Well, after months of hesitation and confusion (ISTp? ISFp? ISFj? INFj? INFp? ENTp? INTj!?!?), I thought I might as well ask for an V.I., especially since Asians "look identical to each other anyway". I am still new to socionics, so even if no one can be bothered to V.I. me -- what with all the V.I. threads that have been created already -- I would still appreciate resources on how to V.I.

http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/4...ture014ac4.jpg <- dwelling on friends
http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/4688/picture017kn1.jpg <- with so-called "weird" expression

In case the above pictures do not suffice, may I present the following information for your analysing pleasure:

- Often remarked to be "too serious" for a girl of my age. Also accused of being a "robot" and other variations for usual monotonous tone and lack of expression. However, am anything but expressionless around friends and closer acquaintances.

- Consensus from Nohari window range from "timid", "withdrawn", "aloof", to "insecure". Apparently, I give off a strong "searching" vibe.

- When in social settings, will try to make self unnoticed by smothering my presence. Have been remarked to give off a weak "sense of existence". Dislike of physical involvement, of being directly involved with external world. Drawn to the "sense of anonymity" derived from being in museums and other tourist attractions.

- Extreme sensitivity over intelligence. Was once so angered by a classmate's implicated jeers at my stupidity in a public setting -- which could've been a joke -- that I imagined myself turning over the desks, strangling him, and roaring insults at him. The fear of being judged for my competence/intelligence eventually interfered with my studies, manifesting itself in overprotection of my progress in work, and in performance anxiety -- if I am not prepared, then I will do whatever it takes to avoid performing. I identify with enneagram type 5 for that reason.

- Can easily perceive corrections on logical reasoning as criticism of my character, and may view the deliverer of the correction as a threat. Will brood over such "criticism" for years, and work on improving my reasoning ability.

- Often criticised for unwittingly violating social customs, lack of responsibility and conscience, selfishness, and total disregard/neglect of physical environment and health -- I live in a perpetual state of disorganisation. Ironically, I used to give others the impression of being a "determined", "organised planner". Also chastised for being conservative. I have been asked why I care so much about what others think of me. I feel very awkward in social settings -- the reactions that are expected of me generate inner conflict. Cannot smile naturally when asked to, for to smile when I do not feel happy would be dishonest and "fake".

- Feel overshadowed, sometimes even annoyed by those with a dominating physical presence.

- Sense of time? What's that? o_O

- Said to walk strangely. Words such as "mechanical", "penguin-like", "robotic", "unnatural", "a bop", and "a slight jog" have been used to describe my walk. Apparently, I walk naturally only when I am by myself.

- I get angry when people "mess around" with my messy room. Even if they have the best of intentions.

Well, that will be all for now. Questions for elaboration are welcomed.