There should be freedom to speak about these things. She is not exempt from reality. No one is.
    after watching this video I am not into Teal swan..anymore...
    I watched most of this and feel she has a lot of good insights but she resembles a narcissistic to me. I kind of had my jaw drop when she said "I gave up dating billionaires for this man."
    You´re all impressionable worshipers of this Pretty witch character thats what it is! Look those two even combining their colour cloths. So witty! Yet she Works for her followers cause she says some "spiritual" sense for the new ageian impressionable seekers
    hmmmm, interesting--->
    this man really loves Teal.He has lots of love in himself, I don't see your love Teal. Neither, your care, or kindness...It's only about you, you and you...He talks about his feelings, and express his love. You talk about what you are able to allow him. You talk about yourself as a trophy. There is nothing to see with love. And what you give from the heart.Learn how to love, nourishing your couple, learn how to be confident and give, otherwise, he will leave. Don't think men love complexity...just during the seduction time after that they're looking for accomplishment in their couple, like women indeed.
    as i listen to the actual words they are saying, i can see why they want to be in each others lives. the celestial need to be with the celestial. its not even about puppy love anymore. you eventually yearn to be around people from your own planet, your own higher awareness.
    think the fact that Teal Swan is willing to call out anyone and actively does so in the name of "shadow work" at her discretion but does not reciprocate the practice demonstrates that she uses "her process" as a tool for CONTROL not healing.
    Superficial Gold-digger.
    odd , id imagined so much different --really odd
    The thing that makes me wonder. Teal has been doing shadow work on herself for a long time. She loves it and teaches others how to do it. Well why is she still so fucking miserable? Wouldn't the shadow work at least heal some of the trauma? If not, then what's the point of it.?
    Is it just me but her energy feels really off kilter to me and those cold eyes.... creepy....... she never smiles with her eyes and at times she looks at him like she wants to kill the poor guy eeeek
    having an affair with a married man is a disgraceful thing to do and she should be ashamed of herself. since she is a sociopath I know she is not ashamed of her behavior at all
    Does Teal address her MTF transition. It's so obvious. Go Teal
    Who the fuck is this guy? Teal is not a spiritual teacher. Granted, her offerings 3 years ago were really very good...but do a little research on Google, listen to what Blake and sardeep have to say. Who funds all of this and why? Silly man.
    this feels really....inauthentic? i feel like there's a lot of hidden intentions, i don't see any balance
    they need to use Psilocybine mushrooms and listen to Terrace Mckenna ��
    She is lying about her satanic sexual abuse to start with.......I do not have good feelings when watching her
    Omg, she is so condescending and patronizing. Anyone who claims to have more power than anyone else is a total fake. This is a narcissist, people.
    People! Stop this hate. Teal has helped so many people and majority of you judging her personality, work and love life have issues with yourselves that you should look at! The way he looks at her!? How in the world is any of you to judge whose look is loving or fake or full of desire, obsession or hate?? There s as many looks of love as there s people in this world. Wake up, please, and be happy for people who share their happiness.
    That's because it's hard to remember all the details of the fabrications she has created.
    You can see the empathic bond when Teal looks at him and subconsciously mimics mouth movement. 
    She is a dangerous, narcissistic, manipulative, unstable, dangerously inauthentic woman. I fear for the safety and emotional wellbeing of her son. Her latest husband is clearly obsessed and has fallen under her spell like all the others to the point of sacrificing his kids for her. I've met Teal and her energy and what I witnessed deeply disturbed me. Wake up people! Reclaim your own power and internal guidance system. She is a money grabbing attention seeking whore
    such a fake this Teal Swan is...fake..fake..fake..she got herself a servant.
    God what a bunch of boring stuck up people
    What's wrong with these people?
    I never believed Teal was authentic. An immediate phony vibe hits you if you're open, honest, & truly empathic.
    This looks to me like a classic co dependant- narcissist relationship with Teal being the narcissist. The guy suffers from love addiction. The more videos I watch of her the more obvious her narcissistic tendencies and views are. She has good teachings and I learned a lot from her but you need to take everything with a pinch of salt. And the way she talks about her beauty like she is something else. From watching her videos I thought she was very beautiful but when I saw her in person at one of her workshops she looked almost skeletal with unwashed hair and very large breasts which very much looked like breast implants,which is very strange for someone who teaches about self love and self acceptance
    Oh my gosh, she was only married for two years before she ended the marriage and went after him ? He was already committed his marriage but that did not stop Teal, because she has so much "power" (?) This woman is really narcissism and she is so wrapped up in herself that she cannot see beyond herself and really look at herself from a more detached position
    she says she has people trying to take his place. interesting.multi billionaire of course has to be added to this- sounds like a crazy house- she is passing up multi billionaires for him! what a martyr.seriously if anyone can watch this without wanting to vomit i salute you.
    who's the one common denominator in all your failed interpersonal relationships? I don't watch your vids don't need to...if I've seen one self entitled, arrogant brat I've seen them all. You epitomize the typical mentality of women who think they never do or have done anything wrong? so you find this 45 ur old who puts up with your bullshit so he can bang you. honestly I'd one night your weird narcissistic ass, and you'd be to blame, not me. but you'd never have the wisdom to see it or admit it. which is why your a spirtual midget and will remain in your spirtual and intellectual growth stunted ground hogs day! takes more than incense and crystal's to enlightened sweetheart.
    she literally said 'it was not about him, I'm just gonna go for the guy that comes up to me' uhmm so that could have been anybody and now she's trying to make it work I suppose, or he is
    it's are like a reality tv show.. not so authentic to me, and the way her boyfriend look at her.. he is obsessed. It's not love at all, it's greed. I fall in the "category" of those who loved her, but then I realized her narcissists tendencies. I don't hate her tho, but I no longer trust her. Like, I trust her as an imperfect being whose still learning, but I don't trust her as an authentic and genuine person. Is she only asking herself why do people turns agains't her? She is always about herself, as if others where less than her. She says that people looks at her from their limited perspective, but what makes her think that her perspective is "higher"? He says that she is a very "complex human being, I say, who is not? He put her on a pedestal, I would hate that if I was her.
    What a fucking dweeb that guy is. and I gotta say Teal comes off so insincere in this video. They have no connection, they both come off like creeps in this video.
    don't think they are together anymore, I heard she has been married FIVE times.
    Her body language is shaming, controlling, condescending. It's all micro expressions, but I can see it clearly. She takes control of everyone around her. You can clearly see sociopathic boredom in her eyes though

