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Thread: ISTp Type Description by Rick DeLong

  1. #1
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    Default ISTp Type Description by Rick DeLong

    SLI in a nutshell

    The SLI is an experience-oriented type that welcomes adventure and new impressions while maintaining sensory balance and internal integrity. The SLI strives to maximize enjoyment, ease, and utility while preserving autonomy from strong emotional stimuli.

    Typical characteristics

    introverted sensing as a leading function means that the SLI learns about the world primarily through direct personal experience rather than through contemplation, analysis, or talking about things with people. "An experience is worth a thousand words" might describe the SLI's attitude towards learning. SLIs strive to have direct experiences with things they are interested in rather than being content with simply learning of their existence as, say, extraverted intuition types often are. As an introtim, the SLI is less interested in the objective facts of external reality than in their impact on the individual. Ultimately, the SLI is most interested in building a world where he and those close to him can be comfortable and have their needs met.

    The SLI easily and naturally provides for his own physiological needs and usually has a need to care for others as well: pets, close friends and family, or even strangers who are in need. SLIs typically empathize with those who are in need and usually are quick to respond to genuine signs of helplessness and neediness. SLIs tend to have a strong maternal (parental) instinct and are usually caring and permissive parents and leaders. They are against forcing anyone to do anything and look for ways of motivating people by offering satisfaction of their individual needs and desires.

    SLIs are attentive to the day-to-day behavior patterns, lifestyles, and tastes and preferences of those around them, as well as what and how they eat, how they dress, how they respond to different stimuli, and many other details of their physical existence. Only when they have directly experienced these aspects of a person do they feel that they truly know them. Contrast this to ethical extratims who can come to know people well through emotional interaction (conversation) in a matter of hours. The SLI's mechanism is slow, but thorough; SLIs are limited in how many people they can know well, but they learn about them "inside out."

    SLIs tend to feel distant from all people whom they do not physically interact with on a day-to-day basis. As soon as they begin to interact with a person on a near-daily basis, that person begins to occupy their consciousness and affect their inner life. In contrast, many other types are able to effectively ignore people around them and keep distant others in their thoughts. SLIs easily forget about those who are not near them and thus rarely take the initiative in digging up old contacts. The inherent potential of these distant and myriad contacts is most often lost, and the SLI is left to cultivate the opportunities directly around him, believing that if something distant and external is really important, it will find him itself. This is due to extraverted intuition as a suggestive function.

    Despite their often emotionless and indifferent exterior, SLIs are fun-loving and adventurous. They feel most comfortable interacting with people informally in situations with some physical or hands-on component, such as watching at something together, building something, walking around, touching things, or otherwise involving their senses and body. The more formal and purely verbal interaction is, the less involved they feel and the more unsure they are of how to behave.

    All SLIs share an affinity for simplicity -- a reduction of all that is extraneous, superfluous, unused, unneeded. Since their inner world is most affected by their day-to-day living habits and the objects and people they interact with on a daily basis, complexities in these areas make clear thought and feeling difficult. SLIs are resistant to fashions and ideas that increase complexity and demonstrate independence and a lack of stereotyped thinking in their lifestyle choices and personal habits. It is almost impossible to get an SLI to do something that is more complicated than what he is already doing. The same holds true on a mental level; SLIs admire people who are able to reduce phenomena to their essential characteristics, thus making it easier and easier to think about things.

    SLIs easily lose their clarity of thought when people direct anger and negative emotions at them, and discord in their personal relationships makes them feel depressed and helpless. They prefer an atmosphere of polite good will or at least businesslike emotional neutrality and tire of strong emotions such as anxiety, worry, or bad feelings between people, but also euphoria and overenthusiasm.

    SLIs tend to be "down to earth" and "laid back" and become excited only by positive sensory experience or when others approach them with playful, good-natured humor and "positive energy." Otherwise, SLIs can become uncommonly stubborn if people use too much emotion, abstract reasoning, haste, or pressure when dealing with them. To get through to an SLI, give him personal sensory experience (introverted sensing), a dispassioned account of the facts (extraverted logic), fascinating prospects (extraverted intuition), or a warm and sensitive attitude (introverted ethics).
    Go wild.

