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Thread: What physical features do you find attractive?

  1. #681
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    Quote Originally Posted by Satan View Post
    so i google lumbersexual, and i find this..

    Basically, lumbersexuals are the new metrosexuals of this age. They combine a metrosexual attentiveness to their looks, with stereotypical "masculine" attributes, like (meticulously cut) beards and lumberjack shirts.
    They are often also sort of Hipster-ish.
    I don't find the look too desirable myself.

  2. #682
    I've been waiting for you Satan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SisOfNight View Post
    Basically, lumbersexuals are the new metrosexuals of this age. They combine a metrosexual attentiveness to their looks, with stereotypical "masculine" attributes, like (meticulously cut) beards and lumberjack shirts.
    They are often also sort of Hipster-ish.
    I don't find the look too desirable myself.
    hmm that's what parts of america look like on tv. i think culture has a lot to do with these things. it's so hard to find "average" people on the internet though.

  3. #683

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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    There's a woman at the gym who looks exactly like this. At first I thought, SLE, but after talking with her, I now think SEE. She's very healthy, exercises every day consistently, and doesn't overdo it.

  6. #686
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    Edit: also people with an angelic, ethereal quality.

    Last edited by Aylen; 08-25-2015 at 12:14 AM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  7. #687
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    Looks don't matter too much for me. HB6 and above is fair game for me. That means thin, but not too thin. She can have some pudge on her as well, I can into "healthy" girls and the like but I got no time for fatties. I kinda like em' to be a bit athletic too, look like they could do some damage in a fight. Really though, once the minimum in looks is reached it's all about personality. The halo effect is off ladies, I know the score. The hotter she is the more likely she's completely insane and I don't need a yandere hunting my ass down to shank me because of her insecurities (though I wouldn't mind it if she raped me constantly, that'd be pretty hot and I'd like it). There are logical reasons for why this happens, but I won't get into them here.

    I am also a firm believer in the assertion that there are no ugly women, only lazy ones. Hit the gym, get slim and fit, start eating right, use some moisturizer, put on a little bit of makeup, and boom, in a year or two 100 percent every dude who isn't a total douche will say you're pretty for your age and, if they're around your age, will want to date you if they're single and not traumatized by a psycho bitch ex. Don't get plastic surgery either unless it's for reconstruction, women have forgotten how beautiful they really are if they put some effort into it. Looks are nice, but as one comedian said, you can't fix stupid. I'll take the frumpy looking smart girl who can kick my ass and dominate me in the sack over the supermodel submissive bimbo who just lies there like a corpse every day of the week. Besides, being a bimbo is gold-digging tactic, and I got exactly zero tolerance for gold diggers (who should all go die in a ditch IMO).

    If you wanna dig on men, do it right, become a high-class hooker. Don't ruin a good man's life for his money and don't pull the pin and blow the fuck up after the wedding (i.e. don't become a land whale), it's just not right and quite unfair both to yourself and your man.

  8. #688
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    The thing that physically attracted me to my husband was his huge, strong hands.

  9. #689
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Looks don't matter too much for me. HB6 and above is fair game for me. That means thin, but not too thin. She can have some pudge on her as well, I can into "healthy" girls and the like but I got no time for fatties. I kinda like em' to be a bit athletic too, look like they could do some damage in a fight. Really though, once the minimum in looks is reached it's all about personality. The halo effect is off ladies, I know the score. The hotter she is the more likely she's completely insane and I don't need a yandere hunting my ass down to shank me because of her insecurities (though I wouldn't mind it if she raped me constantly, that'd be pretty hot and I'd like it). There are logical reasons for why this happens, but I won't get into them here.

    I am also a firm believer in the assertion that there are no ugly women, only lazy ones. Hit the gym, get slim and fit, start eating right, use some moisturizer, put on a little bit of makeup, and boom, in a year or two 100 percent every dude who isn't a total douche will say you're pretty for your age and, if they're around your age, will want to date you if they're single and not traumatized by a psycho bitch ex. Don't get plastic surgery either unless it's for reconstruction, women have forgotten how beautiful they really are if they put some effort into it. Looks are nice, but as one comedian said, you can't fix stupid. I'll take the frumpy looking smart girl who can kick my ass and dominate me in the sack over the supermodel submissive bimbo who just lies there like a corpse every day of the week. Besides, being a bimbo is gold-digging tactic, and I got exactly zero tolerance for gold diggers (who should all go die in a ditch IMO).

