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Thread: sx/sp

  1. #601
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    I never liked the cool kids.

  2. #602
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    Quote Originally Posted by SisOfNight View Post
    Typology seems to mostly attract SX individuals, and SX blindspot the least.

    Most people use Typology to find/keep love – to establish intimate relationships and improve them.
    SX blindspot tends to treat friends and even significant others on a "lighter" note, they rarely seek to bond as closely with them like SX does.

    Maybe that's why.
    I dont think thats true. But alot of people are misinformed and like to type as sx before they know all about it. I dont blame them cause its hard to find good information and probably hard to grasp what sx actually is if theyre sx last.

  3. #603
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neokortex View Post
    Hey guys,

    Doesn't it strike as odd to anyone that in the So/Sp subthread ("so/sp connection"), the type of the most common "average Joe," there's just 1 post from 1 guy who's admittedly an So/Sp? The rest of the folk is either unspecified or a lot of them Sx variants. "all things sp/so" has 10 pages, Sx/Sp 17 but th "so/sp connection" thread has 6 only. Is it like So/Sp types are not even bothered to come to a forum like this, hence they're virtually underrepresented? Even on PerC I rarely saw anyone indicating this variant on their personal sidebar or siggy. Where are all the common people?
    So/sp is probably the most rare stacking, along with sx/so. But, as I said people mistype all the time.
    In my experience, per every class Ive been in theres on average ONE so/sp in ~23 people. Its easy to spot them for me, cause theyre my opposite. Sp/so are everywhere though.

  4. #604
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I would think that an so/sp person would be the type most interested in politics, where you interact with an extended group of people (so) for the purpose of security and materially improving your life (sp). So why would the kids in the cool social group hang out with some obscure psychology whack jobs on a computer forum? That just sounds creepy.
    Popular high school kids that everyone (actually) liked were mostly so/sx. Creepy excluded whack jobs are usually so-last.

  5. #605
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    How hasn't anyone posted this one yet?

    New Youtube [x] Get Typed! [x]
    Celebs [x] Theory [x] Tumblr [x]

    *********** 21-04-19:
    "Looks like a mystic that just arrived to battle and staring out at the battle, ready to unleash"

  6. #606
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    Or this.

    New Youtube [x] Get Typed! [x]
    Celebs [x] Theory [x] Tumblr [x]

    *********** 21-04-19:
    "Looks like a mystic that just arrived to battle and staring out at the battle, ready to unleash"

  7. #607
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    Banks; Fi-ESI, 6w5 sx/sp. I believe Banks has been mentioned in this thread before but I can't remember if this particular song was mentioned.

    Banks, has a very intriguing pseudovictim/aggressor vibe . There's something very sexy about this song but it's not overt; I think sx/sp s can enjoy teasing, there's actually something victim-y about their approach to romance like teasing a prospective partner and then inviting them to chase you (only sx/so I think meets the energy that they're ideally seeking). The sexiness is interesting because I think many have said while sx/sps enjoy sex/sexual energy, they're afraid of losing themselves to it. Sx/sp invites their partner into their world and this song has that sx/sp vibe of drawing and pulling you in, there's a sense of warmth and attachment but there's not enough stability for it to vibe as sp/sx.

    Also the lyrics, it's depiction of sx/sp's push-pull games and ermm ... tendency to withdraw and reappear:

    I'm thinking it over
    The way you make me feel all sexy but it's causing me shame
    I wanna lean on your shoulder
    I wish I was in love but I don't wanna cause any pain
    And if I'm feeling like I'm evil, we've got nothing to gain
    What if I never even see you cuz we're both on a stage
    Don't tell me listen to your song because it isn't the same
    I don't wanna say your love is a waiting game

  8. #608
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I would think that an so/sp person would be the type most interested in politics, where you interact with an extended group of people (so) for the purpose of security and materially improving your life (sp). So why would the kids in the cool social group hang out with some obscure psychology whack jobs on a computer forum? That just sounds creepy.
    Politics??? DD Nah, come on, people say they aren't into that circus but they talk about it all the time. Where are they at now? Hillary vs. Trump? And you think it's obscure? Youtube's full of it, to such an extent and all that trivia spin offs of MBTi and probably even Enneagram that it's hard to see how people do not take typology lightly.