    Hahaha, this one sums it up best----->
    True Love? Hell no. Opportunity reigns for the Black Swan. Brrrrrrrrr
    Last edited by wacey; 01-14-2018 at 06:43 PM.

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    the more I watch this video the more disturbed I become. You know those moments where you are really high on drugs like mushrooms or molly, surrounded by people and it really hits you in a deep way ....... oh god.

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    He he. Listened a bit of it. She has digested too much Jung. Overdose.
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    She seems EII I think

    static, intuitive, rational

    - Creative subtype

    She is fascinating because she seems to have overdeveloped spirituality. There is a one-sidedness in her. That makes the viewer feel inferior in a way.

    But she is worth listening to. She has interesting points.

    I also agree that she seems narcissistic.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    I think I settle with IEx. Her thinking is not linear that is prevalent EII and she does not have any inclination towards referencing what they finally resolved (DA for example EIE). The content seems to bit off for sensing folks to talk about it this level.

    Anyways, tendency towards manipulation and sending people off their tracks. Very little inclination to do anything she does not want to do. People serve her as tools for it.
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    I went through her story while watching "Body Language" videos (they're pretty interesting for socion things)

    this commenter seemed nuts to me, even because she made another video about the Pope and said all kind of BS about him... and the things she said about Teal were nonsense, especially for how I feel about Teal, she looked suspicious to me since I first saw her months ago... too strong and powerful to be "spiritual", I though she was an LSE.
    so I looked at this other video

    and yes, this is very disturbing... I think she'd fit well in every Beta type, except LSI

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    I hope this problem gets solved because SLE is a long way from EII and vice versa.

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    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
    I hope this problem gets solved because SLE is a long way from EII and vice versa.
    =SEE, makes sense

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
    I hope this problem gets solved because SLE is a long way from EII and vice versa.
    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    =SEE, makes sense
    Well, so far I seem to be the only one in this thread who is typing her EII.

    (I am a little surprised)

    She would probably be typed "INFJ" in a mbti community. Really stereotypical. I hate to agree with them, but sometimes it happens. I don't think she is a "typical" EII though. But that's the type I see.

    Her spirituality is not type related imo. But she is good at talking and psychologizing
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Arguments for IEE against IEI? I could entertain LII or SLE as optional types.

