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Thread: PLEASE type me - IEI or EII?

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    darya's Avatar
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    Default PLEASE type me - IEI or EII?

    Hello guys and girls! I have been going crazy because i can't decide whether i'm IEI or EII. I am absolutely sure I am INFX. On tests I get IEI 90% of the time and i strongly identify with the descriptions (apart from being very emotionally expressive - I'm pretty subdued with my feelings and am certainly no drama queen), but i also scored EII, and i can see myself in some parts of that description as well (being the peacemaker, conflict-avoidant E9).

    As you can obviously tell English is not my first language, so I don't feel like I am able to answer very abstract questions in the forum's typing questionnaire. So instead I wrote a HUUUUUGE wall of text about moi (how self-centered of me) I hope at least some of you have the patience to read it or just skip through it and tell me what kind of air i give off (besides being a complete bitch). Pretty please help me, I would really like my answer once and for all. Thanks so much in advance!!! xoxo

    • I am positive I am Enneagram 9w1 sx/sp, but i score on 4w5 almost as high
    • I am VERY messy, disorganized, loose things all the time, live in a complete mess, am always late, you get the picture.. i am also lazy and often feeling tired and unenergetic, procrastinating all day long...

    • I am very impulsive, always doing stupid things with bad consequences, but afterwards don't sweat it.

    • I have very weird habits: my sleep patterns are fucked up, I am awake all night (reading interesting stuff, dancing around) and sleep till afternoon, I study two days before an exam and don't sleep for 48 h during that period etc...I am extremely unpractical and always do things in a weird, illogical ways, which drives other people crazy . I almost never exercise, don't take care of my health and eat quickly prepared food (I'm the worst cook, but I don't care much about food - I could eat the same food every day). I also absolutely hate all domestic chores.
    • I come off as very warm, kind , soft, shy, polite, gentle, detached, confused and dreamy to most people, but among friends I am completely different. While strangers describe me as sweet, friends lovingly call me a judgemental bitch I am nice to people even if i don't like them because I HATE conflicts with all my heart.
    • I am very sensitive to the emotional atmosphere around me. If people are grumpy, i become grumpy and if they are happy, I get happy. That is why harmony in my relations is of most importance to me. I am excellent at making other people feel good about themselves, stop fights between people, I'm a perfect diplomat. But i only use these tactics if I feel like it, if i really care about people or if I get something out of it. On the other hand, I am also very good at giving backhanded compliments, subtly lower peoples self-esteem and make people turn against each other in such a way, that I come out smelling of roses. But I only do this when I really don't like said people.
    • i am very polite, watch what I say around people, have a lot of empathy (cry when other people cry, feel other people feelings), but am not always too concerned with other people problems. Although i always listen to them and try to make them feel better, I also feel like their problems are not my responsibility, unless something really bad has happened to them. I try not to bother them with my problems either. I'm good at pretending everything is ok, even when it's not...although in general I honestly have a positive outlook on life. But i can also have pretty big mood swings, i just don't try to show them outwards.
    • I am also a very good listener, people tend to tell me everything about themselves very shortly after meeting me.
    • i am obsessed with psychology, I love to psychoanalyse people, love figuring out people's motivations and their character, i gossip a lot and talk about people's relationships.
    • I can sense intuitively what kind of person someone is and also how people are connected to each other (who likes who, what will offend someone etc.) So i always try not to offend someone, unless I'm joking with a group of friends - then i don't care that much about each person's feelings. I hate when some people get offended for every little thing and can't laugh at themselves.
    • I don't like showing negative emotions like anger and especially sadness or vulnerability to others. I hate to be vulnerable with most people- I want to be the one who is in control when it comes to emotions. that is why I prefer if other people pour their hearts out to me, so I can always be ahead of them and they have nothing on me. I am somewhat of a people pleaser, but more so with unknown people - with family i am quite confrontational and don't hold back my feelings, anger and opinions.
    • I am not bossy and very non-assertive.
    • I don't take life too seriously, I joke around a lot, people say I have a very good and random sense of humour. My humour is very offensive and un-PC , bitchy but self-deprecating at the same time. I also swear a lot but not in front of strangers. I only show this side of myself to my friends, cause I don't want to be judged as a bitch.
    • My idea of fun is spending time with my friends joking around (offensive, inappropriate jokes required), drinking, going to clubs, meeting new people. I enjoy discussing serious topics as well, but this is not fun to me.
    • I love special and unconventional people. I don't like generic, boring people without identity who follow rules of society without questions and take themselves and life too seriously. I also don't like un-spontaneous, uptight people. I often somehow end up in unusual situations with eccentric people and I love it
    • I feel everyone has a right to be themselves and highly value genuineness in people.
    • I am arrogant in a sense that i feel that a lot of people are stupid generic simpletons or not as cool as me and my friends and in that way beneath me (but i would never say that to their faces, only gossip behind their back and hate them in my head
    • I can be manipulative and I often lie to get out of sticky situations. I am also prone to cheating in relationships - I always feel like there's someone better out for me. That is unless I'm really in love - than I completely idolize a person and am really commited. i also obsess over them and am completely broken if they break up with me. My feelings are VERY intense when it comes to love.I dream about finding my soulmate all the time Someone who will save me from mundane, boring reality haha.
    • I have big problem with boredom and routine in general. I want to travel the world and meet new people all the time and get involved with some charity wor,k but don't have the guts and am too introverted/shy to do it to the extent i really want.
    • I have strong opinions on most ethical and moral issues.

