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Thread: Ritella's dual

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    OK ARG. I feel like I'm going to regret this. But, be nice. I haven't slept in 4 days and I was really nervous since I've never recorded myself before. And sorry for all the "likes." I do use that word pretty frequently, but not THAT frequently....I think...

    EDIT: lol. I love how the screen shot that's frozen on the first video makes it look like i'm screaming or about to hurl. thank you, mom would be so proud.
    also, i posted test clips to my user page.
    Wow Ritella, that's pretty brave of you to post a video of yourself on here. I have to say that it was interesting to watch it though, especially since I am also INFj. You seem very talkative which I can't relate to at all because I am generally pretty quiet and would feel very uncomfortable giving a long talk like that in front of a webcam! However, I dont necessarily think that talkativeness is always related to type, but I do think it is interesting to see how different I am from other INFj's.

    In that video, you sort of reminded me of an ENFj I know, although judging by all your posts I have read, I think you are INFj. Also, you really seem to use facial expressions to convey your feelings a lot, and I feel that I do the same thing. I often feel that people can read me well because my face gives things away (unless i am really trying to hide my feelings, and in that case i can be pretty successful at it).

  2. #122
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    lol @ Joy still not being convinced

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat View Post
    lol @ Joy resisting the obvious in the face of overwhelming evidence
    The primary evidence I see for EII is that so many people (particularly Ritella herself) are so convinced that she's EII. However, you may notice that popular opinion doesn't mean a whole lot to me.

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    Didn't she basically relate to the LSE-EII duality description very well... and not so much for the others...?

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy View Post
    I'd caution against reading a type description and thinking "so that's what's wrong with me!" (reading description of Ne dominance had me thinking I was ILE for a little while for precisely this reason). Especially a function fuction that's supposed to be valued, lol. Your "problem areas" should probably seem more related to your PoLR than your DS function (though I am aware that Strativiskeya tends to put things related to one function in the description of another). ENxp Si is very similar in it's weaknesses to ENxj Si, but I an ENxj is going to be more consciously and painfully aware of those problems.
    ok yeah, and this was sort of the same issue i had with reading the duality descriptions. i think they're both bad tests. it's just that at this point, i have no idea how to prove to you that I am EII- not that I was trying to prove it to you beforehand. It's just...
    If you read through my posts, particularly the ones when McNew came back, it should be obvious that what I'm primarily using is Ne+Fi. I remember reading people's responses to McNew and even though the Betas and Deltas agreed, there was something notably different in the types of arguments that each of them used- i.e., what specificlly they thought was unfair. My posts was very much in line with all of the other Deltas who posted.
    My sense of humor is, I think, blatantly obviously Ne + Ni (when it's more dry).
    The issue that I have with people when I get "worked up," or whatever you want to call it, is when they are reacting emotionally to things rather than rationally. That, I think, points to Te DS.
    In response to the video: I actually have no clue how I normally "act" so I can't say anything about that. I think? I was nervous so I may have been a little more peppy than usual. But, in general, I am fairly "high energy" and tease/joke around a good deal more than any EIIs I know. That said, if you watch like 3 seconds before and after I interact with the camera, I look really spaced, calm, sleepy, I dunno... I'm not going to make a video of me not talking to the camera, because that it just weird. However, you should note that the energy and look I have in those 3 seconds is what I look like for probably 90% of my day. The "high energy" thing tends to happen when I interact with people, and specifically ones with whom I'm not completely familiar. I'm not sure why.... Maybe I feel like there's sort of an expectation for me to "put on a show." People who know me well much more often see me do "sleepwalking" things like walking into walls or falling down a flight of stairs. <shrug>

