Quote Originally Posted by Smilingeyes
At the moment I'm feeling that e.g. a Ti ESTp and a Ne INFj would have more trouble with each other than a Ti ESTp and a Fi INFj. Also that a Ti ESTp and a Ti ISTj would have less trouble than a Ti ESTp and a Se ISTj. Does that work for you? I'd like to get more opinions on this because my opinion on the matter is far from settled.
Is it the same for other conflicting types? Would a Ni INTp have less trouble with a Si ESFj than with a Fe ESFj, and a Te INTp get along better with a Fe ESFj? And what about other constellations, like for example Activity?

If there is anything written on this, I don't know where to find it. Is there a general consensus on the compatibility between subtypes? What is your personal opinion on the existence of a general pattern here?