    • I often feel like I'm useless and not good at anything productive, like not suitable for any worthy career like other normal human beings but at the same time I don't feel like people should be necessarily productive- they should work only if they feel like it . I'm attracted to people who are more confident and better equipped at getting ahead in life than i am. I feel somewhat not able to deal with life -lacking power to get what i want and achieve success or make enough money to survive in...I wouldn't oppose if somebody would do that instead of me I feel like I need a lot of help, I have this feeling of helplessness in this competitive world. But like a true hypocrite on the other hand I can't stand incompetent helpless people, particularly weak, unconfident guys. it' s like I'm allergic to them. As i feel not tough enough I often play the naive, helpless girl card in environments where I feel like i can't compete, so people underestimate me and I don't seem like a threat. Powerful people like me for my charming sweetness and take me under their protection and that's how i survive. lol.
    • I am attracted to very assertive, confident, blunt and somewhat pushy guys, who are very positive and are a lot of fun to be around (E7 especially).They have to be popular or somewhat cool in my eyes for me to like them. i am very concerned about how others perceive them, what kind of status they have in a group.. I also have to feel like they are in a sense better than me. They have to play some sorts of games with me and not be completely available, otherwise I am not as attracted.
    • I want for a guy to activate me, take me with him to adventures (i have all these ideas what i want to do and where to go, but I am often too lazy or shy to make them happen).
    • I put a lot of effort in my appearance, love fashion, makeup and am very vain. i am also flirty (when not feeling shy) and I like attention (to be noticed, NOT for example to speak in front of the audience. My confidence is fleeting, one day I'm very conceited, the other day I'm feeling very down (depends how I feel I look that particular day That is why sometimes I can come across as charming and other times completely awkward and socially retarded.
    • i love watching artsy indie movies, particularly violent and disturbing ones and movies about interesting fucked up people and relationships (but also sweet love stories haha). I have a love/hate relationship with violence. I hate it when it's used to bully or abuse the innocent, but like it when it's used on bad people as a penalty or revenge. I often dream of whipping someone's ass if they piss me off. Violence and dark stuff also strangely fascinates me beyond that, but only as a part of my imagination, if that makes sense

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    you use too much bold

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    give me a TLDR and if it's interesting I might read the wall of text! Ofcourse, that is completely useless since I know shit about typing, but still, a TLDR might snare the attention of one of the more knowledgable users...

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    [*]I feel everyone has a right to be themselves and highly value genuineness in people. [*]I am arrogant in a sense that i feel that a lot of people are stupid generic simpletons or not as cool as me and my friends and in that way beneath me (but i would never say that to their faces, only gossip behind their back and hate them in my head
    You are E4, and the arrogance is usually called pretentiousness. Along with some aloofness to boot.

  5. #5
    Neural wonderchild Aivonaima's Avatar
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    Couldn't bother to read everything, but I skimmed through the bolded parts and IEI seems more probable than EII. You seem like you'd value the company of an exciting, adventurous SLE way higher than that of a boring, down-to-earth, practical LSE.
    "Use every ounce of potential you have, raise revolution against what people expect of you, and tell the world this is not a rehearsal. This is the real me. And listen up, ‘cause it could be the most honest incarnation yet."

  6. #6
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    If you're impulsive than you're not INFj. INFj tend to be very stable predictable planned
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    You're Fe Ego, Se valuing, irrational.