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    Well, as a non-ISTp, I like it...
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  3. #3
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    The SLI is an experience-oriented type that welcomes adventure and new impressions while maintaining sensory balance and internal integrity. The SLI strives to maximize enjoyment, ease, and utility while preserving autonomy from strong emotional stimuli.
    Sweet jesus, if somehow I had to come up with a way to summarize "me", that'd be a damn good way to do it.

    I generally agree with most that was written except for:
    The SLI's mechanism is slow, but thorough; SLIs are limited in how many people they can know well, but they learn about them "inside out."
    This kinda only applies to very very very few people. I guess i'm more socially retarded or something.

    But this:
    SLIs tend to feel distant from all people whom they do not physically interact with on a day-to-day basis.
    Is more true than I'd care to admit.

    The more formal and purely verbal interaction is, the less involved they feel and the more unsure they are of how to behave.
    This must be why I fucking hate meetings. No, not hate them, abhor them. I wish meetings were people so I could take a boot to his ass.

    It seems that our day-to-day life matters more than anything else, which is why we might seem a little too "here and now" to some people. Generally though I agree with much of what Rick has written.

    Edit: I also wanted to add that I hope this explains to people why we might not seem too interested in contemplation, reflection, or theories for too long. It simply isn't concrete enough for me to accept. I start to worry about models and systems in my head that might not even be true, or might not exactly explain things in the world that ARE.
    "Those who make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities..."

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    jessica129's Avatar
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    This is great. Probobly one of the best descriptions i've read thus far. Please keep it up.

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    I loved reading this description.


    It's just. Great.

    9w1 sp/sx

  6. #6
    snegledmaca's Avatar
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    Well, reading this description I can say with certainty that I am not SLI. This description is very much not me, in fact in some parts it's contradicts me, that is, it seems to describe my opposite. Concretely the weaknesses, disabilities, abilities and preferences.

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    Quote Originally Posted by snegledmaca View Post
    Well, reading this description I can say with certainty that I am not SLI. This description is very much not me, in fact in some parts it's contradicts me, that is, it seems to describe my opposite. Concretely the weaknesses, disabilities, abilities and preferences.
    To be honest I never really thought you were SLI. Something about your posts and views didn't seem dynamic enough, but, I don't like judging people so I kinda kept it to myself.

    "Those who make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities..."

    - Voltaire

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    i'll tear down the sky Mattie's Avatar
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    Wow, this was really well written! Sounds exactly like the person I tag as an ISTp model for when I speak about ISTps, though I was surprised about certain things that were mentioned. Or, less surprised but more having a lightbulb moment to the puzzle pieces fitting together to explain certain behaviors.

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    i'm having the opposite reaction, snegledmaca. that description is making me consider SLI more heh.
    6w5 sx
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    sloan - rcuei

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    Quote Originally Posted by LokiVanguard View Post
    To be honest I never really thought you were SLI. Something about your posts and views didn't seem dynamic enough, but, I don't like judging people so I kinda kept it to myself.
    Well neither did I, but it made the most sense. And still does. Also, me not identifying with this description does not necessarily mean I am not SLI. It would depend on the manner in which I disagree.

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    Quote Originally Posted by snegledmaca View Post
    Well neither did I, but it made the most sense. And still does. Also, me not identifying with this description does not necessarily mean I am not SLI. It would depend on the manner in which I disagree.
    You're right. What parts do you disagree with?
    "Those who make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities..."