    If you wanna dig on men, do it right, become a high-class hooker. Don't ruin a good man's life for his money and don't pull the pin and blow the fuck up after the wedding (i.e. don't become a land whale), it's just not right and quite unfair both to yourself and your man.
    "Two loves I have of comfort and despair,
    Which like two spirits do suggest me still:
    The better angel is a man right fair,
    The worser spirit a woman coloured ill.
    To win me soon to hell, my female evil,
    Tempteth my better angel from my side,
    And would corrupt my saint to be a devil,
    Wooing his purity with her foul pride.
    And whether that my angel be turned fiend,
    Suspect I may, yet not directly tell;
    But being both from me, both to each friend,
    I guess one angel in another's hell:
    Yet this shall I ne'er know, but live in doubt,
    Till my bad angel fire my good one out."

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  10. #690
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    "Two loves I have of comfort and despair,
    Which like two spirits do suggest me still:
    The better angel is a man right fair,
    The worser spirit a woman coloured ill.
    To win me soon to hell, my female evil,
    Tempteth my better angel from my side,
    And would corrupt my saint to be a devil,
    Wooing his purity with her foul pride.
    And whether that my angel be turned fiend,
    Suspect I may, yet not directly tell;
    But being both from me, both to each friend,
    I guess one angel in another's hell:
    Yet this shall I ne'er know, but live in doubt,
    Till my bad angel fire my good one out."
    Sounds like a poem about a girl worried about losing her man to some other girl who's better at seduction than she is, I like it.

  11. #691
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Sounds like a poem about a girl worried about losing her man to some other girl who's better at seduction than she is, I like it.

    "A sonnet that is considered by many to be the key to understanding Shakespeare's attitude to love. It plays out the old battle between spiritual and physical love, a subject which had been the jousting field of argument for centuries. The poet seems to ally himself with the traditionalists who believed that the nature of woman was such as to corrupt pure love. In Platonic terms she was the material dross of which bodies were made, but the spiritual ideal love was independent of her, and true love could really only subsist between males. In terms of Christian theology, woman was the devil and was responsible for the fall since she had tempted man to eat forbidden fruit. Any form of congress with a woman was corrupting, and the ideal life would always be one of chastity and abstention from sex. The doctrine was alleviated slightly by devotion to Mary, the Mother of God, but despite giving birth she was a virgin and worshiped as the Blessed Virgin Mary. A mitigation to this view was the reality of life itself, which always returned to insist that the majority of men would continue to desire women."

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  12. #692
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    The spoiler contains an interesting tidbit. I don't believe that women are a corrupting influence though. They have been made into one by the PTB, but that is not their natural state. Naturally, it is a woman's duty to bring out the best in men, and vice-versa. That's the nature of a dual pair after all, isn't it? Each "half" brings out the best in the other half right? When you can't run, you crawl. And when you can't crawl, you find someone to carry you.

    That's how it should be, a pity that the modern world decries such thinking as delusion. We should look after one another, not see them as but mere resources to be exploited by our every whim and tossed aside once their "usefulness" is at an end. That's another person right there, they deserve respect for that fact up to the point they prove that they don't have a soul (i.e. prove they're a psychopath or narcissist). Once they do that terrible thing, well, there's a reason weapons were invented. Trash needs to be taken out, but we're not all big and strong. The keen edge of a blade and the like helps to even the odds for the weak and nameless...

  13. #693
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    Ultimately it does not matter much, but I have a thing for arms and shoulders. I would also like for a guy to be bigger than me, so since I am not exactly frail, I like men with bigger frames.

    But OMG arms and shoulders...