    EDIT: Maybe I spoke too soon. You might have demonstrative Fe. So I wouldn't rule out SEE or IEE.
    Last edited by Whoobie77; 01-12-2014 at 10:01 PM.

  8. #8
    Olduvai's Avatar
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    SEE or IEE

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    IEE (ENFp) you are all over the place ( lead) and very aristocratic

    I am arrogant in a sense that i feel that a lot of people are stupid generic simpletons or not as cool as me and my friends and in that way beneath me (but i would never say that to their faces, only gossip behind their back and hate them in my head

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    Quote Originally Posted by Zero11 View Post
    IEE (ENFp) you are all over the place ( lead) and very aristocratic

    as user mercutio more or less jokingly pointed out, if she's a sexual 4 , stereotypes regarding Fi > Fe and sense of superiority or entitlement don't hold

  11. #11
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    The problem is that I am most definitely not an extrovert. I need a looot of alone time and being around people that I don't have much to say quickly drains me of any energy I have left. There's nothing worse than small talk I am pretty shy and soft spoken, I think the text send the wrong idea of me being all over the place with my bitchiness.

    It's not that I hate people, It's just that I don't find many of them interesting. I can sense immediately, if there is a potential in a person or not, and when there isn't any, I feel it's better for both of us if we don't even bother with each other But yeah, I'm definitely aristocratic.

    I'm still not convinced about the E4 part. I do identify with it strongly, but I don't feel like I'm enough of a drama queen. I don't like feeling negative emotions (but they are better than feeling nothing, that's for sure). I'm also go-with-the flow, people pleasing type of person and I have big problems saying no to people and disappointing them. I want people to like me. That is why I wanted to be completely honest in my description, warts and all, to not be judged by my external image, but by my real feelings.

  12. #12
    Neural wonderchild Aivonaima's Avatar
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    I/E doesn't directly correlate with your need to be alone or around others. It's more about your energy levels, temperament, and how initiative you generally are with others. I think that for example LXEs, despite being extroverted, might not be huge social butterflies – their dominant Te often makes them more pragmatic than people-oriented. Whereas XEIs might generally enjoy being around others because despite their introversion, their Fe makes them drawn to people. These of course are generalizations, but to give you the idea.

    E4s are not necessarily drama queens. I'm e4 and usually just walk away from conflicts because I couldn't be bothered (unless it's someone I really care about). I also have trouble saying no to people to a point where it gets ridiculous, and I'm a habitual ass-kisser, especially when stressed out as the e2 need to be loved kicks in.
    "Use every ounce of potential you have, raise revolution against what people expect of you, and tell the world this is not a rehearsal. This is the real me. And listen up, ‘cause it could be the most honest incarnation yet."

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    @ Aivonaima, thanks for your help. I'm still sure I'm an introvert, a pretty strong one I would say. My energy levels are ridiculously low, I get tired very easily and need almost as much sleep as my cat The second thing is I am completely non-initiative and non-assertive. I need others to come to me and I much prefer if they take the first step and get me out of my shell. I feel much safer if I respond to someone, otherwise I feel awkward and like a burden. Even with long time friends they still do most of contacting and planning. I also have a small circle of friends, because I don't have the energy to stay in contact with many people, so I choose a few and get to know them really well.

    On the other hand, I love to socialize with my friends. I would never spend an evening alone if I can go to a party instead. And if I like the people and the atmosphere, I will be one of the loudest people there.

  14. #14
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    i think it's 4w3 that are the drama queens, 4w5s are more reclusive.

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    The problem is that I am most definitely not an extrovert. I need a looot of alone time and being around people that I don't have much to say quickly drains me of any energy I have left. There's nothing worse than small talk I am pretty shy and soft spoken, I think the text send the wrong idea of me being all over the place with my bitchiness.

    It's not that I hate people, It's just that I don't find many of them interesting. I can sense immediately, if there is a potential in a person or not, and when there isn't any, I feel it's better for both of us if we don't even bother with each other But yeah, I'm definitely aristocratic.