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    Precisely what I considered re: that whole issue. The thing is, she seems much more anxiety-driven and unsure of herself, with regards to 'doing the right thing.' Such is the vice of the 6: trying to maintain a solid footing in an insecure world. A 1 would be much more grounded and definite about themselves and work attitude (UDP), rather than paranoid that they would mess up or something. The compliant social styles can get conflated at times, but she seems hella more reactive harmonic than competency. A 1 will basically remain emotionally detached in a stressful situation and try to find some way to efficiently figure it out (without breaking rules). 6's will basically get all anxious and worried, like the ground is slipping from underneath them. She definitely seems like the latter to me.
    i think this is good . I haven't read much about the eannagram, since I don't really take it too seriously, but from what I've read, I think this works.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joy View Post
    The primary evidence I see for EII is that so many people (particularly Ritella herself) are so convinced that she's EII. However, you may notice that popular opinion doesn't mean a whole lot to me.
    Right, and I agree, but then what?
    EII; E6(w5)

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  6. #126
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    Oh, btw....

    Thank you to everyone who participated in this thread. You all said some really nice and positive things. I seriously wasn't expecting it. I would thank you all individually, but then I fear it'd look like I was building a wall of compliments to myself.
    EII; E6(w5)

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    I'm not saying that car is a beamer; it just reminds me of the last two beamers I saw.

    Oh, and thanks for the thanks, Ritella. What a consummating Fi sentiment!

    you devil, you...

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    ok yeah, and this was sort of the same issue i had with reading the duality descriptions. i think they're both bad tests.
    The real test is intertype relations... which quadra most of the people here that you get along with the best are from. This take a while to play out though.
    it's just that at this point, i have no idea how to prove to you that I am EII- not that I was trying to prove it to you beforehand. It's just...
    If you read through my posts, particularly the ones when McNew came back, it should be obvious that what I'm primarily using is Ne+Fi.
    Those were the posts that initially made me doubt EII.

    I remember reading people's responses to McNew and even though the Betas and Deltas agreed, there was something notably different in the types of arguments that each of them used- i.e., what specificlly they thought was unfair. My posts was very much in line with all of the other Deltas who posted.
    Your communication style was not.

    My sense of humor is, I think, blatantly obviously Ne + Ni (when it's more dry).
    That doesn't really point us in a specific direction though, aside from intuitive, which we already pretty much know.

    The issue that I have with people when I get "worked up," or whatever you want to call it, is when they are reacting emotionally to things rather than rationally. That, I think, points to Te DS.
    Different people consider different things emotional and rational.

    In response to the video: I actually have no clue how I normally "act" so I can't say anything about that. I think? I was nervous so I may have been a little more peppy than usual. But, in general, I am fairly "high energy" and tease/joke around a good deal more than any EIIs I know. That said, if you watch like 3 seconds before and after I interact with the camera, I look really spaced, calm, sleepy, I dunno... I'm not going to make a video of me not talking to the camera, because that it just weird. However, you should note that the energy and look I have in those 3 seconds is what I look like for probably 90% of my day. The "high energy" thing tends to happen when I interact with people, and specifically ones with whom I'm not completely familiar. I'm not sure why.... Maybe I feel like there's sort of an expectation for me to "put on a show." People who know me well much more often see me do "sleepwalking" things like walking into walls or falling down a flight of stairs. <shrug>
    I dunno, I think interacting about non-socionics stuff is probably the best step at this point.

    Right, and I agree, but then what?
    Time will tell.

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy View Post
    The real test is intertype relations... which quadra most of the people here that you get along with the best are from. This take a while to play out though.
    IRL every one of my close friends is Delta. you can't really trust that, though, so...

    Those were the posts that initially made me doubt EII.
    The points that I was making- i.e., what I was valuing- were the same as the Deltas.

    Your communication style was not.
    Agreed. The style is a bit more...pointed? I think this has to do with the environments I've been in. You can't exist long in academia by making your point in a wishy-washy, "i take it back" manner, replete with numerous "holes" in your argument. If someone challenges me in a debate, I consider it a major blow to my intellect if I'm going to let them win.
    Though, you should note, that in "non-academic settings" and particularly when interacting verbally, as opposed to in written form, I find it incredibly uncomfortable to say things in a rather blunt and possibly offensive manner. And I prob. often don't.
    The way I see it, there was nothing on the "line" in my arguments with McNew. We were arguing over principles and ideas, not personal matters, and I don't have a personal relationship with him that might be jeopardized.

