Quote Originally Posted by Ashton
Quote Originally Posted by smilingeyes
This is all so vomitingly incorrect it's not even funny. Worst depiction of the Alpha NT/Gamma NT distinction ever.

You can observe that academia is mostly spearheaded by Alpha NTs (and reinforced with Deltas). And it's the Alphas who seem content to plod and connect the dots, piling on new information and discoveries in a stable, steady state manner (Si quadra value, dur), repeating the process of verification ad nauseum. And then they sit on any discoveries they make and engage in internecine warfare over intellectual turf and stagnate the shit out of the field.

Gamma NTs would rather rapidly innovate, then immediately get on with the process of implementing whatever it is into something tangible, not waste time plodding. Then jump to the next thing ASAP. They play a much faster, looser game when it comes to scientific experimentation and innovation. You'll find more of them in private industry and entrepreneurship.
This is very interesting. What an elaborate straw man you've got going there. We are saying pretty much the same things except that yo seem to have completely misunderstood what I was saying, since you repeat what I said from a different aspect and then claim I was wrong. Funny. Except of course that your characterisations are slightly off in their tone. Could you please try to understand the issue before you post next time?

Come to think of it. I've never actually seen you post anything that's of any worth to anyone. Why am I reading, or answering this? *Ashton ignored* Much, much better now.