    I'm still not convinced about the E4 part. I do identify with it strongly, but I don't feel like I'm enough of a drama queen. I don't like feeling negative emotions (but they are better than feeling nothing, that's for sure). I'm also go-with-the flow, people pleasing type of person and I have big problems saying no to people and disappointing them. I want people to like me. That is why I wanted to be completely honest in my description, warts and all, to not be judged by my external image, but by my real feelings.
    you're too outgoing (energywise) to be E 9. Looks like the reactive triad. And too ... all right with self centeredness. A 5 wing would probably tone it down a bit , or at least give it a more "mental" streak .... but tbh I don't really see it. Compared to 4w5s I know you sound less aloof. In any case that would save you from "double image" . Anyway be what you are after all.
    Last edited by Amber; 01-12-2014 at 10:24 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aivonaima View Post
    I/E doesn't directly correlate with your need to be alone or around others. It's more about your energy levels, temperament, and how initiative you generally are with others. I think that for example LXEs, despite being extroverted, might not be huge social butterflies – their dominant Te often makes them more pragmatic than people-oriented. Whereas XEIs might generally enjoy being around others because despite their introversion, their Fe makes them drawn to people. These of course are generalizations, but to give you the idea.
    I guess I see introversion/extroversion as mostly relating to its philosophical concept. Introversion for me would be more like sitting back and letting the world impact me, taking it in and judging/perceiving what that means to me; extroversion the opposite - engaging the world and impacting it. But I guess that's not very descriptive.

    But I just wanted to point it out, since the concept doesn't have to relate to your descriptors. For example, I have high energy levels, it's just that I prefer to expend that energy by sitting back and going into my head. The focus of my energy is different, so it wouldn't be so much that I have low energy levels as much as it is about expending more energy taking in the world around me and playing around with it in my head than an extrovert would. Initiative for me is a little different too; I take initiative in things that stimulate an urgent need to act or fix/help a situation, but I prefer not to get entangled in everything around me. I think introverts have a harder time with initiative because there is so much for them to take in and play with in their heads that making choices between many different things becomes much more taxing or difficult - Overchoice; but then again maybe that's what you meant by "generally".

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    I don't see any problem with you being IEI. The way you place all sorts of strange emphases in your description makes me think you're more likely to be a Fe valuer than Te valuer.

  18. #18
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    IEI E4w?

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    Whew, I thought that I manifested a new alter! Was scared for a moment. I have recovered. We have many similarities but notable differences. Don't know your type but hello and have fun exploring.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    I was in the middle of typing up a painstaking analysis when I realized something: I don't think I can accurately type you using this information. SEE, IEE, and SEI all seem like reasonable possibilities.
    Last edited by Olduvai; 01-13-2014 at 09:07 AM.

  21. #21
    A dusty and dreadful charade. Scapegrace's Avatar
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    The SUPER expressive type!

    Are you a humanist or do you only date people for their money?
    "[Scapegrace,] I don't know how anyone can stand such a sinister and mean individual as you." - Maritsa Darmandzhyan

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    I date based on chemistry & love, but if they also have the money that's a perfect combination. I like expensive things and am famous for my shopping sprees. I'm not sure if I could fall in love with someone very poor and/or with an embarrassing job. Their social status(connections, popularity) is certainly important and I'm very concerned how others perceive my love interests. But this is all what I am instantly attracted to, I don't keep score.

    I would call myslf a humanist, I believe that all people are equal and should be treated with respect (which is probably in contradiction to what I just wrote).Well if I'm honest I'm a humanist in theory ( definitely when it comes to human rights), but in an everyday life I don't see everyone as totally equal.

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    All people are equal. You just won't date a janitor.
    "[Scapegrace,] I don't know how anyone can stand such a sinister and mean individual as you." - Maritsa Darmandzhyan

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    I might make an exception if he was a smoking hot janitor. As long as nobody saw me with him.

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    ^^^ one of those instances when Instictual variant beats Enneatype

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    Most likely IEI-Fe and very unlikely E9w1 maybe 4w3 fits better?. My typing is based on the fact that I can't see you in another quadra than Beta.

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    Yeah, I always get IEI-Fe on tests and I see myself by far the most in the IEI description. But I know tests and type descriptions are not to be trusted and my self.perception might by skewed.

    As far as quadras, I can only see myself in Beta, the only other possibility is Alpha. I like very loud groups, where we're joking and uptoping one other with jokes or telling dramatic stories. You have to be very quick and loud with the jokes, otherwise you fall out of the conversation and you're considered a killjoy . Jokes are almost always offensive and innapropriate, but it's all in good fun, not ment to seriously hurt anybody's feelings . If I get serious, I like to talk about abstract theories like psychology, sociology, current social issues, what's wrong with our society etc...

