"We say our Intuition is our sixth sense,” Mitchell continues. “No, it should be our first sense because it is rooted in the quantum reality which was around long before our sensory mechanism, long before our solar system. It is a first cause information structure in nature. And this is what the Quantum Intuition world is all about."

To the Moon and Back:
What Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell
Says About Intuition

Apollo 14’s Edgar “Ed” Mitchell was the 6th out of 12 astronauts to walk on the moon. The surreal experience of space and time inspired him to spend these last few decades exploring the elusive workings of consciousness, including intuition. Mitchell founded the Institute of Noetic Sciences, or IONS, in 1973 and began collaborating with many well-known scientists. Today, their findings are shared with those of us down here on Earth through the IONS website and videos.

One of those videos features Mitchell explaining Quantum Intuition, a relatively new theory that takes the mysticism out of a seemingly spiritual concept. His words bridge quantum physics with evolution and leave the viewer with a fuller understanding of pre-cognitive ability.

Mitchell explains, "All objects, our bodies, this, that, everything emit particles of light…those emissions are quantum entangled, coherent, holographic and carry information about us.” The holographic reference regards Quantum Hologram Theory which states that all information for any dimension is present and available in the second dimension. But the big punch here is “light”. Because our emitted info-packed light particles all entangle or mash together, we are able to share information at our deepest sub-cellular, sub-nuclear level and through spacetime. So, even when two people are separated by miles, their emissions can still connect with and affect each other. Thus, the sharing of intuitive information, often demonstrated when out-of-the-blue we think of someone who then suddenly rings our phone.

“We say our Intuition is our sixth sense,” Mitchell continues. “No, it should be our first sense because it is rooted in the quantum reality which was around long before our sensory mechanism, long before our solar system. It is a first cause information structure in nature. And this is what the Quantum Intuition world is all about."
Of course it is!

Our 5 rudimentary senses came along long after our intuitive senses. This is why instinct was so strong in early man, not just because it had to be to keep people safe from pending danger, but because it was the first information link to be structured. Quantum Intuition has always been prevalent in humans, and now many researchers believe it helped evolve our DNA to where it is today. And since the dawn of man, our intuitive abilities have developed right alongside those genetic codes.

Mitchell wraps things up by presenting evolution as a “learning process,” and points out that thanks to brave thinking and technological advancements, “We’re starting to understand (the universe) quite differently than our predecessors did even a few decades ago.”

We've come a long way from a flat earth!

Enjoy Dr. Mitchell's interview here: