DJA is a total jerk and full retard. mu4's video is a more realistic representation of the guy.
But awesome that he found someone to pierce through his heart and see "sensitivity". Retypes AS IEI.

And what relationship advice. No really. A Fi inferior trying to crutch a Fi polr. All this is so ridiculous. AS is falling right in the guy's lap without much self-respect. Why not. Bisexuality is liberating.

You must be joking about DjA. Whenever I'd talk to him on TypoC in just a tiny little bit stronger style than my default neutral, he'd always be this pussy and back down very quickly, openly pleading for me to stop and leave him alone. He just likes to play drama in his videos. I dunno are we supposed to chalk this up to his life stress too? I'm being a bit sarcastic here, yeah.. I don't have a problem with him otherwise but I think he's really fake in presentation lol.

I also think Ni creative for him is more likely than SLE.

This is true. I do think he's SLE, but a very unhealthy one whose Se doesn't come out as confidence, but as extremely volatile paranoid aggression.