    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
    ― Anais Nin

  14. #694
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    V Shaped Torso

  15. #695
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    I love nice strong arms with visible veins, not necessarily body builder arms or anything just not skinny arms. Also love nice soft lips, and natural tan/olive skin. And wavy/curly hair

  16. #696
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    He's probably one of the most handsome men I have ever seen.
    (So much so, it kind of weirds me out... xD It is like he's a male doll or something...)

    Last edited by Olimpia; 11-21-2015 at 07:31 PM.

  17. #697
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    Lauren Cohan (Maggie from the Walking Dead)
    Important to note! People who share "indentical" socionics TIMs won't necessarily appear to be very similar, since they have have different backgrounds, experiences, capabilities, genetics, as well as different types in other typological systems (enneagram, instinctual variants, etc.) all of which also have a sway on compatibility and identification. Thus, Socionics type "identicals" won't necessarily be identical i.e. highly similar to each other, and not all people of "dual" types will seem interesting, attractive and appealing to each other.

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  21. #701
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    As I've been getting older I have found myself becoming more attracted to asians. This is not really a good comment because 'asian' is really really general and non-specific, so I will be a bit more specific.

    A lot of Chinese especially do not have sharp nose and top of nose is almost flat which gives appearance of greater distance beween eyes. I quite like this. Here's an example of a Korean lady (I really like these eyes).

    It often seems less prominent on the Japanese, especially because their typical makeup emphasises making the eyes look larger and away from epicanthic folds (a shame). Its kind of the reverse. Lower part of the eye curves up whereas on Chinese/Korean top part of eye curves down. Consequently the fold is more visible. Compare this model to the picture I linked above. This is Chiharu Okunugi (Japanese).

    And then compare again to this picture of a Chinese from a Singaporean cosmetics site.

    I prefer the Chinese/Korean look. I like that. In some people the epicanthic fold is really pronounced and that is where the derogatory term 'sliteye' comes from and personally I do not like this look. Unfortunately now any kind of smaller-eye epicanthic fold is beign sort of rejected by mainstream asian fashion culture and so most models you find apply makeup to make eyes look more like gweilo cibai

    IMO woman doesn't, shouldn't, wear makeup all time. Same also for man who does not always arrange hair precisely and pose. So I looked for a picture of a model who was wearing only minimal makeup. It's pretty hard to find in fact pictures of people not wearing makeup, but in general I felt this one was not so heavily applied and eyes were still obviously Asian.

    (She is actually wearing makeup but only a bit. This is one of the closest pictures of waht type of eyes I like I could find)

    next i will make post about what type of hair I like.

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    does anyone else go "ew" through half the thread? and not just at @suedehead and his recent posts (which i didn't even "ew" at really, but more reacted to suedehead for posting them), but at some of the technically "attractive" people and at the way in which they may be found attractive?

  23. #703
    it's ok, everything will be fine totalize's Avatar
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    in terms of hair, i prefer longer the better. in style my total favourite is braided. i do not have preference for colour altho i prefer person doesn't change their hair colour by bleaching or dying. i am generally unttracted especially to only a certain part of hair being dyed. braid should be basic. when woman hangs braid over shoulder this is most attractive look in my opinion.

    if not braided, i prefer when hair is worn over one side of the shoulder/head, rather than both.

    so not this:

    but this:

    but if hair is short, i prefer it to dominate facial features. I like this look also

    for some reason I find this incredibly attractive.

  24. #704
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    Quote Originally Posted by totalize View Post
    As I've been getting older I have found myself becoming more attracted to asians. This is not really a good comment because 'asian' is really really general and non-specific, so I will be a bit more specific.

    A lot of Chinese especially do not have sharp nose and top of nose is almost flat which gives appearance of greater distance beween eyes. I quite like this. Here's an example of a Korean lady (I really like these eyes).

    It often seems less prominent on the Japanese, especially because their typical makeup emphasises making the eyes look larger and away from epicanthic folds (a shame). Its kind of the reverse. Lower part of the eye curves up whereas on Chinese/Korean top part of eye curves down. Consequently the fold is more visible. Compare this model to the picture I linked above. This is Chiharu Okunugi (Japanese).

    And then compare again to this picture of a Chinese from a Singaporean cosmetics site.

