I am now in the midst of Season 2 on DVD.

Quote Originally Posted by Smilingeyes View Post

season 2
Kelly Perdew - Military Intelligence Officer - ESTp
Jennifer Massey - Attorney - INTj
Sandy Ferreira - Bridal Salon Owner - ESFp
Kevin Allen - Law Student - ISTp-Te
Ivana Ma - Venture Capitalist - ENTp
Andy Litinsky - Recent Harvard Graduate - ENTj-Ni
Wes Moss - Private Wealth Manager - ISTj-Ti
Maria Boren - Marketing Executive - ISTj-Se
Chris Russo - Stockbroker - ESTj
Raj Bhakta - Real Estate Developer - ENTj-Ni
Elizabeth Jarosz - Consulting Firm Owner - ISFj-Fi
Stacy Rotner - Attorney - ESFp-Se
John Willenborg - Marketing Director - ISFp
Pamela Day - Investment Firm Partner - ENTj-Te
Jennifer Crisafulli - Real Estate Agent - INTj-Ti
Stacie Jones Upchurch - Restaurateur - ESFj
Bradford Cohen - Attorney - ENTp-Ti
Rob Flanagan - Corporate Branding Salesman - ESTj-Si
Just some random comments which crossed my mind now:

Ivana Ma: I agree with ENTp. I am considering Ne-ENTp. How did she end up so far in the game? Even though she is an ideas person, she is a terrible leader: indecisive and gives everyone too much options. To a certain extent, she wants to create a good impression infront of everybody by giving everyone a choice, but it backfired when they wasted too much time in making a decision. In contrast with Ivana, Pamela Day had made a lot of unpopular decisions but she did delegate the duties well in terms of the strengths and weaknesses of her team members.

Jennifer Crisafulli: Based on her appearance, I would have thought she is ESFj. However, the insensitive and thoughtless comments she has made about the two customers in the restaurant now made me think otherwise. She is very beautiful though.