    Quote Originally Posted by SisOfNight View Post
    Typology seems to mostly attract SX individuals, and SX blindspot the least.
    Well that doesn't explain why on forums the majority refrains from the juicy (i.e. penetrating) Sx type of communication and controversial topics and they as a group try to collectively avoid or push away individuals that communicate that way (the So blind spots)... According to the theory at least, Sx/Sos and Sx/Sps ought to work just fine and dandy (and according to my experience as well).

    Most people use Typology to find/keep love – to establish intimate relationships and improve them.
    SX blindspot tends to treat friends and even significant others on a "lighter" note, they rarely seek to bond as closely with them like SX does.
    Aah, come on! People use almost everything they can as an apropo to make connections. The only difference, though, with Sx doms... is that they are... what's your guess? More direct perhaps? Don't get intimidated, wishy washy by early advances and definitely don't beat around the bush as much? On the contrary, for me the forums seem like stale waters, no one challenging anyone with anything, no recklessness, live on the edge kinda thing. It's just the good old pack, everybody like a herd quoting music videos and argue whether Justin Bieber or anyone just a bit alternative enough to appear like not popular (but still) has the Sx or not. Jish.
    Last edited by Neokortex; 08-30-2016 at 06:20 PM.
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  9. #609
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    + Oh yeah, and the lyrics... analyzing the lyrics. Isn't it like kissing yourself in the mirror? To find that magical Sx, that "Arggh, damn, I knew it was between the lines, my Sx picks up on it, look at this guys, this is awesome music." And it's all the time something external that we talk about instead of finding the slap in your face typea intimacy between us. Just sailing with the slow waters. No need to be rushed to save the world.

    Hey look at this one, So blind spot, dude doesn't even know how to keep up with time. And look at that pun in the title! Mmm, Real Sx. Trendsetter, if you ever wondered how all songs nowadays has some Sx stuff in it by default.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I never liked the cool kids.
    Alternative version: "I never liked cool kids. But there also were others less cooler than us."
    Last edited by Neokortex; 08-30-2016 at 06:25 PM.
    Except for impaired empathy, an ordinary guy who's looking for down-to-earth, loving, loyal friends and a geeky, warm, voluptuous girlfriend!

  10. #610
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neokortex View Post
    Alternative version: "I never liked cool kids. But there also were others less cooler than us."
    I don't know who they were. I was pretty dorky.

    In Jr High, I had thick eyeglasses, a gap between my front teeth, and two identical pairs of pants. Both of them were green and both ended above my ankles, so it looked like I wore the same clothes to school every day. In eighth grade, we ran out of shampoo at home and I washed my hair (cut in a crew-cut because my mother cut it to save money and a crew-cut was easy for her) with hand soap. When I naively told this to a cute girl in my class, she, who was also the leader of the cheerleaders in school, immediately told this to all her girlfriends in class and they spent the next few days making loud and public fun of me. I was just really confused as to why washing my hair with hand soap was bad, but I did figure out that she did not consider me to be cool.

    As I said, maybe there were kids who were less cool, but I didn't know who they were.

    What this taught me was that the division is not between the cool and the uncool, but rather between the assholes and the people who see you as a person, and who care.

    I have to add this. The cheerleader married the head of the football team right out of high school. He became an insurance salesman (of course), and they had three kids. They were very cool indeed. Then one day, he decided he was tired of being married and left her with the three kids. She became a secretary in a chiropractor's office. She also lived next to my parents in my home town. Once, after I visited my parents in an S-class Mercedes, my father told me that she came over and told him she was sorry she teased me, and that she should have married a smart guy.
    She still didn't get it.


  11. #611
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I don't know who they were. I was pretty dorky.

    In Jr High, I had thick eyeglasses, a gap between my front teeth, and two identical pairs of pants. Both of them were green and both ended above my ankles, so it looked like I wore the same clothes to school every day. In eighth grade, we ran out of shampoo at home and I washed my hair (cut in a crew-cut because my mother cut it to save money and a crew-cut was easy for her) with hand soap. When I naively told this to a cute girl in my class, she, who was also the leader of the cheerleaders in school, immediately told this to all her girlfriends in class and they spent the next few days making loud and public fun of me. I was just really confused as to why washing my hair with hand soap was bad, but I did figure out that she did not consider me to be cool.