    That kind of juggling is not indicative of any SEE's. Linear reductive thought process is quite far off and therefore I would discard EII as well. Basing on model G and cognitive styles.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    She would probably be typed "INFJ" in a mbti community. Really stereotypical.
    from Personality Cafe
    Originally Posted by C.C
    This is a bold guess, but I think that out of 10 INFJ's who type themselves as INFJ in this forum maybe only 4 are real ones.

    If someone wants to know what a real, developed INFJ looks like, then search for Teal Swan. That's an INFJ, not Bjork who is an obvious INFP.

    You know you're not INFJ when you type Elsa and Lana Del Rey as INFJ.
    My spokesperson

    Her spirituality is not type related imo.
    her spirituality consists in repeating what she's been taught, rendering it as if she was up to the entire thought of it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    Arguments for IEE against IEI? I could entertain LII or SLE as optional types.
    I'm interested in her as possibly LII also, so please entertain it. But I also have problems with her as LII. She takes too long to get to the point, or she never gets to it. There is Ti in the air though.

    She can be compared with Finnish writer Sofi Oksanen: EII or LII (or something else)??

    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    from Personality Cafe

    Yeah, I knew it. I hate that they might be right. But they type her "INFJ" partially for wrong reasons.

    her spirituality consists in repeating what she's been taught, rendering it as if she was up to the entire thought of it.
    She has probably read a lot, as we all have. But imo she is actually spiritual and that is part of her problem. (but also her strength, because she gets followers, and that can be nice ) Could be because of childhood trauma that she has developed that onesidedness. However, I would never call her "enlightened", that's a different thing that only comes from living a long and full life and simply becoming who you are.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    She has probably read a lot, as we all have. But imo she is actually spiritual and that is part of her problem. (but also her strength, because she gets followers, and that can be nice ) Could be because of childhood trauma that she has developed that onesidedness. However, I would never call her "enlightened", that's a different thing that only comes from living a long and full life and simply becoming who you are.
    Sorry Tallmo but I grew up with nuns and what she does is not right to my system of values. She lied it all about the abuse and her bio, that's fraud just to get an empathetic reaction from the meeks and sell, how is this Fi ethics? I could see this as Fi creative, or Fe lead. Get informed.

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    3. she could be so/sp

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    She's got those kinds of glassy eyes you only see in people that are real fucking crazy. There's empathy and a lot of sadness as well.

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    She's making a profit giving basic philosophical advice. Beta.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    Sorry Tallmo but I grew up with nuns and what she does is not right to my system of values. She lied it all about the abuse and her bio, that's fraud just to get an empathetic reaction from the meeks and sell, how is this Fi ethics? I could see this as Fi creative, or Fe lead. Get informed.
    I havent said that what she does it right or wrong. I try not to judge her too much. Regardless of her actual type, EIIs are not necessarily better people than others. In fact they can be very stubborn in seeing things their way. I dont see any contradiction, in fact she seems to have strong convictions that i associate with ExI type.

    I see spirituality as an aspect of the psyche and not so much in terms of good / worse. spiritual people can often be neurotic.

    How do you know she lied about the abuse?

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    Interesting video. She seems to have found herself a Harmonizer. I think he could be LIE. A little hard to follow him though because of his accent. So my guess is that they are semi-duals, if my EII typing is correct. He seems strangely tolerant to her displays of Fi.

    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    When she is not prepared you can actually hear discrepancy between her video content and her interview.

    She is clichéd in her content. Lots of reuse going on. Originality of thought is limited, I think. Research has been done, though. Material is chosen in way that touches the right demographic. Apparently it sells.
    Content is strangely holographical. She looks at the situation at hand and makes some sort connected guess.
    There are taking care of your body reminders. How to overcome something etc.
    I think mid quadra stuff makes most sense.
    I think I narrowed it down to SLE and ESI.
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    Teal Swan - INTP - Balzac

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    ESI-Fi still works for me. her mannerisms are too tight and restrained for an extrovert.

    I had her as 3w2 sp/so - the tough competitor - but revise it to 3w4 sp/so.

    She's more the deceptive marketer (probably a persona or amalgamation of personas/ideas she ripped off from genuine spiritual teachers and hosed down in a manner that lets her market for profit)...parroting hokey spiritual out there "insights" from NFs doesn't make her an NF.
    Last edited by Kill4Me; 02-10-2018 at 11:16 PM.

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