Since every now and then there's a thread about what concrete use has there been to us of socionics (not counting mental puzzles and forum fun which are a sort of prize by themselves) I thought I'd just share a couple of stories...

My ex-wife was involved in a team producing ... well... something that's of no concern to the story, and the team consisted of an IP-Te boss, ESFp, ESTp, ENFp and an ESFj and one other I haven't typed. Anyway I was able to warn her well beforehand that the ESFj would eventually bolt. At this point no one was yet sensing any problems. Six months later she was gone and the cataclysm almost destroyed their team. My ex was prepared for this and had no significant difficulties in handling the situation.

Currently I'm working in a place that is dominated by me and a bunch of other EJ types. Our boss is an ENTp who leaves everything in the hands of a certain ESTj who despite lacking a position and almost any education actually runs the place. There's other types... the IJs do well in the situation. There's only one other Ep and she's great. One ISTp has achieved mascot status and I and the other ESTjs take good care of him... but then there was an INFp nurse who worked directly under another ESTj doctor. She just gave her two weeks notice. I had warned my boss that this would happen about two months ago. At that point nobody believed me.

So... even if there strictly speaking wasn't any concrete benefit to me over these two issues, there was concrete benefit to be had by the use of this skill. Sorry. Forgot... I did get a pie from my ex.

So... Learn socionics, win pie.