    But I don't know how realistic the concept of quadras is, as I feel like I have friends of many different types. But it's true that some of them prefer more serious discussions and get all quiet and offended when the jokes start rolling. I find these friends uptight and boring, so I rather socialize with them one on one. They're probably Gamma or Delta.

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    Yeah, I always get IEI-Fe on tests and I see myself by far the most in the IEI description. But I know tests and type descriptions are not to be trusted and my self.perception might by skewed.

    As far as quadras, I can only see myself in Beta, the only other possibility is Alpha. I like very loud groups, where we're joking and uptoping one other with jokes or telling dramatic stories. You have to be very quick and loud with the jokes, otherwise you fall out of the conversation and you're considered a killjoy . Jokes are almost always offensive and innapropriate, but it's all in good fun, not ment to seriously hurt anybody's feelings . If I get serious, I like to talk about abstract theories like psychology, sociology, current social issues, what's wrong with our society etc...

    But I don't know how realistic the concept of quadras is, as I feel like I have friends of many different types. But it's true that some of them prefer more serious discussions and get all quiet and offended when the jokes start rolling. I find these friends uptight and boring, so I rather socialize with them one on one. They're probably Gamma or Delta.
    i dunno, i think you are a 4, but you seem distant to me. maybe you need to socialise more.

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    I'm ok, but thanks for the concern.

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    Yeah, I always get IEI-Fe on tests and I see myself by far the most in the IEI description. But I know tests and type descriptions are not to be trusted and my self.perception might by skewed.

    As far as quadras, I can only see myself in Beta, the only other possibility is Alpha. I like very loud groups, where we're joking and uptoping one other with jokes or telling dramatic stories. You have to be very quick and loud with the jokes, otherwise you fall out of the conversation and you're considered a killjoy . Jokes are almost always offensive and innapropriate, but it's all in good fun, not ment to seriously hurt anybody's feelings . If I get serious, I like to talk about abstract theories like psychology, sociology, current social issues, what's wrong with our society etc...

    But I don't know how realistic the concept of quadras is, as I feel like I have friends of many different types. But it's true that some of them prefer more serious discussions and get all quiet and offended when the jokes start rolling. I find these friends uptight and boring, so I rather socialize with them one on one. They're probably Gamma or Delta.
    It's nothing but normal to have friends from different quadras. From my extended friends circle many are from Beta quadra I have often to suffer though .

    Edit: How do you relate to Ni, why do you think it's your Base-IE?

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    I date based on chemistry & love, but if they also have the money that's a perfect combination. I like expensive things and am famous for my shopping sprees. I'm not sure if I could fall in love with someone very poor and/or with an embarrassing job. Their social status(connections, popularity) is certainly important and I'm very concerned how others perceive my love interests. But this is all what I am instantly attracted to, I don't keep score.

    I would call myslf a humanist, I believe that all people are equal and should be treated with respect (which is probably in contradiction to what I just wrote).Well if I'm honest I'm a humanist in theory ( definitely when it comes to human rights), but in an everyday life I don't see everyone as totally equal.
    Um...I'm going with SEE and Final on that.
    Last edited by Beautiful sky; 01-13-2014 at 01:26 PM.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    I definately don't get Alpha quadra vibe from your reactions to these posts (and i'm too lazy to read that idiotic wall of text)., I don't see it either

    I'd go for Gamma for you, so SEE it is (highFive @maitsa!)

  33. #33
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reficulris View Post
    I definately don't get Alpha quadra vibe from your reactions to these posts (and i'm too lazy to read that idiotic wall of text)., I don't see it either

    I'd go for Gamma for you, so SEE it is (highFive @maitsa!)
    I'm thinking a realist type, something like SEE would work as material concern is very important to her/him. I'm thinking very realist obviously. Def not a care taker of any kind or humanist concerns of any...out Delta; oust Alpha because although he/she loves merriment this person also cares about material things which Alpha isn't too keen on which leaves Beta/Gamma. I'm still considering that the person is too superficial for Beta (?) but is definitely a good fit in Gamma. Lots of Fi...I feel like X, Y, Z....anyway, a Realist (Se) who relates things with their ethical values (Fi)

    Also, this tells me "serious" type:

    Originally Posted by darya
    The problem is that I am most definitely not an extrovert. I need a looot of alone time and being around people that I don't have much to say quickly drains me of any energy I have left. There's nothing worse than small talk I am pretty shy and soft spoken, I think the text send the wrong idea of me being all over the place with my bitchiness.

