Quote Originally Posted by Expat
Quote Originally Posted by Smilingeyes
But I'm getting the idea that [Expat]'s view of Ti is not particularly well formed, more to the point I've noted that there's a good likelihood that one gets labeled as Ti if one disagrees with him. *shrug*
I've noted that there's a good likelihood that you have no idea of what you're talking about.
For that particular sentence that's true. I don't know what your idea of Ti is and I don't know what criteria you use when you label people with Ti. I haven't seen a pattern in it so yes, that sentence was only idle guessing. Frankly the idea that you'd use Ti as a sort of weapon is so worrying that I don't mean to give the image to people that I'm suggesting that you do. I'll just say it out loud: "I don't think that Expat is using Ti as a label for personal motivations. I think he's doing his best to point out Ti when and only when he thinks a person is using it." That's my opinion, voluntarily given, hear ye all?!

Is there anything else I can help you with?