    That doesn't really point us in a specific direction though, aside from intuitive, which we already pretty much know.
    oh. i thought you weren't convinced on this.

    Time will tell.
    ok, well, something that you may want to think about: I don't know your reasons for doubting EII for me. Something that occurred to me is that you may not see Fi-leading in me for similar reasons that Niffweed doesn't see Fi-leading in DiscoJoe. There's some sort of tendency to think that Fi-leading means being all "nicey nice." At most, it's a correlation. And, anyway, I am actually pretty "nice" in person. Strangers frequently smile at me and offer to help me in various things; weird people also sit next to me and divulge their entire life stories on bus rides. I have no idea what gives people the impression that I'd welcome this, but this is a fairly regular thing.
    EII; E6(w5)

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  10. #130
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    I haven't read this entire thread, but I think you are INFj (especially based on the video). For a while I didn't think so because of your bluntness, but I can see your reasoning for that.

    An alternative would be INTj, IMHO
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  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    I haven't read this entire thread, but I think you are INFj (especially based on the video). For a while I didn't think so because of your bluntness, but I can see your reasoning for that.

    An alternative would be INTj, IMHO
    Ummm yeah. Tbh, I have no idea why that wasn't the immediate alternative suggestion.
    And, hey, you're pretty blunt yourself!
    EII; E6(w5)

    i am flakey

  12. #132


    I don't think Kim is blunt, is she?

    I think Ritella is an INFj, but she needs to calm down a little. Probably some sort of Si seeking involved there. Just my opinion!

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Ummm yeah. Tbh, I have no idea why that wasn't the immediate alternative suggestion.
    And, hey, you're pretty blunt yourself!
    Hehe! I am definitely more blunt here than in real life. And I work in an academic environment too where I have to be blunt, so I suppose we are in the same bluntness-corrupted-delta boat. When teaching I am my bleeding heart NeFi self, however.

    And INTj would work for me. I really think those are the only possibilities. You are definitely introverted and seem IJ.
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  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    I think Ritella is an INFj, but she needs to calm down a little.
    but why???

  15. #135


    Quote Originally Posted by munenori2 View Post
    but why???
    It's just an impression which may be wrong. She seems to exude a lot more energy than is typically healthy for an IJ (possibly for an EJ and EP as well.)

    I think she is quite a nervous person who puts a lot of pressure on herself to be a certain way. This is quite stressful not only to the body but also to the mind. I think she struggles to find a balance within herself, physically and psychologically, and I think Si would possibly help her find that balance.

    That's not to say she isn't a cool person. We all do what we must or what we think we have to do in order to survive.

    As I don't know her I could be wrong. It's just what I see from her when she posts and talks about herself. Like she is bouncing around a lot like a ping pong ball! (Or maybe I am just jealous :-p)

  16. #136
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    *bouncy* *bouncy* *bouncy* *bouncy* *bouncy* *bouncy*
    EII; E6(w5)

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  17. #137


    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    *bouncy* *bouncy* *bouncy* *bouncy* *bouncy* *bouncy*
    See actually if we were going by quadra values, that's more Alpha than Delta. What I said was kinda serious and touching on an indepth discussion and you respond to me by a taking the piss in what could be construed as an Fe way.

    Edit: (not meaning Fe takes the piss btw to others, just the response could be said to be more Fe than Fi, or 'Alpha' over 'Delta' perhaps)

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    See actually if we were going by quadra values, that's more Alpha than Delta. What I said was kinda serious and touching on an indepth discussion and you respond to me by a taking the piss in what could be construed as an Fe way.

    (not meaning Fe takes the piss btw to others, just the response could be said to be more Fe than Fi, or 'Alpha' over 'Delta' perhaps)
    yeah, again, if I were to be any other type it would be alpha, as i'd be INTJ. And I think I'm a little more toward Alpah, than Gamma, for a Delta.
    But I'm still INFJ.

    EII; E6(w5)

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  19. #139
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    Ritella seems INFj to me. I don't understand why Joy likes so much to question other people's types.
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  20. #140


    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    yeah, again, if I were to be any other type it would be alpha, as i'd be INTJ. And I think I'm a little more toward Alpah, than Gamma, for a Delta.
    But I'm still INFJ.

    Yeah I can see how people would think you're not INFj. I still think you are though. And I still think you need to learn how to calm down and relax more. And I fully suspect you will not listen to me anyway!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    Yeah I can see how people would think you're not INFj. I still think you are though. And I still think you need to learn how to calm down and relax more. And I fully suspect you will not listen to me anyway!
    I don't have any concept of relaxation. Seriously. When people talk about going for massages or something I'm like . My aunt got me a gift certificate to some high end spa in NYC and I was like "wtf. maybe I can sell this to someone." Excessive emphasis on relaxation, especially in PUBLIC, just makes me more nervous. I think it makes me paranoid that people can see how unrelaxed I am, and then I just put pressure on myself to relax, and yeah....that's sort of defeating the purpose.
    EII; E6(w5)

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  22. #142
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    How about a backrub with candle light, some Barry White and a glass of white wine and very very indecent thoughts?? Would that work? Does that sound like relaxing?

    Anyway I think your INFj, the comunication style may be different but seriously most Deltas here seem like they came from the church choir (myself included probably) which is not the case with all Deltas I know in real life.

    The very fact most of your friends are Delta I think says a lot.

    And yeh missy, relax will yah.
    Looking for an Archnemesis. Willing applicants contact via PM.

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  23. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ssmall View Post
    How about a backrub with candle light, some Barry White and a glass of white wine and very very indecent thoughts?? Would that work? Does that sound like relaxing?
    If someone did that for me I'd probably laugh nervously, turn around, and run out the door very quickly.
    EII; E6(w5)

    i am flakey

  24. #144


    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    If someone did that for me I'd probably laugh nervously, turn around, and run out the door very quickly.
    Well, as you would do that with anyone, at least Simon would now know that your quick departure it isn't personal lol

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    Ive yet to encounter a person who would run away from me , as a concept sounds very hilarious.

    There is not that much hope left for you Ritella, try mountain climbing or go to Seychelles.
    Looking for an Archnemesis. Willing applicants contact via PM.

    ENFp - Fi 7w6 sp/sx
    The Ineffable IEI
    The Einstein ENTp

    johari nohari

  26. #146


    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    I don't have any concept of relaxation. Seriously. When people talk about going for massages or something I'm like . My aunt got me a gift certificate to some high end spa in NYC and I was like "wtf. maybe I can sell this to someone." Excessive emphasis on relaxation, especially in PUBLIC, just makes me more nervous. I think it makes me paranoid that people can see how unrelaxed I am, and then I just put pressure on myself to relax, and yeah....that's sort of defeating the purpose.
    Opening up our 6th function takes tactful assistance at first.

    How do you find ESFj's? Do you find illusionary relations with them? Illusionary relations I find are quite good at providing 6th function assistance.

  27. #147


    Quote Originally Posted by Ssmall View Post
    Ive yet to encounter a person who would run away from me , as a concept sounds very hilarious.
    I've never had it happen to me either. Concept hilarious. I'm just humouring re idea of even walking away slowly never mind running haha.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    Opening up our 6th function takes tactful assistance at first.

