It's incredible how the left has become the authoritarian left; I blame it on STs that can't think for themselves and that simultaneously play the game
Myth Today, 05:53 AM… because I made a post about LSI one thing led to the other and I created a ‘woman LSI vibe’ board on my pinterest. It's based on the
Rusal Today, 04:50 AMForgot about her, but Rosalina from Mario (favorite character in that mostly shitty series with exception to paper Mario) is pretty clear model G EII;
Braingel Today, 04:03 AMMe and my family:
Model A Western
Model G
So an ESI would not care about life under structure, but an LSI would not be confined to moral restrictions. LSI only aspires that all the
What’s funny to me is that eie is the most persuasive type there is… After SEE… And I absolutely suck at persuading people. I have been
Braingel Today, 12:44 AMI forgot about grey blocker even though I wanted to include it and I forgot.. It is mostly LII, in that its result and Ti-, stripping to fundamental definitions
Braingel Today, 12:40 AMI couldn't say it better. That game is really a beautiful masterpiece. I gave it a perfect score too. I'm happy to see that not only you have good musical
godslave Today, 12:21 AM
I hate Ancient Greece
It is a very good idea to give power to others over you to see what they do with it, it reveals their real personality and moral. Unfortunately, many
Ariane Today, 06:13 AM