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    EffyCold thePirate's Avatar
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    Rick is awesome, love his posts.
    <Crispy> what subt doesnt understand is that a healthy reaction to "FUCK YOU" is and not

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    Quote Originally Posted by LokiVanguard View Post
    You're right. What parts do you disagree with?
    • I am not experience-oriented and the like. I'm extremely risk averse. My safety, comfort comes first. I'm quite comfortable sitting home on my computer not experiencing anything. I am completely not drawn by adventure, new experiences. I never leave my comfort zone.
    • I don't learn about the world primarily through direct personal experience rather than through contemplation, analysis, or talking about things with people. I am very much into theory, contemplation, analysis and especially into talking about these things with people. I spend a lot of my free time, most of it, dabbling with mathematics and physics. I have lot's of my own ideas and theories there, with an emphasis on mathematics, where I even made "new" numbers.
    • I am extremely against forceful behavior and naturally inhibit it, but I'm not what is described there. I don't have a need to care for others, far from it. I don't care about animals, close friends or family, strangers in need. I might help them if the situation calls for it, however my reaction would most likely be resentment for making me do stuff. Not empathy for genuine signs of helplessness and neediness. Personally even if it is absolutely called for I resent them for making me respond. I would resent a drowning man for making me save him. My reaction would be that he was an imbecile to being with, for making me help him, for making me leave my comfort zone, not that of a caring and protective empathizing parent. Animals are the same. I may think they are cute, or that their situation is sad, but I don't empathize, or take action. I much prefer to stay in my comfort zone and do nothing and forget about it. I don't get involved.
    • I am not attentive to those around me. As long as I can stay in my comfort zone, I don't care what others are doing. The idea that this would be my primary means, the most natural way of getting to know people is absurd to say the least. As I completely don't care about others day-to-day behavior patterns, lifestyles, tastes and preferences, what and how they eat, how they dress, how they respond to different stimuli, and many other details of their physical existence. Not-at-all.
    • I don't feel most comfortable interacting with people in situations with some physical or hands-on component, such as watching something together, building something, walking around, touching things, or otherwise involving my senses and body. In fact the exact opposite, the more purely verbal interaction is, the more involved I am, communicate easier, am more sure of myself in general. This is one of the reasons why I was so sure of being an ethical type for so long, my area of strength, confidence is informal verbal communication, one-on-one mental interaction. Like I said somewhere else, oral examination was my favorite thing in high school. I loved the ability to be able to get better grades through my performance. I liked showing off my knowledge and ability. I acted with certainty and confidence, and even with poorer objective knowledge I would get better results then on tests with better objective knowledge.
    • If there is something I can do, if there is something that would characterize me, all else aside, it's my ability to reduce phenomena to their essential characteristics, making it easier to think about things. This is something that I completely complement my IEE friend in. I am able to see the potential in his thoughts. He has lot's of insights, ideas, but not all are valid, and they tend to be unconnected, scattered. I am able to screen out the faulty, defect ones and connect them into a coherent whole and present him with it, showing him how it can be assembled to make something, a valid conclusion of some kind, an insight. In general I have an ability to make sense of others thinking. It takes a while, while I probe their mind, but I can see through the mess and recognize the potential in their thinking. Like I described here, I primarily deal with concepts and am able to see things like this, so no matter what the mess may be in ones mind, head, writing, I can recognize the core concepts and can organize them.

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    SLIs are resistant to fashions and ideas that increase complexity and demonstrate independence and a lack of stereotyped thinking in their lifestyle choices and personal habits.
    This sentence confuses me...

  15. #15
    jessica129's Avatar
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    Snegle, you write too much to be ISTP. No offense.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
    Snegle, you write too much to be ISTP. No offense.
    yeah, seems a bit too in his head doesn't he? hrm

    Quote Originally Posted by tiny_dancer View Post
    This sentence confuses me...
    We're lazy.
    "Those who make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities..."

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    hahahaha Thank you for the synopsis

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    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiny_dancer View Post
    This sentence confuses me...
    I interpreted it as an ambiguous compound sentence:

    SLIs are resistant to fashion and ideas that increase complexity. They also demonstrate independence and a lack of stereotyped thinking in their lifestyle choices and personal habits.
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    ISTps just sound so cool. I like this descrption
    Hi! I'm an ENFP. :-)

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    I like it! Pretty accurate description, IMO.