    I prefer the Chinese/Korean look. I like that. In some people the epicanthic fold is really pronounced and that is where the derogatory term 'sliteye' comes from and personally I do not like this look. Unfortunately now any kind of smaller-eye epicanthic fold is beign sort of rejected by mainstream asian fashion culture and so most models you find apply makeup to make eyes look more like gweilo cibai

    IMO woman doesn't, shouldn't, wear makeup all time. Same also for man who does not always arrange hair precisely and pose. So I looked for a picture of a model who was wearing only minimal makeup. It's pretty hard to find in fact pictures of people not wearing makeup, but in general I felt this one was not so heavily applied and eyes were still obviously Asian.

    (She is actually wearing makeup but only a bit. This is one of the closest pictures of waht type of eyes I like I could find)
    Quote Originally Posted by totalize View Post
    in terms of hair, i prefer longer the better. in style my total favourite is braided. i do not have preference for colour altho i prefer person doesn't change their hair colour by bleaching or dying. i am generally unttracted especially to only a certain part of hair being dyed. braid should be basic. when woman hangs braid over shoulder this is most attractive look in my opinion.

    if not braided, i prefer when hair is worn over one side of the shoulder/head, rather than both.

    but if hair is short, i prefer it to dominate facial features. I like this look also

    for some reason I find this incredibly attractive.
    I find all of this very intriguing... I had no idea how men can be so specific in their preferences, when it comes to looks. I thought it was mostly rather general for most guys, like "big butt/boobs" and that's it, haha.

    Maybe those preferences are an Se HA thing? Or somehow related to ENxj... I am not sure exactly how, but I could see that.

    In my case, I am still figuring out what attributes I prefer specifically. It is mostly rather vague. For me, it is about "the whole picture" of the person. Could be a female thing, as well, not focusing on very specific visual attributes, but rather the "vibe", "impression" the person gives off, and their character traits. I tend to focus more on how a guy dresses and carries himself, over his exact facial features and/or hairstyle. (This I often notice later, but it does add to the overall "picture" of course. I just don't "zoom in" on it immediately. A guy's hair only draws my attention to it when it is pretty long, colorfully dyed, etc. Otherwise, my full attention is focused on the person's bearing. I like a confident stature. Could be related to seeking...)

  25. #705
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    Quote Originally Posted by SisOfNight View Post
    I find all of this very intriguing... I had no idea how men can be so specific in their preferences, when it comes to looks. I thought it was mostly rather general for most guys, like "big butt/boobs" and that's it, haha.

    Maybe those preferences are an Se HA thing? Or somehow related to ENxj... I am not sure exactly how, but I could see that.

    In my case, I am still figuring out what attributes I prefer specifically. It is mostly rather vague. For me, it is about "the whole picture" of the person. Could be a female thing, as well, not focusing on very specific visual attributes, but rather the "vibe", "impression" the person gives off, and their character traits. I tend to focus more on how a guy dresses and carries himself, over his exact facial features and/or hairstyle. (This I often notice later, but it does add to the overall "picture" of course. I just don't "zoom in" on it immediately. A guy's hair only draws my attention to it when it is pretty long, colorfully dyed, etc. Otherwise, my full attention is focused on the person's bearing. I like a confident stature. Could be related to seeking...)
    To provide answer to this (implied) question you must follow unified theory of attraction which is my theory about attraction

    in reality people are attracted to broad range of properties and behaviours of people which fall broadly under archetypes. you can see what type of archetype person is attracted to from this thread easily especially by what type of picture they choose and language they choose to describe them.

    all people present some kind of archetype. like the one you are talking about, man who carries himself well, dresses confidently, so on and so forth. and it is not surprise that this archetype is represented by pictures you post. but also there are some who are attracted to dorky type, etc

    it's also true of men and women both.

    for me in particular i do not care if woman has big arse or small arse or big tits or small tits or perky tits or not. so long as they fit archetype it is ok. and reality is like this for all men -- man who says he only has sex with models is hugh heffner or liar. but to be attractive woman must fulfil certain archetype of what i think is attractive based on distance between reality and 'perfect form' aka platonist philosophy.

    feel free to ask questions about the 'unified theory of attraction'

  26. #706
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    hands, neck, and smell.

