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Thread: The reason intelligent life has not contacted us

  1. #81
    goggles's Avatar
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    Mathematically the optimum strategy for any group is Always Cooperate. Nature shows evidence for this: eusocial insects are the most populous and successful form of life on the planet.
    Humans are not insects. Humanity has made great progress through the efforts and contributions of the individual. It's why insects are still building homes made out of their own saliva.

    Who cares if it is the mathematically optimum strategy? What if the group is wrong? Take communism for instance. And building homes made out of saliva.

    Eu-social insects might be the most populous but they are not the most successful. We are.

    The other possibility is that no intelligent species has yet developed to the point of being able to achieve these things, or if they have, they're too far away and haven't reached us yet.
    Maybe they are among us right now?

    By the time any species learns the benefits of cooperation, they may well have managed to deplete their natural resources beyond the point they might be put toward interstellar travel and communication.
    I'm not sure what you're trying to say but it seems to me as though you wish you were born an insect. Which one? Lot's of bugs. I favor the scorpion and cockroaches. They are supposed to be able to survive a nuclear war so I'm assuming that in the next million years or so they will inherit the Earth.
    Scorpions look cool.

    There are benefits of cooperation but I refuse to live like a bug. Making homes out of saliva is not appealing to me.

    As it stands, complex and unified society on the scale required for achieving the feats of engineering, both in efficiently harnessing resources, and in developing the knowledge to achieve these feats, is impossible.
    How do you know?

    On the plus side I like your avatar very much.

  2. #82


    Humans are not insects. Humanity has made great progress through the efforts and contributions of the individual. It's why insects are still building homes made out of their own saliva.

    Who cares if it is the mathematically optimum strategy? What if the group is wrong? Take communism for instance. And building homes made out of saliva.

    Eu-social insects might be the most populous but they are not the most successful. We are.
    Actually what you are referring to sounds more like the concept of a hive-mentality, in which all members of a group feed into a single common self-interest. That's why insects build homes out of saliva, cause no insect bothers to think of a better way to build a home, and even if they did, other insects would likely ignore them in exchange for the hive's agenda.

    People are quite similar, however we have progressed beyond the hive mentality, and into a stage of more independence. However in this model it becomes a competition between hives.

    The only difference between systems like Nazism and Communism where societies seem centered around a central party, government, or individual and America... is that in America people believe that anyone can become the next ******/stalin, its central to our belief system... anyone can be the next dominate suppressor of the masses. Our society is very big on the social model of the pyramid scheme.

    Everyone in the pyramid scheme puts up with the suppression because of some ill fated dream that eventually they will be the suppressor. Sometimes it pays off, sometimes it doesn't... but for the majority it doesn't, hence a constant state of social hypercompetitive, narcissistic anxiety which defines this great nation of peace and freedom.

    We don't hate dictators in the united states because they oppress other people's freedoms, we hate dictators in the united states because they oppress our freedoms. Freedoms which we need to continue our oppression of the other people, if they object, then well they hate freedom. They hate OUR freedom. We have a natural born right to the pursuit of happiness, and what makes an american happy is kicking ass and taking out the trash all while sucking down a greasy mcdonalds cheeseburger in a 5 mpg hummer.

    Just remember, all the haters, are socialistic, incompetent, freedom haters that complain because they are unsuccessful, and are unsuccessful because they don't have god in their life. Not like you, you go to church every sunday and god rewards you with success and money and power. He wants to see you be the next big thing and you will! Just don't let the satanist liberals whisper in your ear, they are clearly jealous of your little inside deal you have going with the man upstairs. Many people think jesus and god loved all, but really that's communist liberal hippy propoganda, jesus was a capitalist that sold his message and was rewarded with eternal profit in the afterlife.

  3. #83
    Cat King Cole's Avatar
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    Bravo, Dreamz, definitely one of your best rants to date.
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  4. #84
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    Actually what you are referring to sounds more like the concept of a hive-mentality....

    Cat King Cole: confused and leeching off the fruits of LucidDreamz gibberish.

    No I refuse to make my home out of saliva.

  5. #85
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    Your post was filled with mistakes and I don't feel like dealing with it.


    But fine, if you're going to fling insults around, why don't we play a little game? I'm going to ask you some questions based on what you said.
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  6. #86
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    Deal with my mistakes first and then I'll play your game.

    No insect person, I will not make my home out of saliva.

  7. #87
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    On second thoughts, no. Why don't you deal with your mistakes? I'm not your brain.

    First question that should reveal the weakest link in your reasoning: how does evolution work? What four factors lead to evolution?
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  8. #88
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    I haven't made any mistakes and you know it.

    Who care's how evolution works, what does that have to do with your original question?

  9. #89
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    I mean I honestly don't even know where to begin, your post was an incoherent mess and didn't really begin to address mine.


    Right, I'm being trolled. Ignore list.
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  10. #90
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    You basically said aliens haven't contacted us because we are not a bunch of smart insects! Oh come on!

  11. #91


    Quote Originally Posted by goggles View Post
    Actually what you are referring to sounds more like the concept of a hive-mentality....

    No I refuse to make my home out of saliva.
    Your ridiculous, what kind of a response is irrelevant? If your going to make such a claim you should argue it out a little further than make it an authoritative statement. Obviously I don't find it irrelevant, and you making an authoritative statement doesn't change that-- if what you say doesn't significantly influence me, then why waste your effort telling me. I of course expected you to disagree, so saying that you wrote it purely to express your disagreement is also superfluous. Why waste your time like this.

    Also no one is saying people should make their homes out of saliva, that's a blatant straw man.

    As to speculating on the opinions of what "aliens" think of our culture, is just a fantasy, there is no single correct answer to this... so it seems kind of stupid to debate over it endlessly.

  12. #92
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    Explain your previous post to me and its relevance to the original post.

  13. #93
    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    Goggles is discojoe's relatively politically correct proxy account!!! dun Dun DUN!

  14. #94
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    Last edited by goggles; 07-19-2011 at 10:09 AM.

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