I've seen Elliot Hulse typed SLE, he's even featured on the video list as an SLE. He seems like an amalgamation of the Hodge Twins. I'm glad someone else thinks LIE for him. I agree with you yeves.
I've seen Elliot Hulse typed SLE, he's even featured on the video list as an SLE. He seems like an amalgamation of the Hodge Twins. I'm glad someone else thinks LIE for him. I agree with you yeves.
Why, @Radio?
Last edited by wacey; 01-19-2015 at 03:50 AM.
Elliot is surely a positivist Fe devaluing type. I would have said ESFp.
Bit hippyish for a logical type.
his video reminded me so much of Ashton Kutcher, i saw him entered as Ne-ENFp in this gallery: http://gallery.socionix.com/Delta/Ne-ENFp/kutcher/
do you think he might be SEE?
ENTj and ISFj duals?
BaRock Obama (Dwayne Johnson / Barack Speech comparison)
a major EIE vs. SEE catfight at 35 minutes and following
"Beauty Queen" wife - Fe-EIE, husband - either Ti-LSI or Ti-LII
"redneck" wife - Se-SEE, her husband - Fi-ESI
Wife Swap USA Beauty Queen vs Redneck - http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3n...OOK_OG_HTML5=1
Last edited by yeves; 08-27-2016 at 01:52 AM.
Yep, I'd agree with those types. SEE ESI and EIE LSI seem accurate.
My parents are EIE + LSI and the two here remind me of them. EIE with her strong vision of how ideal family life should be and LSI with concrete management of resources, maintenance thereof. A certain aristocratic way of life is present. More than that, their expressions and body language are similar too.
Temica RoShawn - LIE-Te with a whooping Se hidden agenda @13:40 and on.
Bruce Gilden (photographer) - ILI-Te sx/sp
Last edited by silke; 02-04-2015 at 09:26 AM.
Bobby Krlic of The Haxan Cloak- ILI
EDIT: might actually be LII. Can't really tell.
Last edited by Contra; 12-15-2014 at 06:52 AM.
Mac Demarco- SEE. Reminds me of my best friend in high school.
with some Delta NFs. Don't like the guy on the right.
Heather Hava - probably LIE-Te sp/so
GloZell - SEE
"Is you okay? Is you?"
John Petrucci (SEE) and James LaBrie (ILI) from Dream Theater.
Ok, that's what I figured too. There are some similarities between him and me. though I'd figure he is ILI-D or ILI-N. Seems like a rational function is emphasized.
ILI is where you least expect it. Everywhere. I'm almost thinking I'm guaranteed fame. If that is true, then I am guaranteed dumb people who pander to me.
Oh man. I know a "Butch". I agree. That is me. Only difference is that I'm a man. This begs the question of what the two poker gamers are. I know what the guy playing across was, some kind of insane Alpha.
Ought to re-enact Teddy's spoils. Like go to Africa. Not on a safari. Dumb people ruined that for me. I ought to go just to see what it is like there. And it is implied that I want to help. Only someone who could see long distance would notice that.
Last edited by Alomoes; 02-08-2015 at 01:05 AM.
ESTp. Hard one. Now I know what an ESTp looks like.
This guy reminds me of George Lucas.
Attachment 5031
George Lucas is a dumbass ESTp.
Your enthusiasm encourages me so much on the matter.
Note how he hesitated when he said things? He's unsure of himself. Probably lying.
(I'm learning to use other people to get what we both want, him wanting to crush liars, I wanting the truth, mutual goals)
Harrison Ford, however.
Nice guy. He really did make the movies more enjoyable.
I don't know. Pissed at his superiors though. ISFj.
The redneck family. Omg. That's a great example of myself.
Last edited by Alomoes; 02-08-2015 at 02:01 AM.
So. Turns out the guy lied to me. Well. I'm not surprised. He's IEI.
Marc Bolan: SEE
Colin Marston
Very musical multi-instrumentalist guy that plays in a lot of metal/progressive bands. He plays guitar in Krallice and Byla, plays bass in Gorguts and Dysrhythmia, plays Warr guitar in Behold... The Arctopus and Indricothere and just does... stuff in Infidel? / Castro!. On top of that, he runs Menegroth: The Thousand Caves Recording Studios (lol). One of the more prolific dudes in music, but particularly metal.