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    Quote Originally Posted by snegledmaca View Post
    Well, reading this description I can say with certainty that I am not SLI. This description is very much not me, in fact in some parts it's contradicts me, that is, it seems to describe my opposite. Concretely the weaknesses, disabilities, abilities and preferences.
    Judging by the very limited interactions we've had on the forum, I don't get a dual vibe from you. I actually agree with Jessica that you write too much to be ISTp . But hey, only you know best.

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    To get through to an SLI, give him personal sensory experience (introverted sensing), a dispassioned account of the facts (extraverted logic), fascinating prospects (extraverted intuition), or a warm and sensitive attitude (introverted ethics).
    Right on.

    All SLIs share an affinity for simplicity -- a reduction of all that is extraneous, superfluous, unused, unneeded.
    My life experience pretty much confirms this.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Winterpark View Post
    Right on.
    I'm digging your signature, btw.

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    Quote Originally Posted by qbsirena06 View Post
    I'm digging your signature, btw.
    Oh, hi honey. How are you today?
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Winterpark View Post
    Oh, hi honey. How are you today?
    Hello love! I'm good...excited about all the ENFp's and ISTp's running away together (actively using Ne for this purpose).

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    It's well-written and it describes me - I like it.
    SLI/ISTp -- Te subtype

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    Quote Originally Posted by force my hand View Post
    It's well-written and it describes me - I like it.
    Yeah, something not half-english, half-russian, half-whatever-the-hell-language they usually use that makes me want to hurt someone. I could actually understand it this time. And no shapes to decode too. Excellent.

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    I am experiencing a Forer effect because the description is very general. If Rick had dedicated the type description to EII instead of SLI, I would have believed it since I can relate to it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
    Yeah, something not half-english, half-russian, half-whatever-the-hell-language they usually use that makes me want to hurt someone. I could actually understand it this time. And no shapes to decode too. Excellent.

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    Quote Originally Posted by eunice View Post
    I am experiencing a Forer effect because the description is very general. If Rick had dedicated the type description to EII instead of SLI, I would have believed it since I can relate to it.
    You could certainly argue that. However, there are certain types which this description would not apply to.
    SLI/ISTp -- Te subtype

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    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
    Snegle, you write too much to be ISTP. No offense.
    Writing too much is not a anti-SLI thing, I know of a few artistically inclined and socially extroverted SLIs and they tend to write a lot.

    I think sneg has some strong Ni things going on, but I'm really not sure. I'm not even going to guess what his type is.

    I am experiencing a Forer effect because the description is very general. If Rick had dedicated the type description to EII instead of SLI, I would have believed it since I can relate to it.
    Element wise the description very specifically deemphasizes Ti, Se, Fe,Ni and shows weak Ne. Emphasizes introvertedness, a little Te and shows off a whole load Si.

    You can only really say the description is general if you don't know anything about the elements.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by snegledmaca View Post
    • I am not experience-oriented and the like. I'm extremely risk averse. My safety, comfort comes first. I'm quite comfortable sitting home on my computer not experiencing anything. I am completely not drawn by adventure, new experiences. I never leave my comfort zone.
    • I am extremely against forceful behavior and naturally inhibit it, but I'm not what is described there. I don't have a need to care for others, far from it. I don't care about animals, close friends or family, strangers in need. I might help them if the situation calls for it, however my reaction would most likely be resentment for making me do stuff. Not empathy for genuine signs of helplessness and neediness. Personally even if it is absolutely called for I resent them for making me respond. I would resent a drowning man for making me save him. My reaction would be that he was an imbecile to being with, for making me help him, for making me leave my comfort zone, not that of a caring and protective empathizing parent. Animals are the same. I may think they are cute, or that their situation is sad, but I don't empathize, or take action. I much prefer to stay in my comfort zone and do nothing and forget about it. I don't get involved.
    • I am not attentive to those around me. As long as I can stay in my comfort zone, I don't care what others are doing. The idea that this would be my primary means, the most natural way of getting to know people is absurd to say the least. As I completely don't care about others day-to-day behavior patterns, lifestyles, tastes and preferences, what and how they eat, how they dress, how they respond to different stimuli, and many other details of their physical existence. Not-at-all.
    • I don't feel most comfortable interacting with people in situations with some physical or hands-on component, such as watching something together, building something, walking around, touching things, or otherwise involving my senses and body. In fact the exact opposite, the more purely verbal interaction is, the more involved I am, communicate easier, am more sure of myself in general.
    • If there is something I can do, if there is something that would characterize me, all else aside, it's my ability to reduce phenomena to their essential characteristics, making it easier to think about things. This is something that I completely complement my IEE friend in. I am able to see the potential in his thoughts. He has lot's of insights, ideas, but not all are valid, and they tend to be unconnected, scattered. I am able to screen out the faulty, defect ones and connect them into a coherent whole and present him with it, showing him how it can be assembled to make something, a valid conclusion of some kind, an insight. In general I have an ability to make sense of others thinking. It takes a while, while I probe their mind, but I can see through the mess and recognize the potential in their thinking. Like I described here, I primarily deal with concepts and am able to see things like this, so no matter what the mess may be in ones mind, head, writing, I can recognize the core concepts and can organize them.
    Now this I can relate to.