    As I said, maybe there were kids who were less cool, but I didn't know who they were.

    What this taught me was that the division is not between the cool and the uncool, but rather between the assholes and the people who see you as a person, and who care.

    I have to add this. The cheerleader married the head of the football team right out of high school. He became an insurance salesman (of course), and they had three kids. They were very cool indeed. Then one day, he decided he was tired of being married and left her with the three kids. She became a secretary in a chiropractor's office. She also lived next to my parents in my home town. Once, after I visited my parents in an S-class Mercedes, my father told me that she came over and told him she was sorry she teased me, and that she should have married a smart guy.
    She still didn't get it.

    Adam, did you always type 8w7 sx/so? You sound so....humble

  12. #612
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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    Adam, did you always type 8w7 sx/so? You sound so....humble
    Personally, I don't think I started behaving like an LIE until my late twenties. I was pretty bent by my Delta parents (they wanted me to be a University professor, and for many years, I really tried. Man, was I stupid.), and it took about ten years of living on my own and seeing what I could actually do before I started becoming more confident in the person I really am. What I found in these working years was that I was smarter than almost anyone else around me, and I worked harder, and I naturally gravitated to positions where I was pushing for long term profits over immediate expenses. I feel the present isn't really secure until the future is well-planned and has a very strong chance of succeeding.

    I also worked in companies where older and more established, but much less intelligent and far-sighted, guys could have gotten me fired if I crossed them openly. This helped me develop methods of applying subtle pressure, and helped with humility and with diplomacy, which I see as a matter of getting the best deal for everyone, whether they are greedy, selfish, ignorant bastards or not. One guy told me that I was the most political guy he had ever met, because I'm good at succeeding in hostile environments, but basically I feel we are all in this together, and everyone deserves to benefit when we win.

    Having said this, I feel most comfortable leading. Before I started my first company, I had fourteen jobs, and fourteen bosses, and exactly two of them knew what they were doing. Why would I want to place my future (or the future of the company) in the hands of the 6 out of 7 of these people? I'm not actually humble. I feel I have few peers, but I know there are always bigger fish out there, and they can always take you out if you act stupidly. So what you are seeing is actually not humility so much as diplomacy and a healthy sense of self-preservation, plus playing for the long game. And, of course, I'm a Gamma democrat (small d), so I tend to believe and act on the idea that we are all equal. Our talents may be diverse, but as human beings, we are equally deserving of respect and consideration.

  13. #613
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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    Adam, did you always type 8w7 sx/so? You sound so....humble
    @darya, my reply above was basically an LIE 8w7 sx/so as seen from the inside out. For a description of ENTJ's from the outside in, I refer you to the ENTJ description on this page:

    I think I'm a reasonably nice guy, but everyone has an opinion, and they are not all alike.

  14. #614
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    @Adam Strange, that's actually quite fascinating what you said about your perspective of what democracy in a quadra is. As an aristrocrat (delta), I uh never read of this kind of insight before .

  15. #615
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I don't know who they were. I was pretty dorky.

    In Jr High, I had thick eyeglasses, a gap between my front teeth, and two identical pairs of pants. Both of them were green and both ended above my ankles, so it looked like I wore the same clothes to school every day. In eighth grade, we ran out of shampoo at home and I washed my hair (cut in a crew-cut because my mother cut it to save money and a crew-cut was easy for her) with hand soap. When I naively told this to a cute girl in my class, she, who was also the leader of the cheerleaders in school, immediately told this to all her girlfriends in class and they spent the next few days making loud and public fun of me. I was just really confused as to why washing my hair with hand soap was bad, but I did figure out that she did not consider me to be cool.

    As I said, maybe there were kids who were less cool, but I didn't know who they were.

    What this taught me was that the division is not between the cool and the uncool, but rather between the assholes and the people who see you as a person, and who care.

    I have to add this. The cheerleader married the head of the football team right out of high school. He became an insurance salesman (of course), and they had three kids. They were very cool indeed. Then one day, he decided he was tired of being married and left her with the three kids. She became a secretary in a chiropractor's office. She also lived next to my parents in my home town. Once, after I visited my parents in an S-class Mercedes, my father told me that she came over and told him she was sorry she teased me, and that she should have married a smart guy.
    She still didn't get it.