  27. #707
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    Quote Originally Posted by totalize View Post
    To provide answer to this (implied) question you must follow unified theory of attraction which is my theory about attraction

    in reality people are attracted to broad range of properties and behaviours of people which fall broadly under archetypes. you can see what type of archetype person is attracted to from this thread easily especially by what type of picture they choose and language they choose to describe them.

    all people present some kind of archetype. like the one you are talking about, man who carries himself well, dresses confidently, so on and so forth. and it is not surprise that this archetype is represented by pictures you post. but also there are some who are attracted to dorky type, etc

    it's also true of men and women both.

    for me in particular i do not care if woman has big arse or small arse or big tits or small tits or perky tits or not. so long as they fit archetype it is ok. and reality is like this for all men -- man who says he only has sex with models is hugh heffner or liar. but to be attractive woman must fulfil certain archetype of what i think is attractive based on distance between reality and 'perfect form' aka platonist philosophy.

    feel free to ask questions about the 'unified theory of attraction'
    Ah yes, you intuitively have got that right.

    What you call "archetype" is summarized as a "Lovemap" by certain psychologists.

    I would agree that most people unconsciously choose partners who fit the appearance their ideal/archetypal lover has, based on their Lovemap. I believe, however, that Lovemaps are not static but can change somewhat, depending on your experiences throughout life. Even so, certain aspects will likely stay the same, especially those that were formed during your early childhood.

  28. #708
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    Quote Originally Posted by SisOfNight View Post
    Ah yes, you intuitively have got that right.

    What you call "archetype" is summarized as a "Lovemap" by certain psychologists.

    I would agree that most people unconsciously choose partners who fit the appearance their ideal/archetypal lover has, based on their Lovemap. I believe, however, that Lovemaps are not static but can change somewhat, depending on your experiences throughout life. Even so, certain aspects will likely stay the same, especially those that were formed during your early childhood.
    yes, this is right -- so combine lovemaps with same ideas about personality types and appearances, and throw in attachment tehory and BOOM you have unified theory of attraction

  29. #709
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    hi hi hi

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    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    Oh, it seems like you and @Galen share a very similar taste in men.

    Reminiscent of a manly bear, somehow.

  32. #712
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    i want to rub my face in his belly

  33. #713
    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post

  34. #714
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    his face tho

  35. #715
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    Interesting thread. I like seeing everyone's pictures and descriptions.

    I like height (taller is better), big hands, broad shoulders, and a pleasant smile.

    ...a cute butt is also nice.
    "In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is." - Yogi Berra

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    Personality and character come first (dominance, has his shit together, clean, HILARIOUS), I can fuck an average looking man if he's got a lot of wit and intelligence. I love older men (40-60), very tall (but never lanky or skinny), clean cut/shaven & well dressed (conservative, not trendy), I always notice hands for some reason, kinda like a foot fetish but with hands and to a lesser degree, some men just have really handsome hands and some have terrible hands that I don't want to touch me. I would never let a bony fingered man finger me *SHUDDERS*. I would fuck Donald Trump for free before I fucked a man my own age, I'm so turned off by men from my generation, but charming, older men who took good care of themselves and can still get it up can have me. Let's see what else... Bill Burr is so hot, Jon Hamm is hot, Norman Reedus is kinda hot, the dude who plays "Paul" in Mad Men was hot (for a younger dude) before he grew a beard, Gordon Ramsey is fucking hot, Edward Norton is kinda hot but has a babyface.
    LSI-Se 836 Sp/Sx

  38. #718
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    Honestly I don't even really know what I find attractive in terms of general patterns between the girls I'm attracted to. All i really know is I'm not as hard on the person if she is brunette and I probably like them skinnier than many guys.

    This being said:

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    @Contra ... Thank you. LOL.We have similar tastes.

  40. #720
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy8419 View Post
    @Contra ... Thank you. LOL.We have similar tastes.
    hah, yeah well, I'm pretty sure I posted more earlier in this thread. Those were even better, imo.

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