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    Quote Originally Posted by snegledmaca View Post
    • I am not experience-oriented and the like. I'm extremely risk averse. My safety, comfort comes first. I'm quite comfortable sitting home on my computer not experiencing anything. I am completely not drawn by adventure, new experiences. I never leave my comfort zone.
    • I don't learn about the world primarily through direct personal experience rather than through contemplation, analysis, or talking about things with people. I am very much into theory, contemplation, analysis and especially into talking about these things with people. I spend a lot of my free time, most of it, dabbling with mathematics and physics. I have lot's of my own ideas and theories there, with an emphasis on mathematics, where I even made "new" numbers.
    • I am extremely against forceful behavior and naturally inhibit it, but I'm not what is described there. I don't have a need to care for others, far from it. I don't care about animals, close friends or family, strangers in need. I might help them if the situation calls for it, however my reaction would most likely be resentment for making me do stuff. Not empathy for genuine signs of helplessness and neediness. Personally even if it is absolutely called for I resent them for making me respond. I would resent a drowning man for making me save him. My reaction would be that he was an imbecile to being with, for making me help him, for making me leave my comfort zone, not that of a caring and protective empathizing parent. Animals are the same. I may think they are cute, or that their situation is sad, but I don't empathize, or take action. I much prefer to stay in my comfort zone and do nothing and forget about it. I don't get involved.
    • I am not attentive to those around me. As long as I can stay in my comfort zone, I don't care what others are doing. The idea that this would be my primary means, the most natural way of getting to know people is absurd to say the least. As I completely don't care about others day-to-day behavior patterns, lifestyles, tastes and preferences, what and how they eat, how they dress, how they respond to different stimuli, and many other details of their physical existence. Not-at-all.
    • I don't feel most comfortable interacting with people in situations with some physical or hands-on component, such as watching something together, building something, walking around, touching things, or otherwise involving my senses and body. In fact the exact opposite, the more purely verbal interaction is, the more involved I am, communicate easier, am more sure of myself in general. This is one of the reasons why I was so sure of being an ethical type for so long, my area of strength, confidence is informal verbal communication, one-on-one mental interaction. Like I said somewhere else, oral examination was my favorite thing in high school. I loved the ability to be able to get better grades through my performance. I liked showing off my knowledge and ability. I acted with certainty and confidence, and even with poorer objective knowledge I would get better results then on tests with better objective knowledge.
    • If there is something I can do, if there is something that would characterize me, all else aside, it's my ability to reduce phenomena to their essential characteristics, making it easier to think about things. This is something that I completely complement my IEE friend in. I am able to see the potential in his thoughts. He has lot's of insights, ideas, but not all are valid, and they tend to be unconnected, scattered. I am able to screen out the faulty, defect ones and connect them into a coherent whole and present him with it, showing him how it can be assembled to make something, a valid conclusion of some kind, an insight. In general I have an ability to make sense of others thinking. It takes a while, while I probe their mind, but I can see through the mess and recognize the potential in their thinking. Like I described here, I primarily deal with concepts and am able to see things like this, so no matter what the mess may be in ones mind, head, writing, I can recognize the core concepts and can organize them.
    Is there a SLI that reminds you of yourself at all..? I'm trying to understand where you're coming from with your self-typing. Only respond if you want.