    Wait. An ENTJ to be dorky? What??? My ENTJ acquaintance I rarely hang out with has a visible Enneagram 3 (not in his clothing, though, that's more suggestive of power). Plus another one I recognized to be ENTJ was not an So blind spot either, he was relatively okay with looks and self-grooming. Is this the MBTi ENTJ? I doubt there're So lasts in ENTJ, to think of how terrible ambitious and socially progressive thinking they are. Nah, this must be some mistake. Hah, the story reminds me of a Night Ranger song:
    Last edited by Neokortex; 09-06-2016 at 09:32 AM.
    Except for impaired empathy, an ordinary guy who's looking for down-to-earth, loving, loyal friends and a geeky, warm, voluptuous girlfriend!

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  17. #617
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Personally, I don't think I started behaving like an LIE until my late twenties. I was pretty bent by my Delta parents (they wanted me to be a University professor, and for many years, I really tried. Man, was I stupid.), and it took about ten years of living on my own and seeing what I could actually do before I started becoming more confident in the person I really am. What I found in these working years was that I was smarter than almost anyone else around me, and I worked harder, and I naturally gravitated to positions where I was pushing for long term profits over immediate expenses. I feel the present isn't really secure until the future is well-planned and has a very strong chance of succeeding.

    I also worked in companies where older and more established, but much less intelligent and far-sighted, guys could have gotten me fired if I crossed them openly. This helped me develop methods of applying subtle pressure, and helped with humility and with diplomacy, which I see as a matter of getting the best deal for everyone, whether they are greedy, selfish, ignorant bastards or not. One guy told me that I was the most political guy he had ever met, because I'm good at succeeding in hostile environments, but basically I feel we are all in this together, and everyone deserves to benefit when we win.

    Having said this, I feel most comfortable leading. Before I started my first company, I had fourteen jobs, and fourteen bosses, and exactly two of them knew what they were doing. Why would I want to place my future (or the future of the company) in the hands of the 6 out of 7 of these people? I'm not actually humble. I feel I have few peers, but I know there are always bigger fish out there, and they can always take you out if you act stupidly. So what you are seeing is actually not humility so much as diplomacy and a healthy sense of self-preservation, plus playing for the long game. And, of course, I'm a Gamma democrat (small d), so I tend to believe and act on the idea that we are all equal. Our talents may be diverse, but as human beings, we are equally deserving of respect and consideration.
    I know you're not actually humble, that's clear just the way you express your self-awarance and self-consciousness is not the way an 8w7 would - I don't think they think in these terms. You also don't have any impulssivness and agressivnes. I mean being diplomatic is not really how that type is. Are you sure you're not some image type?

  18. #618
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    Would be cool if Adam made a video. I get slight John Lennon vibes from him for some reason, who was 5 sx/so.

  19. #619
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost View Post
    Would be cool if Adam made a video. I get slight John Lennon vibes from him for some reason, who was 5 sx/so.
    I cant really imagine him. There are 5ish elements in him for sure, but it could also be stack related. 351 tritype could be right.

  20. #620
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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    "I try, in my life, to follow my heart. I know what it feels like to do things that are soul-decaying. A large aspect of life in Hollywood, in a stereotypic way, I find unbelievably soul-decaying. And I choose, albeit frustratingly to other people in my life, not to expose myself too much to too much of that."

    "I would masturbate in a red speedo."—When asked what would she do if she and David Duchovny switched bodies for a week.

    Gillian Anderson - sx/sp (Delta)

    Many have typed Gillian as ILI 5w6 sx/sp; shrugs, I do see her as very sx/sp though, I saw a recent interview of hers where I think the interviewer asked her if she was close with David and she became somewhat defensive. That resonate with me; our relationships, I think are pretty personal, our own, I think on some level we would like to keep it away from well certain so stuff (prying etc). Also it took a long time to get their relationship to a friendly point and I think part of the reason was idk social interference or some such. shrugs.

