I feel this apprentice thing could be developed into a much larger "look" on personalities and their interactions.
Anyway... of the US season 1 Kwame was actually the most difficult for me, simply because was always collected and always on the subject matter. It was difficult for me to see the personal touch. Anyway, I feel somewhat vindicated by his personal relations. Firstly he's the only one that seems to have an alliance of sorts with Omarosa (to his own detriment and eventual destruction).
On this answer page:
he mentions that the people from the show he keeps in touch with are first and foremost Troy (ENTj), but also Katrina (ESTj), Ereka (ESFj), and Amy (INTp). I think that's quite telling. If Kwame was for example IP temperament, that list would much more likely hold Bill, Nick and Tammy. Also, in the final, the people Kwame chooses are Troy (ENTj) and Omarosa (ISTj) over Nick (ESTp) and Katrina (ESTj). This fits together quite well.