    How do you find ESFj's? Do you find illusionary relations with them? Illusionary relations I find are quite good at providing 6th function assistance.
    One of my closest friends is ESFJ; he is moving here in Feb. and will be living with me for a month.
    He makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
    In high school we used to have this running joke where I would pretend to be a baby and he would spoon feed me ice cream.
    Also, if he was eating some sort of cookie or biscuit I would stick out my paw and make a wimpering sound. That was the signal for him to give me some, and pat me on the head.
    And I'm actually not joking here.
    <3 ESFJs.
    EII; E6(w5)

    i am flakey

  29. #149


    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    One of my closest friends is ESFJ; he is moving here in Feb. and will be living with me for a month.
    He makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
    In high school we used to have this running joke where I would pretend to be a baby and he would spoon feed me ice cream.
    Also, if he was eating some sort of cookie or biscuit I would stick out my paw and make a wimpering sound. That was the signal for him to give me some, and pat me on the head.
    And I'm actually not joking here.
    <3 ESFJs.

    Illusionary relations rock ime. Give us nice 6th function assistance in a tactful way and because the clubs are a little more similar, like NF SF for you rather than duals then we can often find we have more in common with them.

    Wish I could stay over

    In saying that.. Simon could spoon feed you ice cream i'm sure haha.

    Edit: INFj - Ne works for you. You have an ethical drive over a logical drive. Next to Minde who is INFj - Fi you seem more Ne. Compare yourself and your posts to say, Logos who is INTj and can see the difference that you are still very much an INFj.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    One of my closest friends is ESFJ; he is moving here in Feb. and will be living with me for a month.
    He makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
    In high school we used to have this running joke where I would pretend to be a baby and he would spoon feed me ice cream.
    Also, if he was eating some sort of cookie or biscuit I would stick out my paw and make a wimpering sound. That was the signal for him to give me some, and pat me on the head.
    And I'm actually not joking here.
    <3 ESFJs.
    In your deepest honesty, do you think you'd do better with an ESE like that, compared to LSE?

    Even as an EII yourself?
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  31. #151


    Quote Originally Posted by UDP View Post
    In your deepest honesty, do you think you'd do better with an ESE like that, compared to LSE?

    Even as an EII yourself?
    Do you think you would do better with an ESE?

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    Quote Originally Posted by UDP View Post
    In your deepest honesty, do you think you'd do better with an ESE like that, compared to LSE?

    Even as an EII yourself?
    "deepest honesty"

    umm no. we have very clear Fe-Fi disagreements in prolonged interaction. we're able to have a good relationship because we have so much fun together that it'd be a crime not to be close. i think we've generally just lowered our expectations on the Fe-Fi receptivity of the other person, so we just sort of shrug off the disagreement now.
    and, yeah, i tend to view ESEs as not as "interesting" as LSEs.
    i just need some sort of super cool, super smart LSE. Kind of like Brendan Fraser's character in "With Honors." I had the biggest crush on him when I was younger.
    EII; E6(w5)

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    I'd hope not... $10 says the dude is gay.

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    Quote Originally Posted by cracka View Post
    I'd hope not... $10 says the dude is gay.
    Brendan Fraser?!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Brendan Fraser?!
    lol, no... there were a couple posts there that weren't there when I hit the reply button.

  36. #156


    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Brendan Fraser?!
    He bakes cookies.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    He bakes cookies.
    really? how do you know this?
    that would make him even more perfect.
    EII; E6(w5)

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  38. #158


    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    really? how do you know this?
    that would make him even more perfect.
    lol. UDP bakes them as well.

    He's a caregiver

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    IRL every one of my close friends is Delta. you can't really trust that, though, so...
    I take that very seriously. I personally begin to type people on their intertype relations, and how i feel about them and who they hang out with. Its for this reason that my own type is not up for discussion. You can argue all you want about behavours, but at the end of the day my close friends are mostly delta with a semi dual thrown in.

    Anyway ive decided delta is keeping Ritella. Sorry guys
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

  40. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    lol. UDP bakes them as well.

    He's a caregiver
    i LOVE caregivers.

    Important Question:
    Does anyone here know Brendan Fraser IRL?

    Cracka, perhaps you should sticky this post.
    EII; E6(w5)

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