    To be honest, I've never met a SLI that is not adventurous in some way... Also, I've never met a SLI that prefers theoretical discussions to doing something "hands-on..." This is kinda random, but I've never met a SLI that didn't feel a strong connection to animals.

    Perhaps I have now that I've spoken w/ you.

    I've known a few SLIs that are able to reduce phenomena of a technical/physical nature, i.e. they're able to explain why certain drugs alter ppl's states in certain ways... But that's about the extent of it.

    I agree that you seem to value Si--that comes through in your writing... Did you consider INFj? Did you ever post a video? Again, only respond if you want--I don't wanna pressure you into defending yourself.
    Last edited by JuJu; 06-18-2008 at 07:08 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    Is there a SLI that reminds you of yourself at all..? I'm trying to understand where you're coming from with your self-typing.
    It comes from lengthy discussions with nifweed. Through analyzing my IME usage it appeared that I have Si and Te in my ego. With Te being the more certain/obvious one. I'm guessing because nifweed himself is Te ego. That coupled with intense preference for delta quadra values made me think delta ST and SLI. I should add that I don't necessarily believe this to be true, I am very much open to suggestions, but at the moment it makes more sense then anything else. It's ads up theoretically and experientially, that is, with everything I have expressed about myself and with my relations with people I know.

    Did you consider INFj?
    The problem with EII is a lack of Fi on my side. Even though a case for Ne can be constructed, with my intense mental curiosity, Ti is by far the likeliest option for the other part of my ego. Actually, if there weren't for my relations with people I know, I think I would've gone with Ti dominance. I have no idea or conception of what Fi is or how it works. Perhaps a theoretical idea, like through what I know of socionics theory, but naturally none.

    Did you ever post a video?
    Nope. And I doubt I will.

    Also, I have to say that it feels nice to see you do all of this respond if you want to stuff, because I do it too. That is, I feel a need to not pressure people as well. Often I feel a strong need to express those sentiments, but I restrain myself. And yet in spite of this strong need to not force, pressure people I feel a strong need to occupy them, their time, attention, place demands on them. When I start conversing on somehtign I find of interest I have no intention of stopping or being disrupted by anything. This places heavy requirements on the other person, perhaps they are not interested, perhaps they wish to spend their time differently, and I am always concerned whether I am unintentionally completely ignoring this, stifling them with these demands of undivided attention, participation from them.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by leckysupport View Post
    ISTp type ... In contrast, many other types are able to effectively ignore people around them and keep distant others in their thoughts.
    which types would these be?

    the rest very nice description

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    All SLIs share an affinity for simplicity -- a reduction of all that is extraneous, superfluous, unused, unneeded. Since their inner world is most affected by their day-to-day living habits and the objects and people they interact with on a daily basis, complexities in these areas make clear thought and feeling difficult. SLIs are resistant to fashions and ideas that increase complexity and demonstrate independence and a lack of stereotyped thinking in their lifestyle choices and personal habits. It is almost impossible to get an SLI to do something that is more complicated than what he is already doing. The same holds true on a mental level; SLIs admire people who are able to reduce phenomena to their essential characteristics, thus making it easier and easier to think about things.
    100% me.

  37. #37
    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeves View Post
    which types would these be?

    the rest very nice description
    I can do this. (IEE). And it makes maintaining a long-distance relationship doable for me. I did it twice! First with my Narcissist first husband, now with my 2nd, SLI Dual husband, love of my life. And he helps me stay present. He's the best. (And its an excellent SLI description; it fits).
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


  38. #38
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    Lol it's like @leckysupport to say "go wild" at Socionics dry info lol
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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