  21. #621
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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    I know you're not actually humble, that's clear just the way you express your self-awarance and self-consciousness is not the way an 8w7 would - I don't think they think in these terms. You also don't have any impulssivness and agressivnes. I mean being diplomatic is not really how that type is. Are you sure you're not some image type?
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost View Post
    Would be cool if Adam made a video. I get slight John Lennon vibes from him for some reason, who was 5 sx/so.
    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    I cant really imagine him. There are 5ish elements in him for sure, but it could also be stack related. 351 tritype could be right.
    Hi, Darya and Ghost.
    Thanks for your regards, but I am definitely 8w7, 3w2, 6w7. I'm also sx/so/sp. Totalize, who is most similar to me of all the people on the forum, can easily see the e8. His opinion should count for something.

    Enneagram 8’s are self-confident, decisive, willful, and confrontational. We are in the Anger Triad, our passion is Lust (for intensity), and our basic fear is of being controlled. All of these descriptions perfectly apply to me. If you never saw the fist fights, the drinking, the wrecked cars, the ruined relationships, the readiness to walk away rather than be controlled, the constant will to dominate, the immediate and active protectiveness toward those I love, well, that is because we’re talking on a forum. Also, I’m older than I used to be. If a fighter survives for a long time, it is because he uses his head, too.

    Recently, I’ve been thinking about the fact that I evidently don’t appear to be a “typical” e8 to many people on the forum. I’m in a pretty good place in my professional career right now, but my personal life is a smoking ruin. I’m fairly secure, financially, with few peers and no real threats, and I’m psychologically ironing myself out (for the most part) as I’ve never done before, but every once in a while, panic sets in from not having an intimate partner.

    They say that e8’s integrate into healthy e2’s, and at work, I always try to develop people who will be able to replace me in my current job, so I can move forward to more interesting things. This is the part of me that you don’t see at all. But when stressed, e8’s disintegrate into e5’s. Almost all of my typing here on this site has been done in states of e5 introspection and retreat. Maybe this is what you see.

    But let me assure you, when I step away from the forum, I’m an e8. Kick ass, kill them all and let God sort them out.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Hi, Darya and Ghost.
    Thanks for your regards, but I am definitely 8w7, 3w2, 6w7. I'm also sx/so/sp. Totalize, who is most similar to me of all the people on the forum, can easily see the e8. His opinion should count for something.

    Enneagram 8’s are self-confident, decisive, willful, and confrontational. We are in the Anger Triad, our passion is Lust (for intensity), and our basic fear is of being controlled. All of these descriptions perfectly apply to me. If you never saw the fist fights, the drinking, the wrecked cars, the ruined relationships, the readiness to walk away rather than be controlled, the constant will to dominate, the immediate and active protectiveness toward those I love, well, that is because we’re talking on a forum. Also, I’m older than I used to be. If a fighter survives for a long time, it is because he uses his head, too.

    Recently, I’ve been thinking about the fact that I evidently don’t appear to be a “typical” e8 to many people on the forum. I’m in a pretty good place in my professional career right now, but my personal life is a smoking ruin. I’m fairly secure, financially, with few peers and no real threats, and I’m psychologically ironing myself out (for the most part) as I’ve never done before, but every once in a while, panic sets in from not having an intimate partner.

    They say that e8’s integrate into healthy e2’s, and at work, I always try to develop people who will be able to replace me in my current job, so I can move forward to more interesting things. This is the part of me that you don’t see at all. But when stressed, e8’s disintegrate into e5’s. Almost all of my typing here on this site has been done in states of e5 introspection and retreat. Maybe this is what you see.

    But let me assure you, when I step away from the forum, I’m an e8. Kick ass, kill them all and let God sort them out.
    Are you threatening me?

  23. #623
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    sx/sp 9w8

  24. #624
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    Both sx/sp 7w6. Rihanna has 8 in tritype and Melanie has 9 though.
    Last edited by maniac; 09-24-2016 at 11:01 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost View Post
    sx/sp 9w8
    Applause for one of the biggest Sx/Sos, Jimmy Hendrix!
    Except for impaired empathy, an ordinary guy who's looking for down-to-earth, loving, loyal friends and a geeky, warm, voluptuous girlfriend!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neokortex View Post
    Applause for one of the biggest Sx/Sos, Jimmy Hendrix!
    sx/sp 9w8

    We all know you can't type, so please don't try.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost View Post
    sx/sp 9w8

    We all know you can't type, so please don't try.
    Ahh, come ooon, he died out of what? Barbiturate overdose? At 27? That guy had no Sp whatsoever!
    Last edited by Neokortex; 09-27-2016 at 09:43 PM.
    Except for impaired empathy, an ordinary guy who's looking for down-to-earth, loving, loyal friends and a geeky, warm, voluptuous girlfriend!