    It's not that I hate people, It's just that I don't find many of them interesting. I can sense immediately, if there is a potential in a person or not, and when there isn't any, I feel it's better for both of us if we don't even bother with each other But yeah, I'm definitely aristocratic.

    I'm still not convinced about the E4 part. I do identify with it strongly, but I don't feel like I'm enough of a drama queen. I don't like feeling negative emotions (but they are better than feeling nothing, that's for sure). I'm also go-with-the flow, people pleasing type of person and I have big problems saying no to people and disappointing them. I want people to like me. That is why I wanted to be completely honest in my description, warts and all, to not be judged by my external image, but by my real feelings.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reficulris View Post
    I definately don't get Alpha quadra vibe from your reactions to these posts (and i'm too lazy to read that idiotic wall of text)., I don't see it either

    I'd go for Gamma for you, so SEE it is (highFive @maitsa!)
    high five by the way
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Fe valued is evident.
    Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.

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    And also, she didn't catch onto scapes sarcasm all that well and geared the conversation towards more of a serious topic about herself. I type scapegrace as IEI, that Fe sarcasm ("Let's see your emotions...laugh laugh laugh" or give me a good come back did not happen here with her interaction) so yeah...very serious quadrant.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  37. #37
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    xEI impression. also not feelin so-last.

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    Ok interesting....I have to admit I'm not familiar enough with IM elements, so I feel like I'm not competent enough to comment on that, but I'm not SEE in a million years. I can buy IEE or even SEI (?), but not SEE. If you would know me IRL, you would never type me as that.

    I am definitely intuitive, I just didn't focus on that part in my description, because I find it hard to describe in English plus all I wanted to know was what kind of temperament I have (rational/irrational), so I described more of an superficial part of myself.

    I am quite cerebral, always researching new topics that interest me (always abstract topics like sociology, psychology), I read a lot, ...I am completely inside my head and detached most of the time,overthinking and overanalizing everything, I can't shut my brain off).
    People have to snap fingers in front of my face to get me back to earth (literally). Besides I am completely oblivious to my surrounding, run into things, never notice people, am bad at sports, etc...I am very intuitive about people and relationships and my friends are always fascinated by my insights. This and writing is what I excell at (I realize I suck at writing in English and come off as a ditz).
    @Maritsa, I am perfectly aware of the sarcasm and am very sarcastic myself, but I'm only here to figure out my type, so I ignored it and answered the questions so I can provide as many information as possible. IRL I would banter back and forth, but I don't want this thread to become a trainwreck with no useful feedback

    Whatever, everybody has their own opinion, thanks so much for the thought you've put into this.

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    @Maritsa now I read on Gamma quadra and I cannot believe how can you "sense" that I belong there, if I claimed the complete opposite things about my preffered group interactions I don't agree on any of the folowing:
    I don't value productivity and don't form groups based on that. We get together to have fun and never do anything productive.
    I don't give more value to factual information
    I love deeply analyzing ideas that have no practical application. That's what I do all day. lol.
    I laugh out loud a lot

    I wanted to add that me being an agressor in anything (particularly romantic and erotic relations ) is frankly bizzare. I'm as victimy as they come. I am also NOT an extrovert (wouldn't you think a person would know that about themselves?). I'm not even close to being an extrovert, although I would love to be one.

    I can buy one or two things that don't add up, but how is it possible there are so many inconsistencies and I'm a supposed SEE???

    /rant over

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    @Maritsa now I read on Gamma quadra and I cannot believe how can you "sense" that I belong there, if I claimed the complete opposite things about my preffered group interactions I don't agree on any of the folowing:
    I don't value productivity and don't form groups based on that. We get together to have fun and never do anything productive.
    I don't give more value to factual information
    I love deeply analyzing ideas that have no practical application. That's what I do all day. lol.
    I laugh out loud a lot

    I wanted to add that me being an agressor in anything (particularly romantic and erotic relations ) is frankly bizzare. I'm as victimy as they come. I am also NOT an extrovert (wouldn't you think a person would know that about themselves?). I'm not even close to being an extrovert, although I would love to be one.

    I can buy one or two things that don't add up, but how is it possible there are so many inconsistencies and I'm a supposed SEE???

    /rant over
    Maritsa types a disproportionate amount of women SEE. I wouldn't worry about it or even give it that much thought.

    "Tell someone you love them today, because life is short; shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying."

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