Should've responded to this a while ago. I think you are right. Sam Harris is probably LIE. I was typing him based on the contingency that my own self-typing was correct. I think ILIs are a great bit more technical and dry (like the guy in the video you posted) than LIEs and more than their socionics descriptions would make you think. That's not to say that what they say isn't interesting because it definitely can be.
Aubrey de Grey, ILI
i think Freeman Dyson is ILI
Also Socionics Britannica has these people labeled as ILI and I have no reason to disagree:
SG Collins- ILI
Bjarne Stroustrup- ILI-D
Garry Kasparov- ILI-C (I could also see ENTj for him but INTp works too)
Xbox Ahoy- ILI-N
Jim Profit LIE E8 sx last
Jim Profit –was raised in a cardboard G&G shipping box (with a hole cut out for him to view a constantly-on television) by a neglectful, physically and psychologically abusive father in a rural area near Tulsa, Oklahoma. Profit reinvents himself as an Ivy League-educated, corporate business prodigy after escaping his past by chaining his father to his bed, setting it afire, then fleeing the family ranch as a teenager. His upbringing leaves Profit with a hatred of TV, and idolizing Gracen & Gracen as the ideal family he never had. As a result, Profit’s goal as an adult is to rise high enough in G&G to indispensably embed himself into the Gracens’ business and personal lives – by any means necessary. He worked in Auditing before ascending to Junior Vice-President of Acquisitions; his stated goal is to become President of Acquisitions. He climbs the “corporate ladder” by covertly engineering the ruin of those who stand in his way and/or refuse to assist him,while mostly staying behind-the-scenes himself.Note: He reminds me somehow of Francis Underwood from House of Cards.,**No, life may not be easy. It can be lonely, full of people we think we know, but barely comprehend. Yet we must always remember, it's the challenges, that define us best and the obstacles that illuminate, what we're truly capable of. We must welcome adversity and embrace struggle. And no matter what we get from life, never give less than 100%. Of course at the end of every battle-weary day, we fold ourselves into peaceful darkness and find comfort in those gentle words – good night.
The line most people say they won't cross... it's usually something they've already done when they thought no one was watching.
If you want someone to love you, open your heart. If you want someone to be obsessed with you, close it.
When a crisis hits, the key is, never be afraid to improvise.
Last edited by Moonbeaux Rainfox; 03-28-2016 at 11:03 PM.
Xavier Dolan ISFj
Why ILI in this case?
Having a look at his bio, he seems bit "disperse" (in a Ne ego sense) for an ILI (of gamma in general). His general expression projects the mental image of a typical positive (maning closer to optimistic attitude than negative one) idealist, which is consistent with some aspect of his life and ideas. This seems to favor ILE over ILI.
He's described by his colleagues as a contrarian streak causing exasperation, which superficially sounds ILI-ish, but the same attitude is also labelled as refreshing, very un-ILI. He doesn't seem to have a cynical attitude (particularly if compared with someone like Wolfgang Pauli, who projects a very different image), just an anti-authoritarian & anti-consensus one:
"I have the sense that when consensus is forming like ice hardening on a lake, Dyson will do his best to chip at the ice". Superficially resembles ILI, but sounds more like someone who is genuinely looking for truth regardless opinions, than just pointing "errors or stupidity in others". Not a very efficient attitude by the way, and it suggests Ti valuing over Te valuing.
"A favorite word of Freeman's about doing science and being creative is the word 'subversive'. He feels it's rather important not only to be not orthodox, but to be subversive, and he's done that all his life." (Alpha > Gamma) NT. "Subversion" could also be seen as beta, but in this case, they want to destroy former authority/system (whatever they don't agree) for imposing a new one (something like authoritarian subversives, if this oxymoron makes sense). It's clear the guy does not what to become an authority himself, he guinely believes in questioning preconceived ideas. Se devaluing, probably PoLR.
I think Dyson is a LII-Ne with heavy accent in Ne. Or less likely, an introvertized ILE, but I do not perceive in him any of the bad inclinations sometimes ILEs tend to have (for example like those we discussed about Lawrece Krauss). He also seems consistent in his ideals and methods (ideals not ideas), which favors rationality.
The corollary could be not everyone who tends to criticize is a critic
Last edited by MensSuperMateriam; 04-18-2015 at 11:53 AM.