  28. #628
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    Richard Maguire (Fearless) - sx/sp the "wanderer" subtype

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neokortex View Post
    Ahh, come ooon, he died out of what? Barbiturate overdose? At 27? That guy had no Sp whatsoever!
    When sx is first it takes over and lets the person be reckless

  30. #630
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost View Post
    When sx is first it takes over and lets the person be reckless
    It's true... to some extent. D Recklessness is rather aimed at anarchistic subversion instead of solitary self-intoxication.
    Except for impaired empathy, an ordinary guy who's looking for down-to-earth, loving, loyal friends and a geeky, warm, voluptuous girlfriend!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neokortex View Post
    Ahh, come ooon, he died out of what? Barbiturate overdose? At 27? That guy had no Sp whatsoever!
    If you ever have an sp first friend die of a drug overdose come back and let us know. Not just sp last die of drug overdoses. These kinds of posts are irritating because I know sp/sx and sx/sp people who died of drug overdoses.

    I do hope you never gain first hand knowledge because it sucks worse than anything. Primarily because it is a senseless death.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    If you ever have an sp first friend die of a drug overdose come back and let us know. Not just sp last die of drug overdoses. These kinds of posts are irritating because I know sp/sx and sx/sp people who died of drug overdoses.

    I do hope you never gain first hand knowledge because it sucks worse than anything. Primarily because it is a senseless death.
    I do remember reading, though, that Hendrix was also leading that artsy bohemian lifestyle. Of that time. Nowadays drugs are so much commonplace in the U.S.. But the health standard from the culture I am from (where hippi-ism were just a mockery during Communism) is still behind drugs (the lower or lower middle class folks I've met in the U.S. had significantly lower health standards than us do). To think of how much people make tattoos nowadays, it really starts to question the boundaries of self-pres.

    I understand it's not that black and white. I know this cashier from my diner, I can always spark her interest with small talks related weather and its effects on health. Dunno if that's just her hypochondria or real self-pres concern, she appears to be an Sp/So 6 with her cautios, moderate, tactful, withdrawn nature. But I did see her occasionally smoking and similarly to the other employess, there's a working class air to her. So the meaning of Sp depends on the enneagram + culture standards + health history / inherited handicaps or diseases variables.

    + there's my ex-colleague, ESTP, I think also an Sx/Sp guy, he did drugs too, but he did it with a friend, rather for the high of braking the law. That's a different motivation, actually. I don't remember him getting drunk, though. Sp 6 I think is more about preserving your money and belongings + your ideas from othres. The Sp gut types are supposed to be more directly oriented towards corporeal self-preservation, if we plunge deep into tritype theory.

    Back to Hendrix. Whether he's an Sp second or not, it's just obvious in the video that he's definitely not an So last.
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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    Richard Maguire (Fearless) - sx/sp the "wanderer" subtype

    I second that... oddly enough we share the same taste in photography (lights in the dark, animal carcasses, rusty junks). He's got all that vibe.. real hell dweller, hahaha...
    Except for impaired empathy, an ordinary guy who's looking for down-to-earth, loving, loyal friends and a geeky, warm, voluptuous girlfriend!

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    just in case...

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post

    just in case...
    Hey Aylen, you've not told me your stories... about doing some bold things as an Sx/Sp, as with flirting guys. How about this time?
    Except for impaired empathy, an ordinary guy who's looking for down-to-earth, loving, loyal friends and a geeky, warm, voluptuous girlfriend!

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    Attachment 8753

    "he's mine. don't touch him or i will stab you."
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    made a collage

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    Conventional marriage is not Sx/Sp-friendly:

    "Due to jobs, kids, TV, the Internet, hobbies, and home and family responsibilities, the average married couple spends just four minutes a day alone together." x

    4 MINUTES! That's maybe uh, a kiss. My love language is not quality time but... I would slowly die inside

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